Good or meme?

Wanting to into metal

>Wanting to into metal
First five Black Sabbath records.

great riffs but it's a bit boring or something

very good and mildly meme
also try Slaughtersun by Dawn

Repetitive riffs and bunch of guys fucking up their throats.


Into metal with Alice in Chains Dirt and Self titled

>maroon - quatrains

mastodon has some good ones

Call of the Mastodon is their best album don't @ me

>not sabotage

Meme, try Pallbearer

It's ok but Mastodon is kinda just metal for people who don't actually like metal.
If you really want to get into it go look on the Sup Forums wiki for essentials charts of whatever subgenre interests you. I could maybe give you some Black and Death entry-level recs if you want but those two genres are about the extent of my metal tastes.

What was that you were trying to say? a bland, try hard hipster meme band is better than Mastodon you say?

Fuck this place. Listen to whatever sounds good op. Mastodon are great and you'd be hard pressed to find a more talented drummer than Brann Dailor right now.

Pallbearer are a more modern metal sound. Mastodon are from ages ago.


The only good track is B&T, and I'm saying this unironically, Mastodon is really really really fucking boring.

Want to into metal? Most Black Sabbath albums, Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? and Master of Puppets. Listen to these on YouTube and keep clicking on random videos in recommended you might like.

Actually developing a taste for all that black metal and screaming stuff etc. will take a year or two

>meme, try meme

Some shit taste in here Jesus


can't go wrong with Mastodons first 4 albums. Great music and godly drumming

Holy shit. Look at this retard.

Those are all great albums, though.

If it cant even be the best metal album about moby dick then yes... meme (Not suggesting this is gunna get you into metal)

This band and Opeth got me itno metal

>wanting to into metal

The Silent Circus - The Great Misdirect my friend

Ahab is one of the dullest funeral doom bands

It's good but I'd rec Crack the Skye for someone who's just getting into metal. Do you have any idea of which subgenres you want to delve into or are you interested into listening to a bit from all of them?

I'd say start with their newer albums and work your way back.

For real. Great band to into especially if you love drums. Mainstream success has always garnered anger and jealousy within the metal community but there aren't a lot of bands in existence that actually deserve as much attention as Mastodon have gained for themselves. Good for them.

Saw Mastodon earlier this year and left midway through the show. Openers were more exciting then them.

Remission is better

Blood Mountain and Once More round the Sun are pretty fuckin good

Leviathan is a genre standard and the only people who dislike mastodon are kiddos just trying to seem patrician af

Personally, I'd say Blood Mountain and Crack The Skye are better although all 4 of their element themed albums are amazing. But I'd also agree that Mastodon is progressive metal and not really a great place to start with your standard metal.

Maybe not the silent circus, great album and all but it's a little raw and hard to listen to opposed to their other albums. Definitely try colors tho

Not as good as Crack the Skye.