Daily reminder Trump

...is an anti-worker, anti-union, corporate shill. This supreme court nominees were literally hand picked shills by the Heritage Foundation, the corporatist of all corporate shills.

Do you faggots seriously think a billionaire gives a shit about you or me? First thing he does in the white house is a give himself a big fat tax cut. I would actually want to see the total disappointment of all you fags on Sup Forums if he was elected if it won't be a fucking disaster for not just the country but the entire world.

>implying our only other choice is not going to be this and then some.

Hillary is unapologetically a jew banker shill. She has so many big money donors she should be wearing a Nascar sponsor jacket.

Fuck Hillary. I'd rather have Trump than that lying bitch.


praise the lord

Fucking GOOD.

>implying our only other choice is not going to be this and then some.

Voting for the lesser of two evils has been going on in this country since the election of 1796. Welcome to politics.

The only thing that matters is the US Supreme Court. That's the only thing that a president can really do in this climate. And Trump is going to put people like John Roberts on the court, which would be akin to putting the CEO of Walmart on the US Supreme Court. While Obama and Hillary are horrible, they are far superior in that they would not people that are hand picked puppets of the Heritage Foundation like Drumpf.

do you think hillary gives a shit about you or me when she takes money handed to her by people that funded 9/11 and she actively supports more refugees coming to america

YEAH LET'S GO BACK TO CHILD LABOR!!!!!!!111!!!!1!!!!!!!1!!!!

>do you think hillary gives a shit about you or me

>she takes money handed to her by people that funded 9/11

Trump said he would GO TO WAR for the Saudis against Iran.

>and she actively supports more refugees coming to america

Refugees is a non-issue. How about we talk about CLIMATE CHANGE which is going to kill us all you stupid fat fucking cunt?

Oh noes he's against unions now I'm a cruzmissile

Fuck off commie scum

>Oh noes he's against unions now I'm a cruzmissile

He's also a promoting of corporate capitalism aka corny capitalism, something Republicans "claim" they oppose.

>Refugees is a non-issue. How about we talk about CLIMATE CHANGE which is going to kill us all you stupid fat fucking cunt?

Decent trolling until this, you flew too close to the Sun, OP.

No you retard he's promoting the free market. Your girl shillary is the crony capitalist


nice straw man there buddy

Do you forget where you at m8 we want this ship to fucking sink in dramatic fashion

>No you retard he's promoting the free market.

Trump supports public domain you stupid redneck faggot.

unions are scum. They only protect the workers in the union and don't give a fuck about anything else. They are active barriers to employment and are price fixers.

also the more you say "MUH CORPORASHUNS" the dumber you sound. corporations are the reason you can shitpost on this chinese hentai blog.

>Do you forget where you at m8 we want this ship to fucking sink in dramatic fashion

It's not gonna sick m8. No person can single handily sick our nation like that to the point of collapse. All will happen is make everyone's life shittier.

Trump's presidency would be just like GWB. GWB who ran in 2000, said in the debates with Gore that he was a "non-interventionist" who "didn't want to tell other nations what to do." And look where that got us. Trump's just the continuation of that. He's a Republican and thus fucking cancer.

Literally nothing wrong with child labor.

>corporations are the reason you can shitpost on this chinese hentai blog.


I suppose your computer or smartphone was made by a 100% local co-op?

>I suppose your computer or smartphone was made by a 100% local co-op?


Ignore correcttherecord shill threads

>correcttherecord shill threads