
probably. They look happy. I wasn't alive. I grew after 9/11. I have never been happy like that

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Hell yes.

The 80s and 90s were a golden era for America as a whole.

didnt even have to check to know what youre posting
yep. digits know

what went wrong Sup Forums

>you'll never live in 80/90s in America

>born in 89
>lived in white as fuck oc so cal
>went to disneyland all the time
>fuck yeah backyard
>fuck yeah neighbor kids
>fuck yeah everything.

literally no niggers

>spotted the fedora
>spotted the future mass shooter
Weird how much things have changed but stayed the same.

I was already enslaved in the 90's

it wasn't that great

I was born in '84. Pre 9/11 US was much better than post 9/11 US. Also, the world in general was a better place before the internet boom and the rise in technology. People depended on and trusted their neighbor. Now, people think their neighbors are sex offenders.

85 here. growing up all the neighborhood kids would just disappear from home after saturday cartoons and only go back home when the street lights came on.
there were no problems. ever.
when we got into fist fights, we bought each other candy after the fight and laughed about it.
no parents got involved. and there was no such thing as a play date.

>mfw that video

'87 here. The 90's were fun for a kid. It all went to shit after 9/11.

>Get parents old film camera
>Buy film so I can make modern photos look 20th century
>No sod has a darkroom anymore

Yep. Same experience for me. It wasn't until the turn of the millennium that I really started to notice the rise in minorities in my school. First it was Mexicans, then Blacks. I went to school in the inner city of Houston, TX. You people think you know degeneracy...until you've been around those types of people, you really don't. And now with all the social media and access to pornography and other degenerate things, I can't even imagine what it would be like to be in the same place I was in 2002 in today's world. You almost sympathize with mass shooters at that point.

it really wasnt that good it was boring as fuck and the media told us heroin and depression and loser rock was the best thing ever

>i wasnt there
we know user

one day god dammit, we'll return to the way things should be and i swear to fucking god we'll drive every tumblrwhale commie pinko fuckface self-hating snowflake asshole straight into the blue depths of the atlantic.

Life before the "The Great Replacement"


ah yes, social capital.
where people are trusting and life is generally pretty enjoyable.
i'm not sure if you find this so much nowadays

>go into 7-11 today

>nobody's smiling

>no white people

>guy at the register is an impolite low-breed who doesn't even say thank you.

How do we save humanity? What are our best options? Space travel? Mass exodus northward? Australia?

Perhaps we should build our own... haven...


Kill them all.

I feel you Amero-bro

84 here, I know the 90s well.

i was there, i was born early 80s fgt

no this one fuck you

I really, REALLY like that pepe.

lmao at you cucks pining for the old days when none of you have ever tried talking to a stranger in your life

>calling others cucks


mass shooters*