Hilary is using an organization called Correct The Record for online shilling.
The current shilling campaign is called Barrier Breakers, and has as its stated goal:
>Correct The Record will invest more than $1 million into Barrier Breakers 2016 activities, including the more than tripling of its digital operation to engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms...
Damn right I support that if anyone tried throwing a tamato at Trump or a supporter I would give them a hell of a beat down.
Daniel Ross
Kill yourself faggot. If you didn't know already the Marxists have taken control of the universities.
Now, who makes the world go around? Its not you.
William Evans
The average liberal lives with their mom and is in debt because they took a crappy college course.
Brody Hall
Being educated doesn't mean you can't be mentally deficient.
Levi Barnes
what the fuck, are you edushaming now? what is your problem dude? I thought liberals were about helping the common man, most of whom can't afford college education because the tuition system is corrupt and bloated?
this is some ideological gentrification shit and you should be ashamed
Tyler Ortiz
>education=intelligence L O L O L
Anthony Ross
People in trades have extremely low unemployment and tend to make as much as college educated people for a fraction of the investment
That would mean they are actually smarter
>b-but I have a degree in sociology!
How much money have you made with your sociology degree and how much do you owe?
Caleb Butler
It's a shill thread. Flat it and move on.
Kayden Peterson
this >college is so expensive wtf??? we need change! >lol stupid conservative learning a trade instead of going to college and going into debt, what an uneducated bigot
Caleb Sanchez
>fill higher education with marxists >why are educated so marxist??
Noah Myers
Hey if being educated means eating liberal shit thats shoved down your throat then sure!!
Henry Torres
>piles of paper mean I'm "smart" >a bunch of old fucks said I learned stuff so I'm the authority now
Top kekaroo.
Justin Lewis
Here is my observation:
Liberal "intellectuals," have their heads so far up their asses that they see themselves above the common rabble.
They believe they are the enlightened ones who should rule over the commoners from homogeneous gated communities while complaining about how places need more diversity. Yet they'd never take a step outside their castle walls to see what the effects of diversity are, and claim any failure is on the bigoted masses.
They think they know what is best for everyone. "You don't need guns," they say while being protected by walls and private security. "If you don't follow our train of thought, you're a racist/sexist/homophobic bigot," while completely lacking any self awareness.
They're smug cunts who need a hard dose of reality.
Colton Morris
>someone has a different opinion >ITS A SHILL GUYS why is Sup Forums so retarded
Jaxson Myers
got btfo so hard that this is all you can muster pathetic
Hudson Kelly
people with different opinions put forth arguments instead of posting once and running
Hunter Richardson
So Trump is freelancing his security? Pay only if needed? Sounds good.
Benjamin Scott
Being highly educated doesn't really say much about a person given the large number of irrelevant areas of study available to college students today.
Camden Cooper
140 IQ network security engineer reporting
Speak up, it's hard to hear you over the deafening sound of my professional success
Jordan Wilson
in other words
"If you see someone ready to assault me by throwing objects in my direction, would you be so kind to stop them before doing so?"
what's wrong with Trumps message?
Easton Turner
Graduated high school and going to a polytechnic trade school to go into radio. Dream is to eventually get my own well known talk show that I can subtly try to redpill my large audience.
Luke Williams
Look at the marxist doctrine It has completely overtaken colleges So now if you dont share the same opinions if you did go to college you are uneducated.
Say you instead chose to become and apprentice in blue collar work and work your way to a master
Your a master in plumbing and have 30 years of experience?
Your an uneducated fuck because you didnt take gender studies 101
Im going to college and I hate all these faggots that attend with me
Levi Brooks
>Sup Forums loves Trump >Sup Forums loves Hitler
Coincidence? I think not
Robert Collins
I keep seeing this repeated by liberals. Supposedly based on "studies." I have not personally observed this phenomenon. I know many highly educated conservatives.
But I'm older.
I notice the young are exposed to ridiculous levels of peer pressure and indoctrination.
Nathan Ross
Ignore OP user, he's too smart to understand academia doesn't make anything.
Chase James
Oh look, classism.
Fuck off.
Christopher Garcia
wow, OP sure told us! im a #cruzmissle now
Angel Adams
>why are people who come out of exclusively left wing educational institutions prone to adhering to the ideologies of the people who taught them what to think?
jesus you're fucking stupid, get the hell out of here.
William Nelson
The college educated are only liberal on a social issues. They do not support wealth redistribution for instance, but rather fiscal responsibility, at least at a later age when they have a job and family and a whole range of responsibilities. A lot of them grow more conservative as they age, so they vote (R) anyway.
Strawpolls show that Sup Forums is overall moderate on issues like the legalization of weed and same-sex marriage, so we see the same thing here.
Jace Gomez
if liberals were so smart they wouldn't be self-destructing
Mason Hill
hey guys i got an A at a uni course so my IQ is 180 fucking redneck idiots on Sup Forums get an education lmao losers
Juan Young
Danish don't know how to count
Brody Reed
I love the term "highly educated" What those people always forget is that they are "highly educated" (which in the sense of american college is really a fucking joke) in a specific thing. They aren't educated in any problems in the world in which they have an opinion they hold so highly. Why do you think these "educated" fellows always go ARE YOU KIDDING ME and put up a smug face if you dare question them? They don't really have an argument, but they think they're correct because of their ego.
Wyatt Carter
reading your rant made me feel highly stupid to be quite honest family