There once was a tranny named Scout

There once was a tranny named Scout,
Who charged the police with a shout.
Zir wouldn't drop the knife,
So the police took zer life,
And the LGBTOMGWTFBBQ went out for some strike.

speak english, son

>was a multitool with a tiny knife stub that wasn't even deployed

That's not how limericks work you fucking troglodyte faggot. It's an AABBA rhyme scheme.

There once was an OP on Sup Forums.

Who was looking for ho-ho's and tee-hee's.

His rhyme scheme was shit,

And his wrists should be slit,

because just another faggot, was he.

that was better than OPs

still got a kek from his however

fucking kek

There once was a shill shilling Sup Forums
he came to the board with a plea:
"Be sensitive goy!"
"The police has a ploy!"
"Oy Vey! Did you just sage me?"

Why did you reply with this poem to me?

Not related, as far as I can see.

It makes no sense at all,

Please don't get me involved

With all of your massive faggotry


In a better place..

religion of peace at work again I see

Police said to drop the weapon, he charged them instead.

Son, you angered the homos.
Now, tell them you're sorry.
Good job son, just stay away from those faggots, they carry AIDS and aren't right in the head.

Are you saying the faggot is in a better place as in the afterlife? Or this is a better place to be because faggots get killed there. Because I'd agree with the latter, I can't tell you how many times I've sat at home bored out of my mind. A daily faggot execution would be a great time killer and throwing those rocks is decent exercise


Said from the comfort of your mother's basement


>Said from the comfort of your mother's basement

Said from the comfort of your mother's basement

Ugly motherfucker, I hope he dies.

A newfag got baited on thread,
and cried before going to bed:
"they called me a fag!"
He cried to his dad;
"Shieeeet" was all that was said.


There can be no freedom from this peace!

Sad another fag/trans is dead,
And then Sup Forums started a thread
With limericks so good,
They all gave me wood,
And I fapped for hours instead.