Are the Japanese degenerate?

Are the Japanese degenerate?

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Try "superior"


They sucked at photoshop back then



weeb, plz

Of course

This pic real?

Yes, the Japanese were no better than the Nazis

No, Japs are bro tier

When are the japs going to apologize for these war crimes that they committed?

>Rape of nanking
>Unit 731
>Pearl harbor
>Cannibalism of australian troops during the kokoda track campain
>the massacre of 66 australian nurses
>the bombing of protected hospital ships
>comfort women
>cannibalism of american pilots at chichijima
>the bataan death march
>the sandakan death march of which only 6 australians survived out of 2000

Nice copypasta. Fuckoff.

No how about you fuck off weeaboo scum japs deserved way more then 2 nukes that whole country should have been glassed fuck the slant eye gooks fucking savages

Yes but its okay. It's just a Filipino.

>butthurt korean detected

When the Americans will apologize for its war crimes?
>The genocide of Indians
>The slave labor of blacks
>Demonstrate how nuclear bombs against the civilian population of Japan
>The shooting of civilians in Afghanistan
>Capture Iraq
>Coup in Georgia
>Bombing Libya
>The revolution in Ukraine

even if this were a case of rigor mortis the babies limbs and head would be drooping more. this is obviously a fucking doll and you'd be an idiot to believe it were a live or dead baby.

The Japs have been apologizing their asses off since the 50's.


Japs are the very definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing

>implying they wouldn't do it again if WWIII started tomorrow.

Someone say another nuke?

>implying everyone doesn't have some apologizing to do

>Be Chang
>Living in the U.S
>Hates Japs more than anyone could ever fathom
>Goes to Sup Forums to bitch about it
>Bitches about it
>Ruskie one up cucks him

>Are the Japanese degenerate?

japanegros are not our ally
germany had literally sent alliance requests to mexico before japan.

both are not white you cucks

>t. Ching Chang Chong

thats obviously a doll, a child would be to heavy to stay on the blade and not fall off.

While at the same time writing textbooks denying doing anything and about having their top politicians visiting the Yasakuni shrine where class A war criminals are venerated as martyrs.
It's not that strange that their neighbours don't buy their ambigiously worded "apologies".

>Are the Japanese degenerate?

less than the west, but I'm sure this is just a bait thread

>Showing respect for people who died for their country is bad
Hello Jew

They're honorary whites
so, yes

Not if you burn them first.

For the japanese thats an honor killing so its ok cause their culture honors it right

11 gorillion

Does anyone else think that since they were so brutal to the Chinese and other countries during WW2, this is why they are cursed with low birthrates?

I also feel the same way about Germany against the Jews. Going against Gods Chosen People has cursed Germany with low birthrates and degeneracy, and since the Japanese allied with Germany, they must too suffer.

I'm from korea and the only thing the nips have to apologize for is sending over the jpop jew to our shores

Niggers of the East.

>war criminals are heroes too dude
Sven, just because they're not white dosen't make them muslim. You don't have to protect them.

It has nothing to do with securalism,and growing rates of atheism,apathy,and nihilism in the youth.

>>The genocide of Indians
>>The slave labor of blacks
>>Demonstrate how nuclear bombs against the civilian population of Japan
>>The shooting of civilians in Afghanistan
>>Capture Iraq
We didn't capture Iraq, we liberated it.
>>Coup in Georgia
>>Bombing Libya
>>The revolution in Ukraine

The japs have done nothing as bad as compared america, canada, Australia, China (currently has 3 genocides going on) or even better yet the UK ever heard of an old imperial country call Great Britain

They're superior to us. I would move there in a split second. Especially since they gave us the gift of anime.

that pic shows otherwise


Don't be mad at them just because they can still kill whales Harald.

My bad wrong one

Wah, whitey is better at everything than my people …...

The japs have done nothing as bad as compared america, canada, Australia, China (currently has 3 genocides going on) or even better yet the UK ever heard of an old imperial country call Great Britain

Korean reich will rise

I've seen the levels of murcury and PCBs in whale meat, they can keep it.

Everyone is old in japan

Wait, you guys can't get whale in Sweden anymore? That seriously sucks mate.
But its so tasty.

>No Japs are bro tier.

The japs have proud traditions when it comes to pornography.

Man, that looks good. Fucking gook genes trying to kill me.

Will it?

As a proud redditeur, accomplished gentleman, and loyal goy, it is my job to hate the Japanese.

Whale is tasty, but a little chewy. It's like a beef steak with a unique flavour, it's nothing like fish.

Exactly. This.

>Implying Gods must answer to mere common mortals.
>Based Japan.

Nobody cares right now, just united in hatred against the eternal Chink for fucking with thier economies and the US partially for ending it's weak faggot politicians into shark tanks. Trump will solve that, even if they'll need to shell out more for defense.


No. They were even more nationalist than the Nazis. America won't be great again until we stop putting non-Americans' interests before our own.

Typically advanced countries don't ruin their country by breeding like rabbits. The average african has like 5+ children while americans only have like 2 children.

Don't you have some pretty strict food purity laws? How does whale meat figure into that?

Fuck it, not as if I'd be able to have any.

Well they're the only significant East Asians who seem to have preserved their ancient culture rather than choose to abandon it in favour of globalism or internationalist gommunism or whatever.

Even if their culture is ridiculous, it's much better than no culture at all.

You can't tell me what to do!

Watch The Last Samurai

Have you seen their porn? They are very degenerate. But unlike their WW2 past, they keep to fantasy, mostly. Anime is degenerate.

>Anime is degenerate

as a proud redditor, i couldn't agree more. anime is very degenerate.

I fully admit the Japs are superior race to us Whites.

>How does whale meat figure into that?
No idea whatsoever.
>Fuck it, not as if I'd be able to have any.
Meh, you might get the opportunity one day.

To slavs maybe but they lack drive to innovate like whites


This. Turanians are the true master race.

Japs were not only degenerate but shit at war.

This notion of Japanese "honour" and "superiority" is laughable at best.

They were doing the right think when they were killing the chinks. Look at the chinks now.

t. nigger/spic/jap/mehmet

>Look at the chinks now.
But the japs beating up the Guomindang (the guys you were allied with) is what enabled the communists to take over in the first place.

>commies hiding like cowards and then striking when their brethren are weakened
The war made all kinds of the wrong people win.

When you say cursed, and you mean occupied by kikes & americans that destroyed your country & culture and placed a puppet government. Then yes you are cursed.

Get lost gook or I'll summon her to cut you down

Says the white cuck who never learned anything about Asia expect his pathetic naruto book

What? The Japs have been apologizing for decades, this is common knowledge.

Your post doesn't make sense.

still much more innovative than asians (exept for olden days chinese)

First time reading this.

>Red Button

Too rich, why is this not used more regularly?

cool shop, bro.

Two nukes weren't enough.

Well, the ones in your picture were degenerates, but we killed them, didn't we.

No they didn't. And they edit their textbooks and lie across the country. Japanese are wild dogs put in the cage right now. If you ever release it, they'd be full nazi human experiment mode in a day


t. Jackie Chan

Apparently the rest of Asia does not agree that makes up for the repeated textbook controversies, the war criminals at the Yasukuni shrine etc.