Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums.

Redpill me about the "there are more than 2 genders argument".


there aren't. at least not for humans.

for snowflakes on the other hand...

I am God's special are too.

Mostly people attention whoring often because they fail to live up to their real genders roles.
There are very few exceptions though. Sometimes biology fuckes shit up and people are born with a penis and a vagina. It's only visible in even fewer cases though and pretty much always at least one of organs isn't working.

There's biological sex and there's subjective gender, typically we use gender to refer to sex but the meaning has been changed by a demographic of people that consider gender to be a form if self expression.

Some people transition with medication, others just dress opposite to their assigned sex, still others dress androgenously.

There's also then the extreme end of it where people use gender to describe what used to be called someone's type or preference in sex. In other words "I only have sex with someone I love" can now be a gender.

The least controversial version of this seems to be transsexual people utilizing this social mechanism to obtain rights they would otherwise have to conform to gender norms to obtain.

The most controversial is the Tumblr induced hysteria by very young people encounterin this idea. I'm not saying I agree with one or any part of it, just giving my best go at explaining the phenomena.

I'm sure this has roots in historical phenomena, much like gay folks transsexuals people have always existed and likely the question of how one identifies has also always existed, whether it was in the public sphere of concern or not.

The central arguement is that even though there are biologically two sexes, the gender roles and social norms around those sexes are socially constructed and, if not arbitrary, then at least not implicit to anything beyond collective agreement. So by claiming an identity that does not conform to the male/female binary, individuals seek to free themselves from the unnecessary social categories. That is not to mention the existence of medically intersex people, who have biological traits and hormone systems that are sexually both male and female.


You could legitimately argue for a third, hermaphrodite. It's rare but does happen. Agender might happen but I've never heard of anyone being born without genitals.

Most of it is just a bunch of idiots deciding to take the "you can be whatever you want" thing we were all told in school WAAAAAY too seriously and now they flip their shit when called on it.

holy shit actual intelligent answers

>Redpill me
underage detected

In human DNA / genetic code there are 23 pairs of chromosomes. One of these pairs determine the sex of the person, whether it be XX-Female or XY-Male. Of course there are certain defects which can cause an unusual phenotypes such as XO, XXX, and XYY - these people are still determined biological male or female by the presence or lack of the Y chromosome in the 23rd pair.

No matter how much surgery or social acrobats you preform, you cannot change your genetic code without rebirth. Is that to say people shouldn't be allowed to self identify? In my opinion no, I think people are entitled to self identify so long as they use the public bathroom that is most appropriate to their phenotype.

"redpill" is Sup Forumsack speak not underage speak.

I would say there's three genders, male, female and queer as fuck.

I've looked at those sites that explain all the "different genders" and it's a bunch of nonsense.

"Queer as fuck" covers all the weird edge cases those fuckers have come up with. And for the record, I have nothing against "queer as fuck" people but I'm not going to LARP with them.

1. male
2. female
3. combination of the two
4. people who think that gender is more a mental than physical thing who use terms used in varying cultures more or less based on 3.

There's an X and a Y.

very nice Read user, you seem very smart

never ask to be redpilled again. redpilling is just idiots selling their idiot theories to each other

as to what you asked, it's just a matter of bad communication and people fighting because they are stupid. gender is sex, but has been overloaded by idiots to also mean gender identity and gender traits.
sex : male, female, and herms
identity : if you feel like a bitch or a dick regardless of actually being a bitch or a dick, not that anyone should fucking care
traits : shit stereotypically associated with a given sex

some idiots also layer their sexuality onto it, so they think if they want to smash dicks & vags it's a new gender, because they're idiots.

The real world isn't a rabbithole, just idiots and poor communication.

you're welcome


I like trains

One has the chance to get smarter as they grow up.


There is the exception of individuals with androgen insensitivity, who are genetically male but anatomically female (with the exception of having internal testicles in place of where ovaries would otherwise be). These people are phenotypically female but infertile in all cases. For the past 1.2 billion years our evolution has been guided by two objective biological sexes.



>"redpill" is Sup Forumsack speak not underage speak.
It's cute that you don't know they are one in the same

I just assume they're usually excessively dumb and/or obnoxious adults.

Brains and genitalia are separate organs.

Sometimes they get confused on what they should be.

Males have Dicks, and Females have Pussies, but males might have a female brain, and males might have a female brain or something in between anyways. The spectrum of emotion and thought is way more complex than one or the other such as dicks and pussies.

Basically they're confusing sexuality with gender and being super obnoxious about it.

male, female, mentally ill and some people who are actually physically fucked up

There are an infinite number of genders, however, there are only ever two sexes; Male and Female. It's science

GTFO Bill Nye!

There aren't more than two genders. But edgy teens seem to think they can make up shit. Basically "I'm gender fluid" is the modern day "I'm not like other girls".