Walk into american wally world in 2016

>walk into american wally world in 2016
>see this

What do?

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>>walk into american wally world in 2016
>>see this
>What do?

Head down the road to Academy Sports & Outdoors for a better selection at better prices.

This tbqh

Dicks has good deals too sometimes.

This only a retard buys his guns and ammunition at Walmart

The dicks in CA i've been too only have fudd guns

See that they're overpriced, turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away.


Are those really armalites?

I dunno, might be a good deal.

I believe that is store policy here in commieland

You like Dicks?

Buy some more ammo

Thank God I'm not a dirty Canadian.

Oh yeah baby.

buy one.

on second thought, they're pretty cheap. buy a few.

Id buy two of the most expensive rifle and train with it and I would make my gf train with it too.

Marvel at the low, low prices, and walk away with a bargain!

not in cali

If we had those kinds of stores in Sweden or in Europe, civil war would be happening much sooner.

Anyways it will happen, bless Europe, I hope we succed in our path to victory!


> youtube.com/watch?v=aF4cW13Ko3I

To Hell with Dick's Sporting Goods

They jumped on the AR bandwagon bigtime, and literally disavowed all of it seconds after Sandy Hook.

Not one penny.

>buying AR from walmart

buying guns from a walley world is like supping in ikea. you are not supposed to go there for that

Be glad my SKS was only $200

>buy one
>remove leaf
>return it to wallyworld for full price on their money back guarentee

Check if they have any .22 and buy a box of 5.56 and x39

Ask a service clerk which one is best for removing kebab.

Vomit in my mouth, go home, and apologize to my AKs for bringing home the stench of AR filth.

> tfw stuck in commiefornia


>using russian trash
>not trusting the weapon that won vietnam
>unironically using 7.62
>in 2016

>buying firearms from Walmart

the people there have no clue what they're talking about. pay the extra money and support local gun businesses. you get a captive audience and a lot of 1 on 1 time with an expert that isn't getting called to clean up baby puke on aisle 16.

Tell your mom to hurry up and buy your adult diapers and tendies, then go to your LGS and cash out your good boy points for a new rifle

>walk in see this
> "Oh yea im at work."

Nothing wrong with buying ammo at Walmart.

I'm building my own for half the price fampai.

>not trusting the weapon that won vietnam

>won vietnam
You are joking right?

You know everyone in nam threw away their colts for AKs as soon as they could.

Buy em.

>Probably the third time I'd seen this exact thread

sorry, I'll correct it
>not trusting the weapon that won Afghanistan
>unironically not using the rifle that liberated iraq

Legal in UK..
Its about the closest we'll get to the US.


Better than nothing. Do you own one?

literally nothing.

>pic related
>tfw american

I feel like you could pretty easily upgrade that to semi auto, depending on the trigger group of course. Feel like literally adding a gas tube and gas block would do it.

i dont get murricans, selling guns and freedom is all fine and dandy but why do it at a general store? its not like you buy it daily, alongside milk, meat bread veggies and whatnot...

why not use specialized stores? they probably have better selection/staff/service...

Nope, but just getting the info out there that the UK laws are not as strict as first though.

I think in Germany the laws are even more relaxed.

You should get one. What kind of hoops do you have to go through? Are you allowed to keep ammo in your house with it? Are you limited to some number of rounds?

Buy one, then get arrested when I get home as the MI5 tracked my interest in guns and deemed me a danger to society

>I hate it that freedom is easily accessible

Fuck is with the leafs today? Freedom envy?

They have good deals on ammo sometimes, but yeah buying a gun from Walmart is on par with getting your oil changed there.

What are you afraid of? Why should a law abiding exercising his rights of being an American worry you?

Buy one and go shoot up a school.

>be american
>use credit card
>get debts

thats not what i said, but nice strawmanning


>proceed to buy them all when Walmart finally pussies out and liquidates prices on all "assault" rifles
>sell them at their respective msrp
>rub my hands together like a jew

I only buy dog food and ammo at Walmart

buy one if you're not a cuck.

I'll usually pick up some ammo when i go to Walmart.

Dude, Walmart sells fucking everything. From clothes, to grills, to guns, to everything. I'd much rather go to my "local gun store" to buy my ammo and guns, but the closest one is like 45 minutes away. I won't buy a firearm at wally world, but the dumbass behind the counter can gladly get me a box of .233

turn 360 and walk away


Walmart doesn't sell rifles with pistol grips anymore.

that actually sounds a bit strange not having a gunstore nearby aspecially in the US, considering my little sleepy hometown with 15k pop had a hunting/gunstore, and the next one with circa 10k as well. And this is europe. But i see your point.

Think... "man i wish i had $900"

Despite my state (Kansas) having absolutely based gun laws, my town is ran by hippies and they don't want gun stores moving in. They closed down our indoor range and are fighting tooth and nail to prevent another one from opening.

>muh chilluns

Walmart and Dicks sporting goods is all we have

Assault rifles are made to assault people for this reason they should be illegal.

still a great place to get a pump 12g. very viable option given that everyone elses selection is just as limited as yours (excluding military and leo) a good hand gat with a few ten round glock brand glock glockazines and a well broken in mossy with 150-200 rounds of buckshot is a great investment in the shit hole called california.

Walk on past because the one I have is already fine

Why would I be in that store though? I'm not a nigger.

