Daily reminder that no is 100% gay or 100% straight

Daily reminder that no is 100% gay or 100% straight.

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>no is 100% gay or 100% straight
What is yes then? 50% bi?

>Yesss!! good goy! divide and rule keeps you under wraps!

Daily reminder that there is no 100% Attack Chopper or 100% Priests for The Church of the flying spaghetti monster

Except for this thread. It is 100% gay.

Burn faggot

100% of my sexual partners have been the opposite sex, what's your point faggot?

Brilliant analogy there shill


Doesn't matter, you still find guys attractive to some degree

>sexual partners
My point is that you should leave my board.

Faggot you are at best 5% of the population there is nothing to divide we don't need the support of you or other mentally damaged people like animal fuckers, the mentally deranged, the retarded and the psychotic which make up roughly 10%. in any given country

Daily reminder that whoever says this is a degenerate

it's the mental illness propaganda thread

that doesn't have anything to do with being homosexual

Daily reminder that OP is still a faggot

I miss her, Sup Forums

His father need to punch him.

This is very loose butthole of you ash.

nope, chicks are stimulate me with their appearance, their smell, their touch, their behaviour and their potential in child-rearing while men are only mentally stimulating; the former do wonders for muh dick, the latter do wonders for my business and maintaining productive long-lasting friendships

just because you identify as a faggot does not imply everyone else is, otherwise there would be no such word as a faggot

>my board

She had this old YouTube account in 2013, where she had long hair, and made the same edgy videos on a smaller scale with much less viewers. She commented on a guitar video of mine once out of nowhere and I checked her channel out. She was hot as fuck with long hair dude.

who is no?

Keep telling yourself that, faggot.

Well of course I can see if a person of the same sex has supreme physical features, same goes with anything else, I can see a really beautiful horse for example and that does not automatically equal to me wanting to fuck him.

Now we have this ugly whore instead.

The quality of Sup Forums attention whores declined with the time.

I feel you man

>tfw you will never be a qt grill with Sup Forums and right wing views so you can make money off of just spouting the same shit that literally thousands of men have said

I'm comfortably at least 98% straight. I don't fear the penis, but I've experimented enough that I don't intend to ever touch one (other than my own) again.

Especially if it's erect.

Otherwise, no fucks to give about other people. Do whatever turns you on and enjoy life. I certainly like a few things that most other people don't really care for.

to the degree that science keeps evolving so they can look like women

daily reminder being anything other than 100% straight is a mental illness or done for attention

I wish she would come back

and no I did not add the censor bar so don't blame me

Yes. I love being mentally stable and fucking my heterosexual girlfriend who has heterosexual sex with me, a man.

Up vote if you agree

its obviously a girl you idiot.

Post more Ashley, you defect homo

What is the problem when I can tell if guys are good looking or not? I dont want to fuck them you know.
I am 100%straight.

Do all of you gays think that bullshit?

that censor bar is ok.
this webm is perfect :^)

i miss her so much

now theres someone trying to replace her with the canadian jew.


a whole month of this shit.

the quality of threads in the past months has gone to shit since the r/donald refugees have came here and shills invading this board.

i might take a break from this /r9k/ board

zimmerman, dorner, and mattress girl were peak Sup Forums. it's been shit for a while now.

does he has youtube channel?
