Foreign intervention in Venezuela

Should we? If not, why shouldn't we? I think they learned the lesson, so maybe it's time to shake the dust off our boots and step in?

The only nuisances I can think of:

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Who the fuck would intervene and what would they gain from it?

The only country I can possibly think of would be Colombia to prevent any kind of mass influx of refugees

Are you fucking kidding me you stupid fuck?

If we intervened they would bitch and moan about it then blame everything on us.


Let them sleep in the socialist bed they made.

They haven't learned their lesson until half of them have starved. You need a massive atrocity to drive people away from an ideology, a little struggle does nothing.

>Foreign intervention in Venezuela?

Absolutely not.

Let them die by the millions.
The world must be reminded what Socialism leads to.

>What would they gain from it

Apart from the massive amounts of oil and precious metals ? nothing... I do hear they have really pretty women

SA nations should decide if they want that commie state next to them. If not then you should work together to install new government there.

Fuck no, let this be a lesson to all. You reap what you sow

They already do, and so do the rest of the leftists on planet earth.

This is despite the fact that we have been their #1 trading partner for decades and are literally the main source of funding for their govt by buying 700k-1m barrels of oil per day from them.

No man. Think you will just waltz in and greet you like liberators? The hue hue army will be raped by guerrillas. You think the other South american Nations would approve og dasilvas playing police? Nah man. Let Venezuela implode like it should

Venezuelan here, I cant say for.sure but our country isnt easy pick, we have a large mechanized force decent planes and some SAMs from Russia and our defense strategy is focused on an US backed invasion from colombia or a Sea invasion from the Caribbean. It wont be easy for you uncle san and remember is latin america not the middle east, you will be labeled as demons if you really invade my country, venezuela is not panama or cuba

Man dasilvas have such a fucking superiority Are not a superpower.

No they need to die.. They must reap what they have sown, that's the only way to help them

>Let them sleep in the socialist bed they made.
Precisely this. They got exactly what they voted for.

you need to be for the fuckin lefties here feel the need to do it. DO IT NOW.


>helping socialists

Nope. Let them die, it's their fault after all.

As in, should BRAZIL intervene?

I know that you guys have the raw vital experience working in prohibitive tropical/poor urban/rural environments, but yeah fucking right.

You are probably a fucking chavista commie living the good life in the US. No venezuelan soldier with half a brain is going to risk his life if a real invasion were to happen there.

brazil just removed their president or whatever, they're not in postition to do to anything

Nigger, they got in this mess themselves, its up to them to get outta it

This and this.



The S.O.S. is related to lack of medicine and food, they want humanitarian help.

Better dead than chavista, and now is madurista the eternal commander chavez is dead ( offical title ) well if an invasion really happens hope not and the army starts to see Venezuelans die they will.defend the country but if the intervention Is really to take maduro out of the power, they will back it

Which is why I don't expect the US to intervene, and it shouldn't, regardless. But I do believe Brazil and Colombia should intervene militarily and temporarily control the Venezuelan government until the situation is at least stabilized. The only real "threat" would be Bolivia, although I'm sure they be rather easily persuaded into just sitting down and staying the fuck quiet while we're at it.

So they're literally eating cats and dogs to avoid starving to death and will soon be eating each other, and IF Brazil and Colombia step in, they label us demons? Sounds unlikely. Why are they begging for help then?

>or whatever
You don't really know what you're talking about. We're fine, Temer took over with his cabinet, been doing a great job so far.

That's the thing... they're already pretty far down the hole they dug themselves in, soon they'll be literally eating each other.

>and the army starts to see Venezuelans die
>if the intervention Is really to take maduro out of the power, they will back it

you're talking about a country with over 80 per 100k homicide rate. Venezuelans are being killed like flies, many in the hands of the army.

>soon they'll be literally eating each other.

Socialists really do share everything, don't they?


let the world see what happens to a misguided cunt that is objectively abundant both resource-wise and human capital-wise

external intervention would help Venezuelans but also commies who can't help but play eternal victims, not unlike the most beloved group on this board; they made their choice, let them ride it out

>what would we gain from it


I don't even know where to start if we wanted to fix Venezuela.

Deporting Chavez's daughter who's worth 4 billion in stolen oil money from New York would be a start

>my country, venezuela

Get the fuck out of America then and go back to YOUR country you spic piece of shit

Absolutely this.

arming the citizens would be a good start, right now all of Venezuela is a gun free zone, that's also why nobody can fight back against the leftist government

Why don't we just turn all of those commie countries in SA into brazilian colonies? I'm sure none would mind..

They have guns

They'd just rather kill each other for crime than actually mount a rebellion

get the fuck out

Sup Forums has spoken, the overwhelming majority wins. So we just sit back, relax, and watch the carnage show as it goes. Welp, time to get comfy.

fuck off retard, this country has enough dead weight already

>Should we? If not, why shouldn't we? I think they learned the lesson, so maybe it's time to shake the dust off our boots and step in

Hello there, my jewish friend!

How are you finding the weather here in Brazil?

They are being killed by the hampa lowlife criminals and not like flies, jesus shit is bad but not african lvls of bad. Also you are talking about the national guard, military police

I agree
But dont you dare to touch colombia and we are all set

>muh 100 billion
Daily reminder that the USSR had no famines after 1947.
Yugoslavia, which was the closest thing to a textbook example of long term large scale socialism, had no famines for almost all of its existence. Same with Hungary, DDR, and Czechoslovakia.

Hardly, Chavez kicked US industry and energy corporations out and made them state run, turned out well eh? And when we tried to build bridges again, he went to the UN and made speeches about how we were Satan and would burn.

Lets also not forget their Axis of Evil friends who won't be rescuing them anytime soon, just the profiteering Indians trading oil for cheap medical supplies.

>why shouldn't we?

Because it's already finished. No point in giving the world's commies another excuse as to why communism resulted in nothing more than dead bodies.

They must learn to repent. For if not, they will burn in hell for being the thieves they are.

>not wanting to take all their natural resources while feeding them scraps
Have you learned nothing from our portuguese fathers?

>They have guns

Not the general citizenry


The Chinese have.

Ah, Top Quality Russian Engineering.
Come on, Venezuelan armed forces are only there to give the appearance of power and fear from the USA... and control the inevitable riots.
Just like in North Korea.

Installing a new government would be REALLY hard. Corruption, ignorance and the fact Venezuelans are only good to make a lines makes impossible to install a working government.

In the other hand, defeating the army should be a piece of cake. I estimate 2 weeks, breaking their record in Iraq.
I'm also sure Venezuela would also become even more of a mess.

>Don't intervene get refugees
>Intervene get blamed for it get 25% less refugees

Really? You are going to be sympathetic for communists while carrying my flag on your post?

Fucking embarrassing gas yourself

wew lad

>no famines for almost all of its existence
The beauty of Socialism. Almost no famines.

Hello Pinochet.

>Daily reminder that the USSR had no famines after 1947.
But they had food rationing in the late 80s until its collapse. Socialism = Poverty

>muh natural resources

spoken like a true third world leftist retard eternally condemned to poverty
natural resources can't make a country rich, human resources can.

>Being good enough to intervene anywehre besides their own favelas
And they can barely even do that.
South America is americas puppet. So we should intervene and kick the fucking commies out of the government

I don't want any Venezuelan rapefugees



>is bad but not african lvls of bad

Caracas is the most violent city in the world.

Yet you shit fucks are allowed to invade my nations at will.


>Hardly, Chavez kicked US industry and energy corporations out and made them state run, turned out well eh? And when we tried to build bridges again, he went to the UN and made speeches about how we were Satan and would burn.
You're a moron mate.

They did kick them out, but I bet there was some form of espionage.

Jews love a bit of espionage.

Also worth listening to uncle Spain, they know better.

Gran Colombia again then.

>natural resources can't make a country rich, human resources can.
Tell that to Norway and Saudi Arabia.

If it happens it has to be a South American initiative. Should the U.S. intervene it will legitimize the "muh imperialism" narrative that the band of thieves running Venezuela have been using to justify their continued incompetence and corruption.

I think the best hope for Venezuela comes from the Venezuelan people. As the situation worsens they will come to see how they have been robbed, fooled, and betrayed by the socialist lie and will hopefully use the legal instruments of power to oust the crooks in charge.

>Hardly, Chavez kicked US industry and energy corporations out and made them state run, turned out well eh?
your country's history in latin america is indefensible
why would you pretend here that american presence in that country is good?
chavez understood that *whatever* happens, less americans in his country is better
and you want to sing the song of told you so on Sup Forums? American corporations should have stayed there that's what you think?
fucking lol

I don't support Chavez or the USSR.
I'm an American and proud of it and make not going to censor myself.

>natural resources can't make a country rich
I get that we have too much corruption but come on now.

What do you expect? Eastern Europe was ruined in WWII, and if Yugoslavia had any famines, they were probably around then.

It'll work out, two generations in and their kids will be assimilated into our awesome American culture and will give two shits about Venezuela, parents will pay most of it back by working for nothing at jobs we won't have to do. Mexicans and other south Americans are basically our Polish, they do the shit that pays nothing like picking produce or cleaning homes, and we reap the benefits of non union labor with no rites to protest, and don't forget rite to work states.

>natural resources can't make a country rich

Yeah. Like in Kuwait. They have so much oil yet they are starving. Poor fuckers.

>America has never had a famine in the course of 240 years

Feels great, nigga.

If you've ever met a Venezuelan you'd know why not go bother. They are absolutely garbage people and their government is a result of that.

That was when the whole country began to fall apart. Market shock therapy in the early 90s made things worse.

what's the non-meme, non-shilling reason Venezuela is failing? I have been told it's because they're economy was relying only on oil exports and they didn't diversify. If this is true, why are Venezualan intellectuals the mental equivalent of an American retard?

Natural resources plus lack of human resources to administrate it equals Venezuela.

>Venezuelan Air Force

>Brazilian Air Force

Nope. Beter let them die.
Soros will take good care of them. And their oil fields, Im sure.

only niggers post that, you stupid nigger

that just means a few people managed to claim all of it. unlike civilized countries like the scands, where the resource money is paid to everyone

Let's the Dominican Republic handle Venezuela.

rich even before independence

>Saudi Arabia

now go look at Japan, natural resources mean nothing

that's barely a country, my city is more populous.

Not entirely true. There was some serious crop damage in the 1860s. Also the US was never an autocracy and was hardly ever invaded.

Natural resources let you buy human resources, like all the countries in the middle east that buy engineers with 6 figure salaries.

Natural resources arent the only ingredient to create a succesful economy. Dependence on something is not good, Venezuela is a great example, does Singapore have many natural resources?

Nice try lizard man.

Send them to Santo Domingo, and also nice trips.

>does Singapore have many natural resources?
Yes, it has the best port in the world after Panama. If anything Singapore is an example of the importance of natural resources.

Anyone esle ready for the conflict to play out like this.


Nah, that is low-hanging fruit.

>does Singapore have many natural resources

They have high IQ people. But don't get your hopes up. This is a natural resource that will forever be out of reach for South America, unless you want to organize a proper genocide and resettle with real humans.

Alberta is not getting much of a help from the Canadian government even if we are burning and losing oil money. No one we can help other countries.

>what would they gain from it?
That place is a nest of leftists. Who ever invade it can start selling safari style tours for people willing to hunt commies

Socialists deserve to rot

If we help them it just shows that socialism works because someone is always there to save your ass

Indeed, show the world how their system actually works. It's like Russia in the 80s down there.


>no famines after 1947.
>considering this an accomplishment

The U.S. never had a famine. Not even once. Even at the worst of the Great Depression there was enough to eat.

Also: after 1947 there were multiple times when the Soviet Union would have had a famine except for U.S. grain exports. We were literally feeding our enemy under the theory that nuclear war was more likely if the Soviet Union was on the verge of collapse.

Fucking socialists. I would beat socialist skulls in with a baseball bat if I could get away with it.

Singapore was a shithole during most of its existence because the Asians living there are subhumans, they need iron-fist rules in order for them to act civilized. If law enforcement in Singapore were to become as lax as it is in America they would go back to being monkeys.
Fortunately for them they have a very small country that's very easy to manage.

And the reason they are rich is because the big majority of ships going to China, SK and Japan must go through their port. Imagine if Panama was as small as Singapore, it would probably be the richest country.

we are going to take ur land back .