>Hofer packas a Glock

>39% of Austrian women would vote right wing amid illegal kebab crime

>Austrian newspapers say "The World looks to Austria"

Based white q.t.3.14 Austrian 19yr old sings in French at SC

Austria 2 years ago in 2014 at SC ... not based at all

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Für der Deutsche!

You should do the same

>>Austrian newspapers say "The World looks to Austria"

Geh so a scheissdreck aber auch. Der Rest der Welt intressiert sich a feichtn Schaas fuer das kleine Oesterreich. Praesidentschaftswahlen sind fuer einen kleinen Artikel brauchbar, du wirst aber nicht wochenlang Coverstories im NYT lesen.

We need a second Anschluss

Do you think Austria would still be up for it? I mean the allies did push alot of propaganda dividing you guys after the war.

% of Austrian women would vote right wing amid illegal kebab crime

Wait, that's something new. They say 30% of all men, but 39% of all women would vote FPÖ. F used to be a sausage party. Thanks rapefugges, I think?

don't give them dat idea, we will lit be destroyed in skijumping.

>Geh so a scheissdreck aber auch. Der Rest der Welt intressiert sich a feichtn Schaas fuer das kleine Oesterreich. Praesidentschaftswahlen sind fuer einen kleinen Artikel brauchbar, du wirst aber nicht wochenlang Coverstories im NYT lesen.

Can somebody translate this shit. I don't speak Scottish-Britbong.


TFW you push migrants in all summer and blame greeks for being racits turn 180 degrees when shit hits the fan...and building wall with Italy and neighbours...

While it can be appreciated as you being based at the moment you people are so full of shit so fucking hypocrites.

Rumänien: stabile Währung und NUR 0,3 % mudslims.
wir müssen bald auswandern, FREUNDE !!

Meanwhile in Germany women can't get enough rape and shun the Afd.

Als ob Zigeuner besser als Musel wären.

sind ja nicht alle Zigeuner dort ! >>>> still better than Musel

>TFW you push migrants in all summer
How could we "push migrants in"? Look at where we are on the map.

>and blame greeks for being racits
That's nonsense - brown people can't be racist :^)

Wie viele eurer freunde oder Verwandten wählen VDB und aus welchem Bundesland kommt ihr?

>trusting statistics
>trusting Österreich
FPÖ is still a sausagefest until some real results prove it otherwise

He said that Austria is irrelevant, Austria's president is irrelevant and Austria's president's irrelevancy is irrelevant.

And he is right.

konstant den russen im nacken und spielplatz für amerikanische raketenabwehrsysteme? nein danke

>Meanwhile in Germany women can't get enough rape and shun the Afd.

The more rapes occur, the more German girls are being redpilled.

Schon letzten Herbst rückten die Wiener Wahlen in das Blickfeld der internationalen Nachrichten. Die wurden damals als Stimmungsbarometer für Europa benutzt und es gab überall Nachrichten darüber. Russische Fernsehteams waren zum Beispiel auch anwesend.

Die Wahl am nächsten Sonntag ist ebenfalls signifikant, nicht nur für uns sondern angesichts der Kandidaten auch als Zeichen an den Rest von Europa.

>FPÖ is still a sausagefest until some real results prove it otherwise
and how should we get these results?

Ich bin kein Österreicher sondern nur Deutscher, d.h. meine Verwandten und ich wählen gar nicht :(

Just wait till sunday I guess

MEINE MUTTER & SCHWESTER wählen "das geringere Übel", habe aber KEINE Ahnung.
aber mein Onkel ist based

0, Steiermark.

>And he is right.
Self-castrating clown.


No they aren't.

you still won't know if women actually support the FPÖ more

>konstant den russen im nacken und spielplatz für amerikanische raketenabwehrsysteme? nein danke


It's fucking real!

3, Wien

Zuviele, die meisten scheißen sich vor der FPÖ kolossal in die Hosen, NÖ

Ich will ja dort nur leben und nicht Politik machen.

I'm looking forward to all the butthurt after VDB wins this one.
Realistically: Those who voted Griss, Hund and Khol are more likely to go vote for VDB than for Hofer.
Also: some made their point against the establishment voting for Hofer in the first round but don't actually want his smug face sitting in the Hofburg and are voting for VDB.

I mean it is possible that Hofer wins - no doubt but the coverage makes it look like the elections in Vienna where the fearmongering that HC would win it made a lot of people go and vote for Spritzweinmichl.

Either way, there will be plenty of butthurt and it will be fun to see the reactions.

You summoned me and I have come.


True, surveys after the elections can be used to draw a general picture but this must not reflect the reality 100%.
This is the picture after the first round for the president:

Meine Familie ist unentschlossen. Denke mein Vater wird fpö wählen, meine Mutter hasst Grüne, könnte als Hofer oder weiß wählen. Bei meiner Schwester bin ich mir ehrlich nicht sicher.

Kenne 2 Leute gut: Einer ist Österreicher, wählt schon länger blau. Einer ist iranischer Muslim (Shia) und wählt fpö. Die beiden kennen übrigens einen Juden und der wählt VdB. Zu viele Klischees.

>No they aren't.
Sure they are.

>Einer ist iranischer Muslim (Shia) und wählt fpö.
based !

>Einer ist iranischer Muslim (Shia) und wählt fpö.
A.. ab.. aber ich dachte alle Muslime sind böse Vergewaltiger?!?! Scheiße he was machst du mit meinem Weltbild?

>Realistically: Those who voted Griss, Hund and Khol are more likely to go vote for VDB than for Hofer.
Wrong on Khol.

And you forgot the 3% Lugner voters who will vote Trump... sorry, Hofer.

Lastly, don't forget that 72% of workers and 37% of pensioners votes for Hofer... while there were 6 candidates. That is fucking unbelievable. Only 5% of workers and 24% of pensioners voted for VdB.

They are being redpilled but rape is not that common. I mean you have a two thousand rape victims at best half of them being pro migrant crack whores. You are not redpilling millions of German women

>U r gay

>Mutter könnte weiß wählen

Für was soll das gut sein?

Lang lebe GroßÖsterreich

Not to mention that if you increase the level of formal education, you'll find more people voting for VdB than for Hofer.

Hofer's got the uneducated fully behind him.

kek aber wirklich wozu wählt man weiß ?

>A.. ab.. aber ich dachte alle Muslime sind böse Vergewaltiger?!?! Scheiße he was machst du mit meinem Weltbild?
Alle Balkanmuslime und Iranmuslime und andere moderate Muslime und Kurden etc. wählen schon ewig FPÖ und ÖVP.

Alle Hardliner und Islamisten aus der Türkei, Saudi Arabien, Nordafrika und "Gibsmees" aus dem Kosovo und Albanien etc. wählen SPÖ/Grüne, weil die in Wien die Gibsmees rausgeben.

stiller protest

Formal education is just a nice word for "indoctrination", Nigel.

Hands off. The Austrians are ours.

Also für nix.

I see no chance for that.

Also, why would Austrians want to do that? Four (Burgenland, Vorarlberg, Salzburg, Kärnten) of the 9 Austrian federal states would suddenly find themselves being Germany's smallest states, populationswise - smaller than the German city-state of Bremen! NRW has more than twice the population all of Austria has.

So Austrian interests would instantly take a back seat, diminished in a sea of German problems completely alien to Austrians.

>linking the image instead of uploading it

Weil man schlussendlich doch von seinem demokratischen Recht / Pflicht gebrauch macht, welches so hart erkaempft wurde.

Weiss waehlen heisst einfach nur: "Olles Huansviecha", frei nach Hinterberger, mein Commonwealth Freund.

>Austria 2 years ago in 2014 at SC ... not based at all
What the fuck did I watch?

Klingt Lustig, Meine Famliy wählt definitiv Blau, da mein Vater Polizist ist und einige unangenehme Erlebnisse bisher hatte, Ich arbeite in einer tiefblauen Firma in NÖ mit ca 240 Arbeitern und Angestellten. Ca. 3/4 wählen Hofer, der Rest wählt VDB in der Hoffnung das Cannabis legalisiert wird.

That's true. I have been thoroughly indoctrinated in physics and engineering.

You can Anschluss after you form Austria-Hungary It'll be 1914 all over again. It will be glorious.

Modern Austria is tiny compared to how huge it used to be. We need a similar thing to EU but with the less cucked nations. Hungary, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech and we can be a strong force.

Something very progressive.

Dann geh dich gleich garnicht zur Wahl?! Erspart man sich den weg?Total unnötig meiner meinung nach harry

>A.. ab.. aber ich dachte alle Muslime sind böse Vergewaltiger?!?! Scheiße he was machst du mit meinem Weltbild?

Die Hälfte seiner Familie wurde damals von Kommunisten in Afghanistan umgebracht und der Besitzt verstaatlicht. Seine Familie ist später nach Deutschland geflohen, von wo aus sie danach nach Österreich gekommen sind. Sein Vater kann relativ gut Deutsch, seine Mutter eher schlecht. Solche Leute haben schlicht und einfach nichts mit Abschaum wie dem in Calais oder Idomeni gemein.

Würde Iraner jetzt auch eher zu den Muslimen zählen die aufgeklärter sind als der Rest dort unten (außerdem Shia).

Wahlrecht, Protest und so, etc.

Der Österreicher ballt die Faust in der Hosentasche, du Lutscher. Weißwählen ist genauso legitim wie jede andere Wahl.

and it will be called ...

>Hofer's got the uneducated fully behind him.

So you are saying that people who do an apprenticeship or a BMS are automatically "uneducated"?

How enlightened of you. I would say, they vote for Hofer and the FPÖ because they earn less and see every day how great it is to live in a Muslim invested neighborhood and be afraid of migrant rape and robbery.

Please explain the pic related.

Is he actually far right or is he European far right aka not a communist.

>Austria 2 years ago in 2014 at SC ... not based at all

Feels good to know he was right all along

Come Monday, Austria will reign supreme again.
Pioneer of the New Golden Era.
Crying tears of joy right now.

Vergessen zu erwähnen wo ich wohne: Wien, 23. Bezirk.

Austria would be one state of Germany, not 9 states. The current 9 states would be dissolved.

It's not really, those lands were never Austria, they were simply ruled by Austrian monarchs as separate entities.
Austria pretty much stayed the same.

>babby needs globalist shekels for his "research"
>I-I'm so smart, I vote VdB, VdB is clearly the smart man's choice

So many of you clowns would be redundant if it wasn't for people forcing money up your ass so that they could parade you around to shape public opinion.

He supports a großdeutsches Reich, wears some kind of neonazi dresscode, wants to take back Tirol and says he doesn't see the occupation of Österreich after WW2 as a day of celebration.

At least thats what the press says here

>Weißwählen ist genauso legitim wie jede andere Wahl.

Was ändert weißwählen am Wahlausgang? Die werden einfach nur als "ungültig" gewertet.

>He supports a großdeutsches Reich
>fallling for the german media's fear mongering

Based af famdam

can't wait for dem Sup Forums
>mfw delusional retards thinking hofer has the slightes chance

dumb petryposter

If Hofer wins and Austria uncucks itself i am learning German. My great grandmother used to teach me German when i was 4-8 but i forgot most of it since then. I started reading at 4 because of her. She lived to see both wars, never went to school but somehow learned how to read and spoke 3 languages.

God bless her soul. She would be very disappointed to see how i turned out to be.

You can take measures to make sure the best interests of Austrians are looked after. You are one people, living in two countries.

That's fucking based. What is his stance on the EU? Also on nonwhites/non Austrians.

>So many of you clowns would be redundant
Good old haettiwari. I don't really give a shit where my research funding comes from, I pick whatever's on the table.

>I don't really give a shit about what hand is up my arse

He said, migrants who want to come legally to Austria, who want to live with the austrian culture and work together with Austrians to build a better future, are always welcome, savages should fuck off.

As for the EU, he know we can't leave it right away but he views it very critically.

oy vey she learned 3 languages without school?
you can't do that though, you need at least two iPhone TM language learning apps so come on and buy them

Was ein Problem ist.
Meiner Meinung nach sollte beim Verkünden des Wahlausgangs ein fetter Balken mit Weißen Stimmen und mit dem Anteil von Nichtwähler/-innen dabei sein.

So bleibt den Leuten die "Protestwählen" nur Blau.

>He supports a großdeutsches Reich
Yes, I do too. Who wouldn't?
>wears some kind of neonazi dresscode
He wears a German flag with his suit while attending a ball.

>wants to take back Tirol
South Tyrol. And he just wants a referendum, which makes sense.

>and says he doesn't see the occupation of Österreich after WW2 as a day of celebration.
No, he said he doesn't see 8 May 1945 as a day of celebration, which is the end of the war. It is a day of morning for the dead. That was actually how that day was commonly thought off in Austria from 1955 until 2011 and some leftist cuck said we should celebrate the day.

>At least thats what the press says here
And the press is misleading you. Never trust the Lügenpresse, never.

>there are people who actually believe anybody of us wanted to merge with the caliphate of cuckmany

I have relatives in Salzburg and Styria, having myself moved to Vienna. I haven't talked to all of my relatives, but I would be surprised if a single one of them would not be voting for Hofer at this point. They all used to be darkest "black" since the beginning of the modern Austrian party system, so since before 1900.

Just to give you an idea how fundamental the political shift is we witness.

No, I don't. Worked well so far.

I'm really looking forward to Sunday, because it's a win-win. On one hand, Hofer winning would mean that half of Europe's leaders will be publicly whining and moaning - on the other hand, Hofer losing will allow me to drink the salty tears of Sup Forums.

Former education is nothing. You have university students being mentally ill freaks with a few screws loose in their heads. My neighbour was a freaking inventor for fucks sake and the guy˙s formal education was carpenter. He inveted something for gas pumps and his stupid educated kids are living off the royalties up to this day. Useless brats are twice as educated as their father and are all screw ups. One married an ex prostitute, another is cucking her husband and beats her children.


>Meiner Meinung nach sollte beim Verkünden des Wahlausgangs ein fetter Balken mit Weißen Stimmen und mit dem Anteil von Nichtwähler/-innen dabei sein.

Ja, aber das ist nicht der Fall, was weiß zu wählen so unnötig macht.

Wenn es nach mir ginge gäbe es keine Wahlen und trotzdem steh ich Sonntag früher auf als sonst dass ich zum Wahllokal kann.

>end invasion or maybe get weed
they fucking choose weed!?! wtf


Ask the canadians why they voted Trudeau.

I'm moving to Bregenz in 3 months. Is it nice?

hilft nur leider auch wenig...

aber auf jeden fall im parlament, sollten prozentuell die sitze eben leer bleiben muessen und trotzdem mit 2/3 mehrheit beschluesse gefasst werden was natuerlich viel schwieriger is wenn 1/3 der sitze leer sind weil ungueltige stimmen abgegeben wurden