What's the average Mac DeMarco concert like ?

What's the average Mac DeMarco concert like ?

stoners listening to bad music

A lot of dudes kissing

cigarette smoke, thrift store clothes, cheap beer stolen from the gas station, and horny tumblr teenagers

haha girls right ?

how much did they spend on those clothes

Very Boring and low energy

Nothing. They go into poor neighborhoods and raid their thrift stores.

Do demarco fags actually pretend their clothes aren't from urban outfitters

It was enjoyable. No one in the band was drunk or high so it was pretty relaxed, sounded great, and they invited people to hang out afterward. They did a great cover of "Blackbird" by the Beatles.

Dude we just like how the clothes look why odes everything have to be some political social class statement with you faggots? Just chill and stop with the "muh poor people" rhetoric.

Mac demarco and their entire fan base makes me hate white people

>Just chill

We hate you too go listen to your mumble rap shit.

Fuck off. Impeach Donald Trump fucking nazi white boy

Why do they all wear hat

Niggers getting their 70s protester clothes jacked ayyyy

Going on Aug 28th

This, its honestly almost as bad as Jake paul when it comes to cancerous white people """"" culture"""""

Are you unironically refering to yourself as some part of a Mac demarco clique? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA


Its just why are you pretending to be poor? You are not poor why are you ripping off the music and fashion you're portraying right now and pretending its original or your own brand? Honestly

Though honestly I think this is just the emo/scene of the 10s, and like that its a fad that will blow over and these kids will be emberassed about it in 5 years when the next trend comes for them to hop on

Fashion is fucking stupid if you actually give a shit about clothes you're dumb

those are opn fans you idiot

It was actually the best concert Ive been to, the crowd was really into it and everyone had a blast.

I am poor you fucking bitch

Muh poor ppl


the last one doesn't sound so bad as long as they're 18-19 amirite

>Just chill

chill out dude it's fun

I had a great time as it was my first time in Canada, I live in seattle and this qt I was tryna smash wanted to go to Vancouver to see him and I'm usually into hardcore stuff or older dadrock so a lot of concerts I dealt with older "tough guy" dads or just crazy metal heads, only been to one rap concert and that was just all white kids trying to act ghetto. I thought it was some stereotype but canadians are really nice, some guy asked me for a smoke and I said no and he was like "alright cool man ITS CHILL" and found me later when he had smokes and asked if I wanted one. I even got to talk to Mac for 0.5 seconds outside a mcdonalds before he went in and other people from the concert saw him

>poor white people don't exist

wait... are you guys actually complaining because regular people use thriftstores?
shouldn't that be, you know, a good thing? it's not like there's just a small amount of used clothes and they're stealing them from poor people that are left naked and shivering in the rain: those shops are usually bursting with unused clothes. there's just less waste if more people buy them.

dude it's chill bro

have fun haha godbless

t. virgin

I think they're offended because they assume Mac DeMarco fans are "slumming it". Like wealthy kids who move to a non wealthy neighborhood and pretend their families aren't paying for everything they have. I've met a few people like this and it is annoying when they're being deceitful because they want to fit in with a crowd they see as hip, but most Mac DeMarco superfans are just teens following a fashion trend. It harms no one and it's stupid to be upset over it.

He wears a raincoat, stumbles about a lot then kisses the bassist

i saw him in Saigon and it was fun, he seemed to be having a good time and it rubbed off on the crowd

>Mac DeMarco makes serene care-free music
>therefore black and hispanic people can't relate because they all grew up in single father homes and saw their cousin die in a drive-by at six
end this meme

In terms of non-whites I've seen in the audience

Mac DeMarco >>>> Death In June > Sutcliffe Jugend > Ariel Pink