So at this point it's obvious that christianity in the west is totaly destroyed. Pope is a cuck, churches are ruled by lesbian bishops and propagading refugees welcome kind of shit, and there is simply more muslims now. Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia is far more christian, even after 70 years of state enforced atheism churches is full of people.
Why the hell didn't you convert to orthodoxy yet?
>no cucks
>true blessing
>patriarch kirill is based and calls for crusades
>brother nataniel
>only way to get to heaven
the spirit of christianity only lives in orthodoxy
Orthodox christianity
Other urls found in this thread:
Its never too late to convert brother
Been considering it.
Protestant church has Been rendered a joke.
But I'm already Orthodox OP.
Preach on brother
>tfw priest tells major media outlet that bishops are politically correct tools who are doing the bidding of Islam
Having decent media is pretty comfy
How do people formally renounce a religion like Catholicism?
>propagading refugees welcome kind of shit
Because that's the Christian thing to do.
Christianity is crap. It's universalist garbage. A bunch of "spread the message to everyone" and "give all your shit to the poor" and "everyone's our brothers in Christ" bullshit.
And god isn't real anyway, take this shit to /x/
I am half catholic ,half agnostic,but i'm thinking in convertion to orthodox church
How do I become one?
honestly considering conversion, the pope is a jew and a cuck.
Agnosticism is not a religious orientation desu.
It simply implies there is no way To accurately prove the existance of god, however is does not nullify religious affiliation.
Orthodox christianity might give you a sense of hope, it might make you feel like you fit in with other people, but also it gives people a false sense of righteousness. We don't need more religiousfags. And besides if you look at it closely orthodox christianity is a lot like Islam.
I mean
>hurr durrr xD I'm gonna le behead you now xD
>le okay xD
orthodox christians
>you is le going to hell xD, you should repent, I will look at you like you're some social outcast for not converting
>person b meanwhile takes it up the ass and feels ashamed and has a false sense of guilt imposed on him by the religious tard
Yes, brother.
I was waiting for this guy To show up.
>religion in current year xD
>he does not follow "I fucking love science"
>stay delusional christcuck heh xD
The sense of rightiousness is justified for religion and the Bond between you and others of the same belief grants spirit and promotes non-degeneracy.
I wish I were Orthodox but I have to remain Catholic because I still think it's the true church. Stopped going to mass years ago because all the churches around me are modernized, they play drums and blast strange American Protestant gospel music now, no Latin mass anywhere. Sometimes I think of gassing this traitorous cucked pope before becoming an hero, I'll even burn in hell for my dear Mother Church
>>brother nataniel
Who and what?
>grants spirit
What do you mean by this? Like you can share damage between your HP and MP? That is an intrinsic I like.
>The sense of rightiousness is justified for religion
Okay, even if it is in some way justified it's still even more cringy than this pic when you have people fooled by religion act like autistic tards telling you to convert. I mean you probably know but the american street preachers here are a good example.
One day christians will die and suffer only because they chose to remain christians.
Go to church and speak with the Priest and he will bless you as a catahuman. While you are a catahuman you will have to take classes and read some books. Start now and read the books by Timothy Ware. That is his American name, I do not remember the name has has as a Greek Orthodox Priest. If I could find the two books I would mail them to you. They can be called life changing.
After you have a good understanding of the faith you will be baptised into the church and then you are Orthodox.
The one problem you will have at first is that most of the Orthodox churches are going to be in a different language. Russia Orthodox Churches speak in Russian as Greek Orthodox use Greek. In the States some are mostly in English and some are the native language and some are mixed or in both.
It is very rewarding and well worth your effort
Christianity is found in people's hearts, not churches.
Some Jew who became an Orthodox priest. I'm not sure if he's an actual priest.
In Germany or Luxembourg (and maybe other countries) you have to go to your local municipality and fill in a declaration. This is because you actually pay a Catholic church tax for as long as you are Catholic.
Also I would recommend watching a movie on youtube called "the Island" It is very, very deep and you might have to watch it twice. Russian movie with sub titles that moves kind of slow and as with all russian movies it can get a little drawn out. The Russian movie star that plays the lead role, he became an actual Monk and gave up on being a star, or so I was told.
atheism > trilogy of the desert
First, there is no god lol. Second, in russia most people just call an orthodox christians themselves. And russian society is not a right society from the christian point of view
Of course the vehement atempt of Trying To convert others comes off as plain autism, I am not for it nor do I aim To convert anyone.
Christianity needs To come To you, it did To me when I was at the lowest point in my life.
Not as some life raft but rather a chance at salvation, not at the expense of my sanity or judgement but rather saving me from an hero.
The non verbal support a strong community of people who all share a vision of what it is To live a decent life is truly uplifting and blessed.
Again, not Trying To convert you, all I am asking is you give it a try.
>>brother nataniel
He's Jewish psyop to discredit the ideas he "preaches" though.
This. I'm Russian-American and this whole Russians are very Christian is a meme. People just do it for all the pretty stuff.
>books by Timothy Ware
Started already. Looks good, thanks for the suggestion.
yeah, but does your patriarch wear a funny white hat?
>I have to remain Catholic because I still think it's the true church
Its not though. Rome is just one patriarchate that split from the other four and set way for the protestant reformation with their heterodox practices.
The current state of the church appears more like the fulfillment of the text's prophecies that describe the last days before rapture.
Whether you believe them or not, I'm just saying your efforts at conversion are misguided- why would people convert when they see Revelation prophecies being fulfilled just as they believed they would be.
Watch that movie also, we could never repent like that.
Is nobody going to get the Dungeon Crawl reference? Okay, that's fine.
>the Island
That's not a Russian movie, it had that guy and ScarJo in it.
What is with This random Capitalization?
>not at the expense of my sanity or judgement but rather saving me from an hero
Ah, so kind of like my worship of the Goddess? Without her in my life I don't know what I would have done, how I would have Survived.
Excellent reason to convert, could not have said it better
I am on my Phone, it is acting stupid thinking every other Word is the start of a new sentence.
I know it makes reading harder.
Because I'm Byzantine Catholic, moron. Same liturgy as Eastern Rite Orthodoxy, but in communion with the Vatican. Oh yeah, priests can marry too. Best of both worlds.
Catholics are more Christian than Orthodox, because Christianity preaches cuckholdry, even though there can be some based christians, so can there be peaceful Muslims, doesn't mean that Islam preaches peace.
Protestants are more like Jews and Muslims than any other Christians because many of them only interpret the bible literally instead of finding the allegorical and spiritual meaning. If Orthodoxy is anything like Islam it is in the sense that they are both traditional and opposed to modernity.
pic related
You do realise that "Hurr durr, Pope is a cuck, letz drob the cathols faith XDDD" is the logical equal to "In one of the apples were a worm - this mean that apple tree is corupt to the core, we must burn it"?
>Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
>Far more Christian
>went to an Orthodox church here out of curiosity
>filled almost entirely with old people, very little youth
pretty sad, i hear this is common among orthodox churches in general
Do not listen to that faggot
The Island
orthodox christianity haz been infiltrated by masons. kirill is a mason.
Krill is not a Mason, you are a Nazi stooge.
That's true. He is from KGB.
>implying being in communion with the Vatican is a good thing
>In addition to the dogma of the Pope, the Roman Catholic heresy currently holds the heresies of the Dual Causation of the Holy Spirit, God as a Tripartite Energy (with Created Grace being a further heretical consequence), Purgatory and the Papal Treasury of Merits, Development of Dogma, the Divine Inspiration and Salvific Nature of all Religions (a heresy stemming from the 20th-century Freemasonic takeover of the Vatican), the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the Sacramentalogy of Opere Operato, etc., as well as the canonical violations of claiming jurisdiction for the Pope in all dioceses, adding to the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, Rejection of Married Priests, Mutation or Mutilation of the Mysteries of Holy Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, and Lord’s Divine Liturgy and Eucharist (unleavened wafers, removal of the invocation of the Holy Spirit, etc.), and the papal decrees ordering or sanctioning the robbery, torture, murder, enslavement, and other forms of inhuman maltreatment of insubordinate or non-Roman Catholic persons.
Catholicism and Orthodox are the best organized churches, the real enemy is the Protestants and Crazy Evanjoolicals.
hurr durrr xD I'm gonna le behead you now xD
This is stupid. How are you supposed to know what it means if what it says isn't what it means? Why not have scripture that actually says what it means?
>In one of the apples were a worm - this mean that apple tree is corupt to the core, we must burn it"?
No, is like "if there is mold in part of bread the whole bread must be throw out".
Orthodoxy is the way to go
There wouldn't be protestants in the first place if it weren't for Catholics. In fact Catholicism tends to be one of the biggest obstacles in the way of protestants converting to Orthodoxy, so many people are overly skeptical of things like apostolic succession and confession precisely because its "too Catholic".
Abortion is a very Christian practice and all Christians should approve of a woman's choice.
t. nancy pelosi
Oh yeah man, killing people and telling people bad things will happen to them are totally one and the same.
Exodus 20:4
>"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
Orthodox makes pictures of "heavens"
You have to understand that the Catholic Church has been around for almost 2000 years now. The interpretation of the bible by the holy mother church is the only correct interpretation. A person can't just pick up a bible and expect to understand the allegorical meanings of many of the stories, the tradition of the catholic church interprets it for you.
Not Orthodox because I don't like the hierarchical, dogmatic aspect of Christianity, but it's definitely the best of the Churches by far, and the only one with even the slightest connection back to the mystical practices of the early Christians. It's the only one that actually allows for any kind of connection to God in a mystical sense, as opposed to just being a social group.
I've read some of the works of Saint Paisios and it far exceeds anything by any writers from other denominations, as far as spiritual instruction goes.
It's iconoclasts that started the schism.
Because much of scripture is allegorical. For example there is all of the parables that Jesus taught. If you only take them literally, then the parable of the prodigal son is just a story about a man who ran away from home. But obviously there is much more to it than that.
Nah, he is KGB instead. Masons were banned in the Soviet Union.
>Old Testament
Then we can throw away ALL churches. Name me one, just ONE where there wasn't any bad pepole.
>Lack of understanding of dogmas
>Council of Florence
>Church Fathers
>Caesaropapism of Orthodoxy
>Focusing of symbols, discipline and form rather than theology
You must try harder.
Truly a shame бpaтья
I heard the Orthodox people excommunicated him
By your logic they should have never placed the two sculpted Cherubim above the Ark of the Covenant.
Matthew 5
>n the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. 17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. 18For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.…
>Jesus says to obey the old testament
>he doesnt.
for me modern orthodoxy is same like buddism or hinduism, bunch of idolworshipers same like catholics
>Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.
Exactly. He fulfilled them.
So we're no longer obliged to follow those laws. In fact what Jesus taught is obviously in contradiction with those teachings.
Do you avoid eating pork? You know it's banned in OT, right?
The filioque, the western understanding of original sin, immaculate conception, transubstantiation are all examples of erroneous Roman theology. Not to mention that a lot of protestant theology like Calvinism has its roots in St. Augustine.
>For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished
Exactly, you can still read the OT. Says nothing about having to follow them.
>using sola scriptura to cite Mt 5:17
crypto-Jew detected
He says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but not an iota, not a dot will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” All is accomplished when He is crucified. That’s when all is accomplished. In the theological Gospel of St. John, the last word of Jesus from the Cross is one Greek word, Tetelestai, which means, “It is accomplished.” In Latin, it’s two words: “Consummatum est.” It’s usually translated in English as, “It is finished,” so most people think He’s going to die, especially because it says, “He cried out, ‘It is finished,’ and He gave over His spirit.” But it doesn’t mean that He’s going to die. That word means it’s fulfilled. It’s accomplished. It’s perfected. There’s nothing more that God can say, there’s nothing more that God can show, there’s nothing more that God can do. In the death of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Son of God, the Lamb of God, God has done his final act. That’s it. It’s fulfilled. Nothing can surpass it. So, not one word of the Law passes away until it’s accomplished, but when He’s crucified, it’s all accomplished. Therefore, all the word is fulfilled in Him.
So when we ask the question: What does it mean that Jesus died for us? Simply put, it means that he revealed the truth, he did the truth, the truth is love. He fulfills it completely, therefore the law is now kept. Therefore God has no case against us, because he can’t have a case against us if the law is not broken, and he didn’t break it! And therefore he voluntarily enters into the realm of sin, curse, and death in order to obliterate it, to wipe it out once and for all forever.
I saw that Brother Nathanael over at a Saint Anthony's monastery over in Arizona. It is a Greek Orthodox monastery. The gal in the bookstore was saying good things about him. I asked her if she ever saw any of his videos on youtube and she said she had not.
He spent most of his time in the in the parking lot talking on his cell phone. He is not a Priest and is not a monk. She told me he was a novice Not really sure what that means but that is what she said. The dude seemed really nervous while he was on the phone.
It was my understanding that he could spend 3 days there and then he would have to be moving on. He was also dressed like he is in his videos.
>Exactly. He fulfilled them.
>So we're no longer obliged to follow those laws.
>person who's never been to the church detected
I can't talk with absolute 100% confidence it's the same with you guys, but in Catholicism Old Testament applies as much as New Testament does. Old Testament is not the same as Tanakh/Mikra.
Can you guys into Sunday school?
Fucking based.
>The filioque, the western understanding of original sin, immaculate conception, transubstantiation are all examples of erroneous Roman theology.
...that Orthodox church accepted in the ecumenical Council of Florence
>No to mention that a lot of protestant theology like Calvinism has its roots in St. Augustine.
Not to mention that they also get Sola Scriptura from Bible that we both know is a complete bullshit. So do use those heretics as a argument.
>Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia is far more christian
Every believer was massacred there 100 years ago. If someone pretends to be muh religious than it's obviously counter extremism agent hiding kgb/fsb strap under rob. Especially
>patriarch kirill
Tatars and Chechens somehow resurrect their religion by defeating rusky but all their mufti still fsb agents
So were the Apostles full of shit when they decided circumcision isn't necessary in the council that took place in Acts 15?
Mt 22: 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
"For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do: by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and to deal with sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, so that the just requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:3-4
>Old Testament is not the same as Tanakh/Mikra.
Are you referring to the apocrypha?
he says untill heaven and earth is finished and after that so you sill have to keep the old testament. but you eat pork, dont circumsize yourself, which are basics of ot.
not a jew tho, just some men with logic. also it sabbat now, why dont you keep it?
>ecumenical Council of Florence
A short lived union that was never valid because it was rejected by the entire Church body. This is why St. Mark of Ephesus is often called the champion of Orthodoxy.
He says "until all is fulfilled", and all was fulfilled in the death and resurrection, which is exactly what Christ's final words were.
>also it sabbat now, why dont you keep it?
Because I'm not a Jew, and Christ was resurrected on a Sunday.
circumcision has more to do with Great Church Councils and practical needs of Early Church than with the Gospels.
Tanakh/Mikra are to put it bluntly the Hebrew Bible. People often say: hurrr Old Testament = Pentateuch/Torah = Jewish holy books, ergo don't apply to Christianity. The truth is Pentateuch is but a fragment of both Old Testament and of Tanakh.
46 books of Old Testament are indivisible from even the present day Christianity. Christianity without Old Testament is like a brain without a body.
Converted about 3 months ago cuz Sup Forums.
Was a protestant who was like:mmuh idols, muh saint is heresy.
Pretty glad I'm orthodox now, did my first pascha it was hard cuz did arab and english back to back
>>brother nataniel
He is a con artist, you know that right?
He is not even a monk.
fuck off heretic
the west is experiencing a plague of liberalism after Vatican II (1960s) but we will come back stronger than ever
>the entire Church body
Exept it is not true.
That doesn't answer the question. If your heresy holds true, the Apostles should have never changed anything. They should have made new members young and old circumcise themselves, they would have held all the same dietary restrictions, they would have written in the epistles to keep the sabbath and other things, they would have reaffirmed the 600+ OT laws.. But they didn't do any of those things, so either you are wrong or they were wrong, which is it?
I have lost the count of how many times Catholicism has been "totally destroyed"
Nice try, heretic
The Latin mass is making a comeback
God didn't create his church to be an eastern nationalist church without an authority figure to clearly define doctrine
The assumption of Mary into heaven wasn't dogmatically defined until 1950
Orthodox will never be able to update anything since the split
So yes it is nice they are forever stuck in the past (easier to resist modernist heresy) that doesn't make you right
Tell me some more and how Iwill benefit from it in the long term. You guys were originated in the byzantine empire right?
Your stance on Jews? Muslims? Western Society?
What's Belarus like?
I actually agree with this.
It may be the last real salvation left.
St. Mark returned to Constantinople with Emperor John on February 1,1440. What a sorrowful return it was! No sooner had the Emperor managed to set foot on land than he was informed of the death of his beloved wife; after this the Emperor out of sorrow did not leave his quarters for three months. None of the hierarchs would agree to accept the post of Patriarch of Constantinople, knowing that this post would oblige one to proceed with the Union. The people who met them, as the Greek historian Doukas testifies, asked the Orthodox delegates who had signed the Union: "How did the Council go? Were we victorious?" To which the hierarchs replied: "No! We sold our faith, we bartered piety for impiety (i.e., Orthodox doctrine for heresy) and have become azymites." The people asked then: "Why did you sign?" "From fear of the Latins," ''Did the Latins then beat you or put you in prison?" ''No. But our right hand signed: let it be cut off! Our tongue confessed: let it be torn out!" [9]
A painful silence set in. Despite the Great Lent, the season most filled with prayer, churches were empty and there were no services: no one wished to serve with those who had signed the Union. In Constantinople revolution was ripening. St. Mark alone was pure in heart and had no reproach on his conscience. But he too suffered immeasurably. Around him united all the zealots for Orthodoxy, especially the monks of the Holy Mountain (Athos) and the ordinary village priests. The whole episcopate, the whole court—all was in the hands of the Uniates, in absolute submission to the representatives of the Vatican, who came often to inspect how the Union was being carried out among the people. The Church was in extreme danger; as St. Mark wrote: "the night of Union encompassed the Church."
The least we can do is get Orthodox and Catholics to unite and make our women stop acting like liberal sluts
>implying protestant aren't fucked up since the beginning
>Your stance on Jews?
Heretics on the wrong end of a holy war
>Western Society?
The Church rejects liberalism, materialism, and modernity. Pic related is a good read.
In short please.
If its very right wing, I will have a look at it. I attended an orthodox funeral half a year ago and it was much more comforting than the funeral of my mother, so thats a plus.
But I want a church that has the resources and the spirit to fight for my rights. What about womens rights?
Anglicans were closer to Orthodoxy than Catholics were at one point, but that ship has sailed. We still like CS Lewis though.
>"From fear of the Latins,"
So he was a pussy. If he really disagreed with council he should say "Fuck you heretics!". Insted he signed it and when he come back to comfy place he start to butthurting. This is just pathetic.
I'm already orthodox
you're looking at it from the wrong angle. New Testament is to Old Testament what Amendments are to your Constitution. Jesus and the Apostles merely reemphasized certain parts of the Old Testament into what later became the New Testament.
Jesus didn't have to reiterate commandments like Do not kill, Do not lie with your brother's wife, etc. because those laws remained valid. Instead they incorporated them and/or slightly changed the way they were practiced. You mentioned dietary restrictions - yes they remained, only instead of having to eat kosher food, you had to fast on Fridays, had to observe Lent; Sabbath was moved to Sundays, etc. I can't talk about circumcision with same certainty because quite frankly I'm not all that familiar with how the practice changed over time, but it's ridiculous to claim that entire Christian doctrine is contained in the New Testament alone