Personally I see nothing wrong with pic related and I consider myself someone who is pretty redpilled. Now can you guys explain to me why I should even give a damn about two people I don't even know being in an interracial relationship? I'm white btw.
Personally I see nothing wrong with pic related and I consider myself someone who is pretty redpilled...
you're fine with diluting your genes to become dumber?
Not gonna lie this bothers me.
How are they my genes? I just said, I don't know these two or other interracial couples from adam.
Pol will disagree. Pants are tucked in, he has a haircut. Obviously likes pretty white girls. He seems like a good kid.
Short shorts..tank top..she's the one who's going to be trouble for him. Not the other way around.
Love is blind
It's just natural.
Blacks are the epitome of agressive masculinity.
Whties are the epitome of submissive femininity.
Because being white means your ancestors didn't mix and preserved their bloodline. Who the hell are you to fuck it up for the future generations?
There is nothing inherently wrong with it. Pushing it on a culture is another thing.
Also, this will probably upset 90% of /pol users because they never kissed a girl in their life
Those girls look redpilled as fuck
If they have children, they will become citizen at birth. In your nation.
You obviously haven't seen boers and rhodesians. We are far superior. Stronger, tougher and more intelligent.
I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home you are going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding.
its a tribal instinct, it should feel bad if you see this in person because it means your tribe's genes are becoming conquered by an out group.
I care, why?
you know none of those chicks really have the full 'package'.
maybe combined they could form sexual-Voltron but individually its a pretty Spartan affair.
6/10 would fuck their voltron construct.
Whites are feminine.
Even the most masculine white males are basically just girls with beards and muscles.
Everything about whites is feminine from their physical appearance to their demeanour.
jesus christ...
God, I hope her other hand his gripping his BBC.
i bet all the fags that talk about "diluting genes" are fat and dumb as fuck, and the only positive think they can fabricate about themselfs is they are white
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Maybe you soutpiele are but come down here and see what real men look like you little faggot.
>Personally I see nothing wrong with pic related
His hands are on her face, he's a nigger rapist.
It's okay if you want to be blind, perphaps the redpill is too much for you
i think they're being satirical
i hope so.
Whites are all female.
There's absolutely no such thing as a masculine white male.
You aren't even trying
>biohazard tattoo
That was one of my favourite episodes of Blacked.
Because chances are that 5 years from now she'll be a battered single mother with a mixed-race fatherless bastard living off my tax dollars.
>has no comeback
>"n-nice bait f-faggot"
Show me a masculine white male.
They all look like sissies.
>one of my favourite episodes
you, you wife's fucking kid you....
For at least two of those girls it looks like the E is kicking in.
I just told you. Boers and rhodesians.
But this is kinda weak bait thread m8. If you are a weak little shit thats ok, just know that not everyone is like you.
>tfw white
>tfw due to my attitude and the fact that i'm not a beta faggot i'm a literal nigger in Sup Forumss eyes
You are right in some ways.
You're just proof that the jewish remixing indoctrination propaganda inserted in the media and internet is working.
>There's absolutely no such thing as a masculine white male.
You're talking to one.
Show me one. Whites are all effeminate. End of story.
>not beta
Pick one.
fuck off shitskin
I have a pretty nice beard going on.
hello ahmed
Just because you have a beard doesn't mean you're masculine.
prove it exists
Not Sup Forums related. Don't forget to report
those girls are taking one for the team. they are breeding out the blackness. then, that child made should also breed with a white person. continue until the world becomes lighter. how is this wrong?
Nah, my attitude makes me masculine, but my beard can be pretty epic.
Because who is going to pay for the children? The man will run away and he lives on welfare. Single mothers also live on welfare, so the tax payer pays to raise their children and then we have to feed the children when they grow up. Either on welfare or due to crime and they end up in prison.
net loss for whites
White cucklets getting mad.
Why are you upset at the facts?
Whites look effeminate as fuck and your race is being bred out of existence.
Also, I don't work out daily for people like you to call me a faggot.
I'm a lot like black people when it comes to violence, I thrive on it and love it.
You know that Mediterraneans exist, right? Lmao...
>'show me an alpha white'
>shows you an alpha white
>'there are no alpha whites'
White people are effeminate.
You know this which is why so many white guys grow beards and spend hours in the gym trying to compensate.
Your attitude is that of a cuck. Just like your face.
Select one and only one of the above options.
if you're talking about spaniards, italians and greeks, they're not "technically" white.
>shows you example of both in one person
>'b-but you can select only one!!'
back to quran studies ahmed
I'm tempted to post a pic of myself, so your boipussy will start quivering but I can't.
why do they look like children?
Prove it.
dude how mad are you that you're under 6 feet tall?
youre young
its obvious
it would be very hard to make you understand before you figure it out yourself
he's not a manlet, he's just brown
>"i-i'm an alpha white male guys i swear"
>is too pussy to post a picture of his face
We both know why you won't post a pic faggot. Because you look like an effeminate little cuck just like all whites.
This is pure ignorance. I feel like I'm getting baited but whatever man. If you think Meditteraneans are not white then ok, whatever floats your boat son
All the b8 is bad, is the same shit posted everyday and Sup Forums falls for it?
I think it's pretty simple. White = pale skin.
Nothing else, you guys are just fair skinned moors.
Well, whites started immigrating out of Europe first you can't blame anyone else for doing the same.
>Whites look effeminate as fuck
Whites are even better than nigros at looking manly, Ahmed
guy is so ugly wtf
>user realises that his racial heritage prevents him from ever being perceived as masculine
>"i-it's b-bbb-bait r-right guys??"
Sure it is whitey.
looks like a white girl on steroids
I am actually pale as fuck, but tan really easily because guess what I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING EARTH WHERE THE SUN SHINES THE STRONGEST
Nah, it's because this board is filled with alphabet agents. I'm not stupid.
Stay in your fantasy, bro. Little faggot.
i'm already wasting my day by browsing Sup Forums
avoiding bait isn't going to change anything
Unlike the op, this picture doesn't bother me at all, they are all low test degenerate crack whores.
Looks like a chick with a beard and a bit of muscle.
Is that the best you got? Pretty gay m8.
You guys realize that white men race mix more than white women right? White dudes banging Hispanic and Asian women is far more common than coal burners. Which is bad.
Did white people 'immigrate' to India, China, Nigeria, etc. in any meaningful numbers?
>Inb4 native american and abo colonisation false equivalence
Sure thing bro.
Stay beta white boy.
how the fuck do you know?
>white = pale skin
Then all the scientific achievements and civilization were carried by non-whites, according to you
>being this mad
Asia and Africa are continents aka land. Why are you complaining when you're living in non-white land
We're just bleaching, giving better genes to inferior races since forever.
It's called insecurity.
They take the bait because they're kissless loners.
Sounds like sour grapes.
Can you really blame white women for craving black cock when white men look like this
banging is not mixing m8
men are banging non-human mammals as well
only sometimes
nice dubs
As a black male who browses Sup Forums I'm actually really conflicted. White women are beautiful and all, but I really wouldn't like to see them become a minority in the west.
Why do white guys think that growing a beard can compensate for their weak feminine features?
It doesn't even look good on you.
White "men" look like women and should just get on HRT if I'm honest.
look at this manly white dude.
stick to your own species tyrone
umad whiteboi?
>hurr white guys are actually attractive therefore ipso facto per se they are feminine durrr
Okay mohammed. Whatever makes you sleep at night, knowing you're disgusting rapefugee-tier