Why is american beer so, heh, piss poor?

Why is american beer so, heh, piss poor?

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Its what European taste buds yearn for. Americans dont drink this shit.

Nobody drinks that shit

>why are American burgers so shit
>Pic of mcdicks

If you buy cheap shit don't be surprised when it sucks.

Our craft beer is fucking amazing with all the local breweries in the US.

All I'm hearing is butthurt.

Actually history lesson in bound

Before WWI women stayed in the home and the men would drink a dark beer after work. After WWI prohibition struck people didn't drink beer per say but drank more illegal hard liquor. After this the Great Depression hit people wanted to drink as cheap of stuff as they could leading to the advent of light beers men still preferred the dark stuff though. Next WWII hits men drink dark beers like Guinness after work the depression has ended. Pearl Harbor happens America joins the war most men are out of work and over seas. Women fill the job market and make the military wares. Women get off work and drink a dark beer. Women like it, but... they're afraid that since it's a heavier drink it'll make them fat. Bars Decide to remove Guinness from tap and replace it with a light cheap beer like Budweiser. Women are happy that they can drink more with out fear of getting as fat. Bars are happy because they sell cheap bear at Guinness prices. Men comeback home and are disheartened that Guinness is gone. They want their Guinness but no bar has it on tap anymore and the only Choice they have is bud men learn to like it women feel like if men drink it they'll get fat hence bud light then Marlboro man add changes the game men smoke filtered cigarettes and with time drink women's beer.

Bump because I worked hard on this.

Bump for the same reason.

You shudda worked harder.

You make me sad.

tl;dr - American men let American women fuck over their beer and instead of righting this wrong, they accepted it and now the men drink like women. Faggots.

Because real men don't drink beer.

Here's an idea, come up with an original idea for a thread instead of clinging onto another user's coat tails like a drowning rat.

American men drink hard liquor, out women drink beer. Are you here because Jamal wont let you watch while he cucks you?

American beer is the best in the world.


Just like American cars I guess, right?

Not all restaurants are McDonald's, you should travel more


americans a whiiiiiiite!!!!

>Actually history lesson in bound
Then you link to someone else that writes coherently, backed up by evidence, instead of whatever you call this that you worked hard on.
Don't work so hard. Look up what diminishing returns are, if you need help understanding why. I still doubt you'd fully grasp why I'm saying these things but it's worth a shot, for me.

Wow, bullshit right here on Sup Forums for easy consumption. Pilsner is just cheaper to make and legitimately tastes good. I wish you fucks would go be hipsters elswhere.
Took me one fucking Google to prove your shit wrong

American cars are the only kind of cars. The big 3 own everything an run it by proxy. Furthermore, Ford does make the best cars in the world, again, go be a hipster elsewhere. Especially if you think euro cars are good at all. Ford >Honda >Mazda >gm and everything else is irrelevant and shit

Because you only tried the ones advertised to you
You can get 312 or Shiner at a gas station. Other things like Butte Porter and ziegenbock are more top notch and available at plenty of bars

American beer is like having sex in a canoe.
It's fucking close to water.

Coors and miller are shit. But Budweiser products are so good.

Try full flavor Budweiser

>Budweiser products are so good.
Objectively false statement.

I drink that shit when I'm doing yard work or floating on the river cause it's 104F down here in the summer and I don't want to be trying to drink an ale or some other fancy beer.

Usually I drink a local brew though.

also, Stella Artois is fuckin piss and Eurofags are all over that shit

Like the only thing they do not import and see what's happening. Fucking trash country.

If you don't like regular Budweiser, Budweiser platinum, and especially those secret microbrews they do annually for 4th of July then you sir are not a beer man or a beer lover imo