>Revealed: new evidence reveals greater skews in phone polls

>Phone polls have too high a percentage of graduates – YouGov's online polls don't

So, YouGov conducted an experiment. They asked participents in the phone polls if they we're recent graduates and deduced there influence to there previlence in overall society. This lead to the polls posted below (see pic).

My question to you lads is this, should we have hope?

Other urls found in this thread:

(pic related)

Leave now leads in online and phone polls.

That's fucking right Gareth, we're crashing this union with no survivors

So when will we get to fight each other as sovereign nation states again?

>Still over a month to go
Can we do it lads
Can we tap into that meme magic and save Britain?

Good video someone posted in the last thread. I suggest you all send it to any undecided/Remain voters that you know.

This, sums it all up perfectly for people who think leaving is all about 'muh immigrants'

The remains will always have the advantage in polls as well because people don't want to be seen as 'racist'. Shy tory factor and all that.

I have some hope but I expect poling 'problems' in areas expected to be mainly out voters.

Soon lad, as soon as we vote to Leave the EU and it falls apart Europe will once more turn into colonial powers and begin spreading our influence throughout the uncivilized world.

>someone tries to "fight" us
>we just nuke them
Thanks for playing.

Doesn't America tell us when to use our nukes? kek

>Most BBC EU-related HYSs easily break 1500 plus comments, something usually very rare, and at least 75% pro-leave.
Is it a good sign?

>not posting the most Sup Forums video of all time

I'd vote for Hannan to be PM.

we'll be fine

If Nigel ever falls, Hannan could easily take over being the voice of Eurosceptism

At least France builds their own nukes, instead of just gluing warheads onto US rockets.

If you're so sure we're going to leave, why not make a shitload of money? Betting sites have remain at 1/5 and leave at a delicious 100/30. Clearly you guys know something the bookies don't, so stick a grand on it and run off with over 3 in profit.

I've noticed that on pretty much every news site and on a lot of EU related Facebook posts. It seems the Government and Corporations are telling us one thing, while the public says the complete opposite.

My bad chap. Praise Farage.

I'm hoping if we Leave and Boris Johnston ends up as the head of the Conservative Party and wins the 2020 election (He probably would), that he gives Hannan a big role in his cabinet.

I wouldn't say we were sure, we just care a lot, and good results like this are encouraging

>I've noticed that on pretty much every news site and on a lot of EU related Facebook posts
I'm certain it has something to do with the telegraph scrapping comments completely frmo their website. That was really dissapointing though, since there's no reason for me to go there now.

>MFW watching that video for the first time

t. Tottenham

>Britain crashes the EU
>Survives fine on it's own
>Other countries that want to leave turn to Britain
Stealth Empire 2.0 desu lads


Who votes Brexit:
- Edgelords from Sup Forums
- Neets (muh migrants took my job, what? no I don't want to apply at that company)
- Anarchists

Who votes against Brexit:
- Normal people
- Patriots
- Tax payers
- Educated people
- Democratic people
- Europeans
- Economic analysts and scientists

Well, it's pretty obvious. You can either prove what a special snowflake you are and vote out, or be someone who cares about the FUTURE of his country and vote STAY.

The majority knows what's good for UK, but do you?

>who don't vote: mountain jews

For you mate

Can we all just agree to stop replying to the butthurt first aid kit and giving him the (you)s he's hoarding like nazi gold?

Yeah, it's probably for the best

I love how immodest he is with his patriotism.

So you agree that you're defeated. There is literally no hope for Brexit, besides discussing with your edgy friends here what would happen in a parallel universe.

Why are you wasting this time and energy? You know exactly like everyone else that the majority votes STAY

>o-only switzerland is allowed to be outside the eu and horde jewgold
Are you worried you might have some competition Swissbro?

Everyone send this video to your remain/undecided friends, probably the best 6 minutes there is to convince them to leave

It's very hard not to read his bit (starting with New Zealand joining Australia) as very easily transposable to Scottish independence.

>you'll never see a British Confederation [Independent Scotland, England, Wales and NI as independent countries, but remaining closely interlinked, probably with common border policies.] created outside the EU

Why even live?

oh shit didn't notice that post

Then out spake brave Horatius
Captain of the gate
To every man upon this Earth
Death cometh soon or late
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods

A shame he's shitting on Trump like a neocon cookie-cut from the cloth.

Why would a mountain jew care whether Britain is in the EU or not when your country isn't?

Wales, NI and Scotland have no business being independent.

I concur

Not you again, ignore this globalist shill who isn't even ruled over by the EU

No, but it won't work the same for UK like it does for Switzerland.

UK belongs to EU

Because I think UK is a nice country and I care about the future of their people. I don't want their country to become another South Africa because they made the wrong decision. STAY is the best option they have

OK, lads.

So the first thing we do when we're independent is invade Switzerland, right?

Alice wants brexit.

This is T*rkroach tier shitposting.

I think in the next 5-15 years we'll start seeing Britain devolving more powers to Scotland, Ireland and Wales and only keeping maybe two or three central powers to themselves (Defense and Immigration), which would quell any sort of argument for independence from Scotland, Wales, or Ireland. Ideally England would have its own Parliament as well with some minor powers devolved to London so it isn't the focus of England anymore. Then we'd have a central UK Government that deals with Defense and Immigration etc (As said above).

Into my heart an air that shills
for Brexit

Wales and NI are hacking it quite a bit, Scotland's got a claim as good as any other. [Wales being given credits for a cool flag and Leanne Wood, NI being a vague way to keep it united vaguely with us while also sidestepping political questions on her status.]

Besides, in the way I'm envisioning it's barely independence at all. You get all the cultural trappings of a revival in national sentiment with all the practicalities of the union. An economic union of Scotland and England makes great sense, but Scotland his a historic nation with her own national identity and recognition of that in state form would be a good thing.

"British" identity is in many ways damaging to the interests of the constituent nations of the UK. Immigrants tend to identify as British, but not as English or Welsh. I would perhaps even concur with the left that "British" identity is outdated, an outward looking identity for a nation that no longer has an empire to identify with.

It's just that my solution isn't to dilute it with Muslims, but to pull it back to something that does provide a national identity - Scotland and England in particular, Wales as a tagalong and NI as a kludge.

>No, but it won't work the same for UK like it does for Switzerland.
Then if you aren't worried why are you so vociferous that we should remain? Why does Switzerland deserve to be free but not the United Kingdom?

>read thread
>Think gap is closing its stores
>about to tell wife
>realize the post is not about gap at all

I was tricked

Basically a federal system with more devolved powers?

>which would quell any sort of argument for independence from Scotland
Probably not. That very situation was the SNP's desire for long enough [devo max] because it means independence is a trivial next step. It becomes very easy to run an emotional campaign on, and economic data is more plentiful and manipulable.

Though what I described is basically what you described, except a confederation instead of a federal UK. [Meaning the SNP get all the trappings of statehood, while keeping the same monarch, in a confederation for defence, immigration, sections of trade, etc.]

Basically the same thing turned inside out. In those circumstances, with Saltires over Edinburgh, it's in the SNP's interest to hand immigration and such off to the confederation.

lol, sorry burger

>mfw when we start EU 2.0 based in London instead of Brussels

The EU will never take my toaster. Or my high powered kettle. Oh yeah, the rapefugee army over there? They can keep them but they can stay away from my goods. Let's tell 'em on June 23rd.

#Brexit #Freedom #ProjectSelfRegulate

South Africa is shit because of niggers, you're a moron

UK is free since its creation in 1801.

I care about the outcome because I don't want to see the British nation suffering from a wrong decision just because they were selfish.

If you want your children to grow up in a great, wealthy nation it's obvious you are voting STAY

I'm scared lads, can we really do it?

>"I'm sure the deserters will not be welcomed with open arms," the European Commission president told French newspaper Le Monde in an interview after being asked about the day after a vote for Brexit in the June 23 EU membership referendum.

>"If the British should say No - which I hope they don't - then life in the EU will not go on as before," Juncker added.

>"The United Kingdom will have to accept being regarded as a third country, which won't be handled with kid gloves.

>"If the British leave Europe, people will have to face the consequences -- we will have to, just as they will. It's not a threat but our relations will no longer be what they are today."

WW3 confirmed for brexit, we must once again unite against the European fascists!

fuck off medpack, your country should have been raped and pillaged by the soviets as well

I believe in Britain


Another proof that only edgelords are voting for Brexit. No real arguments because they know they're fucked if they leave.

What happens to Grease if UK brexits?

Pic related, sophisticated Grease art of a women shitting in a bucket.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a immigrant.

Go, right now, and look at the comments section of any article discussing the EU. Looking at Facebook, BBC, even the Guardian, you will see many more people are passionate about leaving.

The leave campaign has two inherent strengths: Older people (predominantly eurosceptic) are more likely to vote, and people who are impassioned by a cause (Brexit) are more desperate for change, thus more likely to vote. Polls do not take this into account.

Just look at the general election last year to see how irrelevant pollsters are. Brexit will happen and Britain will thrive.

>There is literally nothing wrong with being a immigrant.

We're under the yoke of Brussels, we're not free.

If we're free then allow us the the freedom to fail.


There's way too many though. Immigration should be a privilege, not a right.

Greece? I don't know, they've already been more than fucked by the EU and themselves

Too many leafs on Sup Forums today, lets revisit the Emperor's speech. Maybe one day Britain will be Great Again and get some guns.


' Alpine cretinism was described from a medical perspective by several travellers and physicians in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.[9] At that time the cause was not known and it was often attributed to "stagnant air" in mountain valleys or "bad water". '

Do us a favour and die in an avalanche.

>Trump shooped onto worst Primarch
Fuckin heresy m8


What do I need to do to remain in the Uk if they vote to leave?

Nothing, laws can't be enacted retroactively here.

That's the problem with the SNP. They want control over issues that need to be common for an island this small. Like immigration for example, if someone immigrates to Scotland it is incredibly easy for them to move to England, same vice versa. So both countries then would have to spend millions on securing the borders. Same with defense, if someone invades Scotland they're incredibly likely to invade the rest of Britain, and same again vice versa.

If the SNP began pushing for heavy devolution the Government would likely give it to them, then the Irish and Welsh would get it as well. Then the Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland can maintain their national identity while reaping the benefits of being in the UK. No country would have to worry about defense, immigration or securing trade deals as that is the only think the UK Government would have to handle.

if you're here legally you should be fine

it'll take years to sort out anyway

>Implying you'll be allowed to remain
>Implying we won't march you into the chunnel and flood it

Anyone here legally will likely be given a visa, since you entered legally at the time, we don't enact law retroactively.

Hilarous how you are talking like there is just the slightest possiblity of it happening.

Seriously, that's one fucking severe case of autism right there

>should we have hope?

Not according to ladbrokes.

Holy shit that speech was amazing.
*Patriotism intensifies*

They're less concerned with control over the issues in itself, and more concerned with getting saltires over Edinburgh. (You've gotta oversimplify some of their policy positions, but that's their root ideology.)

You offer them their own seat at the UN and other international institutions and the other trappings of statehood, with the only cost being that they cede immigration, defence and large parts of trade, and I bet you they'd take it tomorrow. You offered them that in 2012, that'd be that.

No form of devolution is good enough for the SNP, they exist to procure independence, but as we know from "Independence in Europe" as policy, they're perfectly willing to cede control to supernational bodies - like a hypothetical British confederation - once independent.

Ah that was eloquent, patriotic and utterly blew Spearchukka and Clegg the fuck out

>tfw the minorities are trying to keep us in with the sole purpose of bringing more immigrants

We NEED to get out & then we need to elect a strong right wing government to kick out all the kebabs & dindus.

We're going to lose. The think tanks that run the EU have already decided.

The only way out of this is to expose them for the cheating rats they are. Wish me luck boys, I'm going in.

>Are Nige
>Based Hannan
>Literally WHoey
>Spear Chuka
>Pork Clegg
>And fucking Brillo as the moderator

Fucking A, those are some top candidates

I need to watch this shit in full

>Seriously, that's one fucking severe case of autism right there

he said whilst spending his time arguing with foreigners about something that doesn't even effect him on a bhutanese passport registration site

Voting to Remain. AMA.

Harry wants to do his mum proud. Can he save the realm?


Where's the source on this? Looks like a Scotland poll or something since UK wide is like 52-48 all the time.

Go prep your gf I'm going to rail her in front of you.

and if they resist we take them by force

>June 24th declared independence day
>Within 5 years, the U.K and has overtaken every European country
>The EU slowly fragments away into a mere relic of the past
>2nd Britannic Imperial Empire forms, with each country of Europe becoming a client state of Britain
>King William declares Nigel Farage Protector of the United Kingdom
>Form closer relationships with the U.S after God Emperor Trumps landslide victory
>Lord Prince Farage and Lord Emperor Trump, with the blessing of King William, form the super alliance of The United States of America and Great Britain
>Go on to dominate the world