Donald Trump Paid $0 In Taxes In 1981

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The desperation from you liberal, mud-blooded faggots is sickening.

Why do you support scumbags who don't pay their taxes? How can you believe that Trump will tax the rich like he says?

>takes advantage of a provision 40 years ago
>40 years later says people shouldn't do that

There's things I did 5 years ago I already think I was an asshole for doing, what is the problem with changing?

Every single American should do everything in their power to pay as little taxes as possible. Good for Trump.

Holy shit fucking checked

Hillary Shills BTFO for the next decade

You think it's fair that he can get away with this shit and not niggers?

My bet is that Donald Trump pays no taxes most years.
Which one of you suckers wants to match it?

>Donald Trump Paid $0 In Taxes In 1981

That's about what CorrectTheRecord should pay you for this shit-tier shill post.

>Correct The Record will invest more than $1 million into Barrier Breakers 2016 activities, including the more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms...


Get away with what shit? If you use the laws of the land to increase your billfold, then do it.

I don't blame niggers for being welfare queens, I blame the people that vote to subsidize their lifestyle. The people themselves are actually just doing what's been made available to them.

As long as the thousands of his employees paid I am OK with this.

I don't care if he taxes the rich or not. I want the Mexicans out. They do not belong in this country.


Are you implyinf he did something illegal?

>not paying your income tax is totally fine guys

reminder that we went to war with the British over 2% consumption tax. Taxes are anti american.

If he did something illegal maybe you should report it :^)

he lost more in his investments than he made.
why should he pay taxes on negative income?

So what? That's my goal. Did he cheat or use the legal means?

Whenever he bankrupts a company his employees get fucked over while he runs with the cash.


We don't care.

We don't blame him for not wanting to pay taxes to niggers, spics and jewish wars.

>Trump paid $0 in taxes in 1981
All that means is the laws at the time benefited the rich.

If Trump would've paid more taxes than legally allowed, the MSM would say he was an idiot for paying too much.

He had real estate that devalued more than he took in. So he could report it as a loss.
basically, in that year he lost money, not gained it.

Retards are mad because he was still a millionaire.

Trust me, if he did something illegal and denied Uncle Sam his piece of Trump's fortune, he'd get slammed so fucking hard by the IRS his fucking head would spin.

If he didn't pay any income tax in 1981, he found a way to do so legally.

Even if it was illegal, it wouldn't matter to me. Just because he happened to not pay taxes one time 35 years ago doesn't mean he wants open borders and mass importation of mudslimes.

All I want out of a Trump presidency is a wall at our southern border, and while I don't expect things to do a full 180, as long as we don't keep going in the wrong direction, I'm satisfied. Your post, and every post shills like you have ever made about him have never proven to me that he doesn't want to do those things. I don't think anything ever will.

>I want these illegals out! They tax evade!
>I love Trump! He tax evades!

>Donald Trump paid $0 in taxes in 1981

Good for him

I'll wait till there is legal action regarding this before paying any more attention. If this story has any merit (which I doubt) the left will try to fire at him with this.

>Draft dodger
>Tax avoider

He doesn't say he'll tax the rich nor would anyone but a socialist faggot like yourself want him to

Not being liable to pay taxes is not the same as being an illegal immigrant using amenities.

If you don't like that he wasn't required to pay taxes that year, look into the procedures that allowed him not to and bring it up with your congressman. After he tells you to fuck off for being an idiot that doesn't understand tax law, come back and bitch some more.


>hehe drumpf doesnt pay taxes!!! #feelthebern
since when being a smart businessman is bad cucks

>Used a legal way to avoid paying taxes
>Illegally being here and illegally not paying taxes

Huge difference

Who cares? Taxes are theft, Canada before World War One had zero income taxes or corporate taxes. The taxes we pay today were meant to be temporary.

Taxes pay for welfare so shitskins can spit out more kids. If you pay taxes you are literally a cuck.

can you imagine the kind of shit you have to donate and do to get enough tax credits to have to pay nothing at the end of the year?

way more than the credits you receive, thats for sure.

Legally? Then good for him.

About a decade ago, my business paid no taxes for two years because the government of my country makes dumb laws. Best two years of my life.

Stop it guys, you're feeding the Shill's wallet

real state takes several years to turn a profit. it is perfectly reasonable to delay taxes


i didn't pay any taxes in 1981 either

whats the big deal?


>I want people to pay more taxes than they should waaaah waaH WAAAAHHH I WANT JUAN TO RAPE MY WIFE WAAA

wow it's almost like letting people keep their money is a good thing

I want them out because they're smelly brown gremlins with low IQs and a savage, backwards barbarian culture that is fundamentally incompatible with our Anglo-Saxon roots.


Pretty damn accurate

so what? He didn't do anything illegal. Just because he rallies against the current laws doesn't mean he can't take advantage of them.

Good for him.

$0 dollars is the correct amount.

>Whenever he bankrupts a company his employees get fucked over while he runs with the cash.
Do you know what companies he has bankrupted?

So many of you shills spout "he's bankrupted companies and that caused so much heartache!"

But when asked, you don't even know what companies they were, what the circumstances were, and who was affected.

Pretending you care about the effects of something without knowing the effects of something is exactly what I'd expect from someone with a desperate agenda.

Lying to the IRS about your income isn't a legal practice my friend

>not reading his tax plan
>not knowing that the only way to pay 0 taxes is via deductions
>deductions that his tax plan aims to get rid of
he knows the system is broken because he's exploited it himself

So you think he did something illegal.

You should report that to the IRS :^)

You need to be pure from birth to these people.

>Lying to the IRS about your income

What did he lie about?

t. Cletus

>Stop it guys, you're feeding the Shill's wallet
Call it my contribution to charity.

t. Pedro

I'd rather have a businessman who exploited the tax system in charge of fixing it than a politician who probably doesn't even understand half of the provisions to be quite honest with you family.

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign

So you don't want them out or becoming legal citizens for actual practical reasons, you want them out because of your fee fees.

>The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income.


When did he lie to the IRS? There's absolutely no evidence of anything of the sort happening. You're just making shit up now.


Did the IRS indict him? No?

Then where's the problem?

Doesn't sound like lying to me

Where's the lie? The law's the law. If you're allowed to report a certain way, you CAN report a certain way. It's basic business accounting 101.

Holy fuck I wasn't born for 5 more years now I'm a Cruz missle.

Them being stupid and refusing to assimilate is are practical reasons for their removal.

Good for him.
Now he definitely has my vote.

that's like basic accounting, anyway I never expect people to not be retarded on that area and on tax laws.

He didn't lose anything either if it's a devaluation btw, unless he sold his shit the same year. or maybe it's different in the US

>taken advantage of a tax-code provision
So where's the lie?

Yes you can carry loss forward and backwards and jointly file parent companies with their subsidiaries. It's called the internal revenue code.

Can I avoid to pay taxes?


>Correct The Record will invest more than $1 million into Barrier Breakers 2016 activities, including the more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms...


Stop feeding the CTR shill OP quarters.

So he's Greek?

That's not illegal you dumb shit, his properties devalued more than he profited that year. He lost money, not gained it, that year. Since his income was net-negative, he had no tax to pay. That's the way income tax worked at the time.

How is wanting to make america great again stupid? Are you anti american?

that tax code provision exists in every civilized country, we also have carry back and shit

>Donald Trump has paid in taxes more than the collective visitors of 4cucks since birth in 2005
The taxes of that guy support millions of NEETs,niggers,welfare queens,nubama phones and other useless bloated spendings

You should thank him



Unfortunately, you need to get rich first.

The IRS is shockingly adept at exploiting poorfags.

>Why would you trust someone whose knowledge of the system is deep enough that he can exploit and completely dominate it?
>When you could trust a guy who's never had a public sector job and whose ideas on taxes come mostly from unproven socialist theory?

A meme president is not going to make this country better.


He wasn't a registered republican until 1987, so the left is just following cuckervative logic that shit he did in the 80s counts the same as shit he did in the current tax year.

Since the 80s are on the table, let's talk about Hillary's drug trafficking using American tax dollars.

Calling somebody Drumpf wont either

>i hate dad

I was born covered in blood and screaming. I like to think I've become purer since.

>they don't pay taxes
>they live off of welfare in spite of not paying taxes

>their employers don't pay taxes
>working conditions get worse and they can legally take lower wages than a citizen

>they commit so much crime that police cannot enforce in areas they live in
>they are totally undocumented so they can hide from law enforcement forever

>they smuggle in drugs/weapons and smuggle out kidnapped sex slaves because the border is completely unprotected
>the same gangs kidnapping/raping people here have actually dismantled the mexican government in most of northern mexico, there is no one to help us but their government refuses to let us enter ourselves to recover kidnapped citizens

>all of mexico's economy is based on lax american trade laws and subsidies for mexican products
>most of the mexican government is run by card-carrying La Raza racial supremacists
>mexico actively releases criminals across the border so they don't have to jail them
>interracial violence from mexicans is constant and they actively spread their mestizo nationalist movements
>this is all subsidized by the US government

They commit massive amounts of crime, they hate whites, they form massive ghettos that destroy areas and make law enforcement impossible, and the US government forbids border patrol from arresting anyone. A lot of the crimes they commit are interracial and intentionally so, most of their gangs and government are based around their racial supremacy movement. All of their military uses old American gear we gave them for free.

They just so happen to also be taking our tax dollars, undercutting American businesses, and forcing wages down while diminishing service and working conditions. They don't do this because they are superior workers or a difference in work ethic, it is because Mexican businesses and non-citizens have additional legal rights legitimate Americans do not.

Deporting them is only treating the symptoms, we need a solid border.

did he break the law?

i wonder how many of the people bitching about this received unemployment or food benefits they didn't deserve which actually was illegal

be Trump or an illegal immigrant

>At the beginning of Trumps run he literally says he abuses the stupidity of the US and says that he can fix loopholes.


You're like those annoying cucks who will find something of trumps and say "OMG look it was made in another country, BTFO trumpfags" Even though his entire campaign is based around the fact that it is cheaper for companies to make things in China and he says he'll fix it.

God The Trumpcucks ITT are so delusional. I hope for your sake you're actually being paid, no one can be this retarded.

false equivalence

>Le superior liberal intelligence meme

This statement is completely insane. Did you actually look at his 1981 taxes? Did you see what his gross income was? No?(liberals never so research out of fear that it will prove them wrong) Then shut the fuck up.

This mindset is why you will never be successful. Not taking advantage of the system and playing it within the rules of the game means you're hopelessly doomed to wage slavery.