ITT - Pictures That Really Make You Think
But Biden has two ice cream cones, one in each hand
Right because the elites aren't the ones pushing immigration. How dense and unperceptive can you be?
The left is on the side of the corporations. They're bourgeois as fuck.
This right here, the corporate elites are the ones flooding countries with immigrants.You think it affects them negatively whatsoever in their gated communities? They're just happy to have stupid, poor workers to exploit
more like donald baked all the cookies and then some greasy fuck broke into the bakery and took half of them without asking
>trump and worker each gets 10 cookies
>worker willingly spends 9 cookies at trumps' businesses
>mfw OP has been BTFO hard
A liberal, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies.
Goldman Sachs comes in and takes 19 cookies and the liberal warns the worker and the immigrant: "Watch out, the conservatives are responsible for there not being enough cookies for everyone!"
No wonder trump is so fat.
The fucking amount of stupidity in that image is off the freaking charts.
Donald Trump, a worker and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies. Trump takes 10, the worker takes 4, the immigrant takes 4, 2 are pure profit and the government takes 1 from profit, 2 from the worker and 5 from Trump. The immigrant is safe with his 4 cookies.
Now kindly fuck off and learn how the economy works.
>retarded food analogies
Sup Forums working that meme magic again.
>you only have on cookie left so you shouldn't worry if someone steals it
This is why bernouts are poor.
He's not fat. He has to wear a bullet-proof vest since tranny liberals want to kill him.
Trump, a liberal, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with no cookies.
Trump decides to get some sugar and flour to make 20 cookies for himself. The immigrant complains that he doesn't have any cookies while raping the liberal's wife. The liberal encourages the immigrant: "At least I'm not racist!"
>bake 20 cookies to sell for the good of my family
>socialist government takes 19 for the good of the country
>eats 2 itself and gives 17 to foreigners
"at least you get free healthcare! healthcare is expensive! you'd have to pay five cookies for that operation and you've only got one!"
Vote Labour
How is Trump physically occupying 19 jobs????
Donald Trump is 2nd generation Scotish and 3rd generation German-American.
He is an immigrant.
Just because someone isn't Mexican doesn't mean that you can rob them of their history. Everyone in the USA is an immigrant and almost all of their ancestors managed to come legally. Stop redefining terms to suit your own fucked-up politics. Countries without borders don't exist. You might as well say there's no USA.
Is that the same pasta you post with every Occupy Democrats thread you make? I've seen it like 5 times before.
Makes me think you're a shill for them.
>2014 World Cup
br have you forgotten your place?
By saying that the wages he deserves for doing his job is unequally balanced in his favor with the people who work for him
They left off the part where it says that Trump baked all 20 of the cookies.
Are you implying that any Joe schmo can do a CEO's job?
Do you really think that anyone can build and continually grow a company?
Not everyone can bake the cookies.
And where would Trump be wrong? If market factors are in favor of illegal immigrants who will do more work for the same cookie, then the worker IS going to lose it.
But what else can we expect other than strawmen.
This one really makes me think about op.
>that's not a rebuttal
>meanwhile ''trump is awful'' is an argument
Democrats are so stupid
Donald Trump and a worker are sitting at a table. Donald Trump is a successful businessman, which means he was able to afford to invest in a factory and lots of bakery equipment to start a cookie franchise. Earlier in the day, Donald asked the worker if he'd bake a batch of cookies; Donald had already bought the ingredients and mixed the dough, so all the worker really had to do was put them in the oven - and Donald would even give him one of the cookies for his trouble.
After finishing the cookies, the worker returns to Donald, and Donald takes the cookies (which are rightfully his), when suddenly an immigrant bursts through the door and announces in broken English that he'll bake the next batch of cookies for only half a cookie. Donald turns to the worker and warns him; "We need to do something about him. He's an illegal, and people can get away with giving him half a cookie for the same job you just did, so it's gonna make it harder for people like you to earn cookies in the future. It's a big problem!"
Oh look it's the hourly retardation thread.
>Grade-school memes
Go back to le kitchen xDDD
Thanks leafposter, I'm quite happy with how it turned out, and I think it illustrates my point very well!
All it makes me think is; liberals are really bad at making memes.
>Trump gets a loan of one cookie
>Trump trades that for the supplies to make a batch of cookies
>Trump hires you to make more cookies from the purchased supplies. In return, you will receive some cookies
>Upon receiving your cookie payments, an immigrant rapes you and steals your cookies
But who bought the cookies?
The workers, who seized the means of cookie production
>Alex Hirsch
>They should probably be baned
(You) (You) (You) (You)
>Pictures that really make Sup Forums throw a shitfit
Did all the usual leafposters get US proxies or something, y'all have been unusually rational the last couple of days
What rights has the church ever taken from gay people?
Not a capitalist here, but do you even into economy?
First of all, Donald trump has money, so let's replace the cookies for 20 dollars. Trump takes 19 dollars and warns the worker "Watch out, the immigrant will take your dollar away". Funny thing is, it's a stupid piece of paper. If you want a cookie, chances are donald trump will make enough to feed you, the immigrant, and he'll take a cookie too, just one, like you.
That's the economy tho.
That's how it works.
A man with 1000 times more money than me doesn't eat 1000 times as much; he's not using up 1000 times as much resources. He simply has capital, because he's economically responsible.
More like Donald inherited most of the cookies, then took other people's cookies and called them "his", then only occasionally dropped all the cookies in the garbage, then dug them out again and called himself the best cookie maker on Earth. Then claims he invented cookies.
>Lol guise drumpf fans are so stupid and dumb xDDDD
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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Are you implying Donald Trump can do Donald Trump's job?
>20 cookies
>barnie sandlers, a worker, an immigrant
>barnie takes 20 cookies
>gives immigrant however many he wants
>tells worker to pay for 20 cookies to receive 1
>should be baned
>is sharp and pointy
For you
>wealth is a zero sum game
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Bernie taxes the cookies until people have to wait in huge lines just to get a small piece
Trump got a small loan of 1 cookie from his father.
From that 1 cookie he learned how to make cookies and turned it into tens of thousands of cookies.
Bait, but for anyone who's actually curious, ~2/3 of production goes to labor
>trump has 95% of the wealth in this nation
Makes me think liberals are idiots.
You're right. It's a negative sum game for everyone but the top classes.
By the way, this should TERRIFY any American on Sup Forums who isn't rich. It doesn't because you people are fucking morons who can't welcome America becoming a third world country with enough enthusiasm.
>It's the libruls!
>It's the niggers
>It's the jews!
>It's those damned poor welfare leeches!
But it's definitely not the rich with their constant shenanigans, illegal behavior and government corruption. Oh no, definitely not.
I blame corportations