ITT: albums that haven't clicked
I still dont get it
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Don't worry.
It's just progressive rock for emos.
But pic related.
Fuck man.
Probably the only album I've ever come across, that has been acclaimed either by critics or by Sup Forums, that I haven't even enjoyed a little bit.
I don't understand the appeal.
Unknown Pleasures
I guess I could say the pleasure of enjoying the album is simply unknown to me
So like, if you listen to the song What You Want, it doesn't entertain you?
Not progressive but ok
Pic related tho: personally there's just nothing decent on sides B or C. I like the sound overall but the album just tanks so hard in the middle for me
The music is god tier but the vocals are trash and whiny
The Clash never made a good album. They were never more than a series of hits and a lot of album filler. Overrated to hell and back.
I agree it has a handful of lame tracks for sure. I've always thought Train in Vain stood out as being better than the rest of the album.
How many listens have you given it? For me I liked Only Shallow and When You Sleep on the first listen but the rest just sounded like boring rock songs that were unnecessarily fuzzy and hazy. It was about a year before I revisited it and it was like a whole new album.
>Not progressive but ok
You sound like you read RYM genre tags and take them to heart.
Don't reply to me ever again please.
Not really.
I like the last minute or so the best, but overall that's the only thing about it that really stands out about it to me.
I think 3.
That is the thing though, not a single one of the songs has really stood out to me.
When you sleep is probably my least favorite too.
Perhaps it'll take time, but so far.
No bueno
What about Loomer?
The female vocals are honestly probably my favorite part of the album.
Reminds me ever so slightly of cocteu twins in that respect.
No one has a voice like fraser, but you get what I mean I think.
But musically speaking the album doesn't really do anything for me.
This is a good album to listen to if you have something to think about. It's background noise. But great background noise. I would never sit down and turn on this album with the sole intention of giving it my complete attention.
hmm. it's not like that for me. but I can't help thinking about random shit when i listen to music for me so maybe i just don't crave distractions as much when listening to music
Honestly, I don't think I'll ever get it either. The hype around this album baffles me.
watch this video to get redpilled on spiderland
>who's slint
>grunge band outta kentucky
>disbanded in 94
For me the album peaks at Ivy, gradually gets worse, then picks back up when you get to godspeed and futura free
Also I just don't get the appeal of facebook story in the slightest
It's cool how the songs are made, but I don't wholeheartedly enjoy any of them except for Best Foot Forward.
Won't click bcuz it's boring and gay
It's only moderately okay
I like this one so fak u nig-nog
This one's fun fak u
It's gay
BOring and liked so that nu-males can be "into hip-hop" without having to listen to shouting nogs.
>offering a listening experience both completely alien yet fundamentally human at the same time
How is it alien?
for some reason I really like every song but it doesn't feel like that great of an album to me and I'm rarely inclined to listen to it. but when I do listen to it I think every song is great. but I never think "ok computer, so good" I don't know what it is. it's just lacking something to glue it all together or something
..and abstract? Does he mean how it wanders around?
Yeah, I could've written this, though I think Kid A is a masterpiece.
It's not, he's just a pretentious douchebag
weird thing is that i seriously love everything she'd ever done, except this for some reason.
Ok that's what i thought, sometimes I don't know around here.
honestly think it's just because the sound isn't as colorful, gets pretty boring compared to her other albums desu
nah i dont have a problem with that. hell, i've even listened to her 2 and a half hour ambient album with mark bell and liked it.
It's a decent album, but I don't see why it's so acclaimed.
I just couldn't get into it. I appreciate it's ambition but I just don't like how it sounds. The singer wants to be Jeff Mangum so badly but has like, 1/1000th of the emotion in his voice. If anything, it's overly ambitious, and they were trying too hard to accomplish something they couldn't do
maybe it'll click when i give it a relisten sometime and i'll eat my words
it clicked. didn't happen immediately but once it did, it became a favorite
agreed. never clicked for me. i never felt any strong emotions from it whatsoever. Yellow Loveless is honestly better in every way, imo
i love shoegaze style fuzz, but can't get into Slowdive or other bands that people consider the best in the genre
imo Have a Nice Life and other bands that have taken the production style and combined it with other genres are vastly more interesting and engaging.
wanted to love this, given all the super high praise it gets. couldn't have been more bored. never been able to get past the track where he's "singing" about 'oh girl' or whatever. sounds awful
i have to agree with you. a lot of others who have commented on the fact that this album spawned a lot of stuff that did what it did much better, and going back to it after listening to them is underwhelming
elverum isn't trying to sound like mangum. you think he is, but he isn't. separate their identities and try again.
This album bored me to tears
Spirit of Eden is infinitely more interesting and pleasing to the ears
I'm convinced that a lot of people only pretend to like this because it's fashionable and they want the 'good taste' cred. Often they don't even know Spirit of Eden exists, nor do they care. They're just trying to check it off their list to seem cool
sorry, i didn't mean literally. i meant in terms of being an emotionally powerful indie folk experimental vocalist. the Jeff Mangum of the time when that album came out sort of thing
I almost never say this, but his voice just sounds bad to me. Like, really bad. Like the type who busts out his guitar to try to impress people and starts singing but can't sing
After these, give the album another listen.
The album is loosely based around a man freezing to death in the woods. Once I heard the entire thing through thinking about that concept, it definitely defined it more aesthetically for me.
While a lot of the songs are very sing-songy, there is quite a bit of experimentation. Samurai Sword is an insane noise track. Elements of drone also are scattered through the album. It's a lot more complex towards the second half I think. But I get not enjoying Phil's voice at first, he's pretty whiny.
You have to be familiar with the life people who made the album led at the time. Not to mention that they also pioneered synth punk and minimal synth. Getting fascinated by a primitive drum machine is another reason for liking their debut album.
Love the darkness to this album. A lot of the tracks just feel really eerie. I listened to Don, Aman outside in the dead of night once and I honestly fell in love with that album.
I appreciated the noisey, droney and more experimental parts the most. I like bands like Yellow Swans and some stuff by Sun O)))
I like the idea of what they were trying to do, mixing those things with some acoustic folk
I'm not trying to say people who like it have shit taste-- I totally get the appeal and like I said, I usually don't point to a singer's voice being such a turnoff
I'll keep the concept in mind next time and maybe I'll like it better. It's an album I really want to like, desu
I'm not trying to downplay it's significance. I really like a lot of the stuff it spawned, psychobilly and Nicolas Jaar style minimal synths
I appreciate it for being an important album, I just on a personal level can't get into it
I feel ya
I find it really hard to get past Anderson's voice
>The Card Cheat
>Death or Glory
>Revolution Rock
>Train In Vain
all on the back half
Insanely detailed soundscapes. It's not good despite the plunderphonic style, its good because of it. That being said it really did take a while to love.
This one's just crazy catchy but the muddled production makes it difficult to stomach on first listen
It's strange that you would like Eden but not enjoy LS. I consider them sister albums
This. Laughing stock is so hard to sit through.
Spirit of Eden is the Masterpiece
They were proto-grunge at the very least.
really starting to not understand the appeal of bowie at all.
is is that he's just okay at everything and doesn't have anything in particular that he excels at, some singing aside?
The difficult Oasis period
Never could get into Yes.
They sometimes have some catchy or cool melodies, but man, is it all so forgetable.
With all those orchestration, solos, tempo changes it just becomes forgetable boring mess.
This is coming from someone who for example knows every note of every song by King Crimson by heart.
It's actually about spiders from outer space.
I've been listening to this recently. So far it seems like the weakest album to come out of Gorillaz. There's too much collaboration with musical artists in this one to the point where it's got no real sense of identity to it.
Fuck, it just clicked.
You need to give it more chances. When i first listened to it, i thought it was a mess too.
if you repeat listening to the title track it will become a masterpiece trust me.
Also pic related, Remain in Light, Unknown Pleasures, Laughing Stock, etc.
Like 90% of post-punk and krautrock basically.
So fucking boring, I just don't understand how people can listen to full albums of those genres.
I came here to post Kid A
this is close enough.
I don't have a picture, but Sgt. Pepper. I respect it for being culturally significant, but it's just so fucking goofy and tries so hard to be wacky it's just off putting.
A Day in the Life is pretty great though.
i dont understand how people use this argument and expect to be taken seriously
its a psychedelic album
They did psychedelia much better on Revolver.
I agree on Close to the Edge, but it's starting to catch on just a little with me.
Not saying those albums are shit or something. They obviously hold tons of artistic merit but for me post-punk is way too dull, monotone and repetitive. I much prefer New wave and even post-rock.
You posted pop rock for emos, which is even worse.
Literally every album posted on this thread
>doesnt get some of the most accessible albums available
choose a different hobby
i fell in love w blonde after hearing nights & white ferrari a couple times
I honestly don't understand how someone could dislike this record.
You sound like me. I generally have a harder time getting into the back half of albums for whatever reason. If you enjoy the first side then the later songs will click for you eventually. There's a few songs you could call filler throughout the album but overall I love every songs and several of the album's gems are featured in the middle or towards the end.
lmao those albums are way less accessible than 90% of the shit postet in this thread.
OK Computer, Loveless, Blonde and The Glow for example.
>train in vain
>better than death or glory
>better than calmpdown
>better than the fucking CARD CHEAT
fucking pleb
Biggest mistake in her career was not having the single version of all is full of love
The only good thing is the title track, which is excellent, the rest are mediocre as shit
He's got better albums
This one clicked when I was in a train visiting my friend and it was raining outside.
>Station to Station - Golden Years
>Mediocre as shit
Beg your pardon
Station to Station (the song) feels just like doing coke, but golden years is just kind of boring for me
That's a first
I agree. The thing is I actually like the album, but i think its pretty whatever. The songs are cute but not really that interesting. I can see how it was groundbreaking at the time though. Tops a 7/10 imo.
it took ages to grow on me, I'd probably say its my 2016 AOTY by now
Albums clicking is a meme
There's nothing to get, this album is bad
Radiohead - ok conputer
Radiohead - kida
Radiohead - in rainbows
Anything from neutral milk hotel
Boards of canada - the campfire headphase
Anything from aphextwin or autechre
Kryptic minds - cant sleep
Mudvayne - ld50
Morcheeba - rome wasnt built in a day
Tool - 10 000 days
Parov stellar - kisskiss
Suzanne vega - songs in red and grey
Stereolab - instant 0 in the universe
Supertramp - some things never change
Tom waits - mule variations
And many more...
>Tom waits - mule variations
Always cracked me up
Im not saying their bad. It just didn't work out for me for some reason.
Maybe i have shit taste (probably)
I was completely underwhelmed when I first listened to this; now it's one of my favorite albums.
where did you get the freezing to death thing from
I don't get it at all. It's fucking boring for me
Have you tried Fragile? It's much better and it can teach you how to listen to Yes
Nothing strange about it, it's just a piece of shit
Of course, this one is great tho
what is this
I think a lot of the hype comes from the fact that the album almost bankrupted their label. While I find it kind of hard to listen through the entire album in one sitting, I do appreciate how it can feel both comfortable and isolated at the same time. Think of it like the musical equivalent of being wrapped in a big, warm blanket while floating through space
I think people get too caught up in the sampling itself when trying to get into this album. The appeal for me is the complex song structures and unexpected progressions throughout the album. Unlike most hip hop music, which heavily relies on instrumental loops, Endtroducing constantly introduces new musical ideas to move the album forward. Even the drum patterns are constantly changing, which is not very common in hip hop
In my opinion, Radiohead's most consistent album. I think because it sounds so pleasant it can be easy to miss a lot of the interesting songwriting going on. I would recommend closely listening to each individual song, then listening to the album as a whole to appreciate how they fit together
Spirit of Eden is one of the sweetest sour that have been tasted by my ears. I Believe in You is transcendental