Norway NO!

8000 asylum apartments CANCELLED due to less influx. Based immigration minister Sylvia Listhaug gets compared to Donald Trump same week. We did it!

Source in whalespeak:

Cause-effect, what's the problem?

Liberals dont care about that



Don't worry there will be massive flows pretty soon.

why does every shit country do this? THIS IS A ENGLISH SITE SPEAK ENGLISH. I'm reporting you for failing to translate the page.

nah, the weather has been very nice lately all over the immigrant routes

there was no winter this year, nothing was stopping them in the first place

they all went for germany, sweden and UK


The need for new refugee centers is far less than expected.

Earlier this spring called UDI out a competition of 10,000 reception places across Norway. Interest was great - the deadline was over on April 11, they had received a total of 97 offers.

But Friday afternoon informs the Directorate that they only want to create 2,000 places in reception centers. The reason is that it has come asylum seekers to Norway so far this year.

It will therefore not be established new facilities in North Norway, Indre Ostland or in southern Norway.

Five new to Hero
Abri Growth, owned by Acta founder Alfred Ydstebo, has been awarded two contracts. Ydstebo has since last autumn run the giant transit reception Forus in Stavanger. They had originally placed an offer of six ordinary reception.

Hero Norway, which already is the largest driver of the asylum, expanding further. They will operate five new reception respectively Molde, Stjordal, Verdal, Haugesund and Stord.

"Super Reception" in Oslo
Two municipalities are also on UDI list - Steinkjer, who now receive a total of three new reception and Oslo.

Oslo will operate a so-called integration reception at Ila. Hitherto shalt asylum seekers who have either been granted or are very likely to get it.

Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug has previously stated that asylum seekers should contract that they accept stringent motivation and own efforts.

- I really believe in reward and requirements, said Listhaug during the presentation of the integration message earlier this month.

These have won contracts with seats to a total of 2,017 asylum seekers:

I want asylum pls

1. can you get guns like ar15 in Norway
2. can i have asylum from negros
3. does everyone speak decent english or should i learn Norwegian language

Why? You're the richest south american country.

1. No semi/full automatic guns. If you're a hunter or competitive shooter you can acquire bolt action rifles, shotguns and revolvers/semi automatic handguns
2. Idk desu
3. "Everyone" speak English, but Norwegian is mandatory for most jobs

you're the reason every other country thinks america is so damn touchy

Hello Mr Nordmann, I have a question for you

Are American immigrants accepted there? Im white and have blue eyes and sparsely speak the language, have a dual degree in mathematics and engineering

That and the fact you guys feel the need to respond to ANY criticism

Most probably. We have a great demand for engineers.

As someone with Norwegian heritage, great job!

>a fucking leaf

if you dont speak norwegian you will be treated like a nigger and wont get a job, so that is up to you

Semi auto hunting rifles/shotguns are allowed

din fjert vil forbli ren, for nĂ¥...

> Demand for engineers

Fuck off, industry is on a all time low. We have engineers working the floor because of the overflow of students. And i gotta work with these paper pushers!

Yes I forgot, but the magazine is always plummed to 5 rounds for rifles and 2+1 for shotguns

Is is true that your fellow European niggers can make a Master's degree for free in Norway?

Shhhh you're scaring the white people away

Yes, but that's limited to non-private schools/institutions of course.

Yes, we have free school up to 3 years after the ten basic, then you have to go too university, and that costs. But the best is to get work experience and then maybe your workplace will help pay for educating you.

How is she seen in Norway?

Hated or loved. No in between

Correct, for hunting purposes. But for training you can have more rounds in/bigger magazines