>This is the average swedish couple
notice anything Sup Forums?
>This is the average swedish couple
notice anything Sup Forums?
no kids?
there's a white guy in their living room
>notice anything Sup Forums?
yeah their German
isn't it german couple?
Muslims have really small feet
Yup who is the wifes son to the left?
Can women be cucks?
Is the correct answer that this "couple" has three people?
Yup they are Germans
they are polyamorous
They take pictures with their bull?
She's hiding her bump.
Hello my name is Abdull rakim and this is cuckass.
Sit back and enjoy!
When I see these pictures, and the other one with the faggot German activist. I do wonder if they actually got cucked, cause this womens body language, combined with how effeminate & passive the guy looks, does make me wonder if it's more than a meme.
>notice anything Sup Forums?
Yeah. The Swedish couple appears to have a white man staying with them. Odd.
I can't believe they let their Bull on the couch...
He should remain in the bedroom till needed.
which one is the white "guy"?! do you know what their gender identity is?
I stopped huffing this krylon to tell you that you're doing the Lord's work, user.
Prepping begins wherever they may be Tyrone..
>all german books on shelf
Fuck off.
S-so you're mad that you're NOT being called a cuck?
What are you talking about, can't you see the teenage child in the middle?
The white guy is probably letting him seed his woman with his superior halal DNA.
This is insane.
they have a light on in the daytime?
Yeah, there's an extra women.
You don't see this often in the UK, right?
Is there an update on them? Its been like 6 months whitey mustve moved out by now.
They get ME boypussy and I don't?
Not sure if moving into the cellar or a shed really counts as moving out.