Judge me based on this picture alone

Judge me based on this picture alone.

u r gay

mid 20's, white male, brown hair, probably northeastern United States. You are making less than $18/hr. You are single. You lack motivation and feel stuck where you are and are generally unhappy.

How close was I?

you have a girlfriend, you enjoy cooking and the outdoors.

Not from USA, a little older than 20s, and you could say the rest is true for all anons.
Single :( I do like outdoors tho.

well now i know you use a loofah.. i'm guessing you were raised by a single mother?

Pills- Either sick fuck or sad fuck
Water bottle+Off spray: kinda outdoorsy
Loofah- faggot
Olive Oil- weirdbeard
Cluttered kitchen: between 18-24

18-24 year old male weirdo who sometimes either goes biking or hiking, and has depression.

If you think it's gay to use a loofah, you've probably never used a loofah

can you fit that can of OFF in your ass?

If it was more rounded at the ends and didn't spray DEET into my asshole, I probably could.

Loofah users:

>closeted gaylord who says it's for convenience

I don't want to start defending myself in a judge me thread, but what do you use?

You're poor, and you don't know how to put things away and organize your living space.

Dirt poor, yes.

And sloppy.

Not really. I actually put all that shit onto shelves yesterday.

Judge me based on this picture alone.

Lazy, then. Cabinet open, dishes out, drawer open. No excuse for that shit.

Royalty, probably a king.

your a fagget

Nice dubs. Also, you a faggot.

shit painting

Nice dubs. Also, you a faggot.

Do u know what it is?

A washcloth like a fucking adult.

That's the only other answer. It still lacks the convinence of its shape and the abrasiveness of the fabric.

yea shit

Fucking pussy, get that weak wimpy shit out of here, a loofah is more abrasive than a fucking rag

You're poor.