Somehow, this seems like bullshit to me

Somehow, this seems like bullshit to me.

The US still has the means to accurately measure these things.
Portugal doesn't have anybody employed enough to find real statistics.

Just legalize the drugs and let the degenerates off themselves.

yeah, In portugal they're more likely to show up say you need help and leave you in the street suffering

Blame Reagan.

switch portugal with switzerland and you might get closer to the truth

>lol bru jus make a ll drugs illegal then drugs wont be a crime xD fuck u pig u busted me for doin nuffin i was jus smokin crack xdddd
Actual quote from the prime minister of Portugal

Dumb brit... You insult your only true ally?

It is
One, Portugal's drug epidemic has actually tripled since they made them all legal because they're fucking dumbasses
Two, they don't end SWAT teams to go after drug users they do it to go after big dealers and smuggling rings
Leftist pigs have no idea how completly retarded they are and they prove it any time they try to be funny or make an argument

the drug related deaths seems to have decreased at least.