RAPEFUGEE INVASION: New/Recent Translations

New English translations by Hungarian Vlad Tepesblog on Poland & Germany.

German women agressivly groped in Berlin 1080:

Translators in Germany falsifying translations to favour Sunnis:

ANTIFA parties at memorial for murdered teen in Bonn:
Polish officials on German TV discussing migration Crisis and Merkel:


Other urls found in this thread:




I'm amazed how "civilised" of a discussion they have.
I cannot recall ever watching a discussion on such antagonizing topic like this in Poland where noone has the desire to kill each other.

Wow, they actually listened to what she has to say.

If it wasn't for Vlad Tepesblog (An ex-pat american woman), I'd think you Poles were a bunch of German & Russian hating Xenophobes and not a sensible country.

Do you know her name? I've taken an interest in polish political parties recently.

>girls went to african music fest
hmm... wonder why

>I've taken an interest in polish political parties recently.
Oh God, that's terrible... You have no clue what's really going on over there since the 80-90s.

>Do you know her name? I've taken an interest in polish political parties recently.
Who's name? The woman in the German show?

For the BBC clearly, diversity, and foreign foods. They didn't know the uncivilized blacks would be there.
Its "forbidden love", the forbidden makes people horny.
If Whites acted more savage and manly, the right leaning women might get more wet for them.

Yes, the redpilled anti-immigration polish politician.

Aleksandra Rybinska

Well I don't speak polish and google translator is shit. So how can I know?
We didn't have to care in Canada because we thought you Europeans were taking care our homelands. Now it seems like its a countdown to white-genocide.
Sweden is no longer our (Right-leaning Canadians) role-model for progress. I'm looking for movements in Europe that are able to establish themselves as anti-immigration.
You're fighting university SJWS, a controlled press, and so on. Same in Canada. The more parties that are anti-immigrant that get into power the better.
I don't even know if I can still enjoy being a tourist in Europe anymore.

>Aleksandra Rybinska

There is a lot of underground, secret, corrupt, secret services stuff going on since 1989, people that talk to much have been killed etc..

She's fucking BTFO'ing the Germans.

They seem completely baffled that their "hurrdurr" give the entire 3rd world total welfare scheme is a fucking absolute disaster.

Or should I say, "committed suicide", even generals, one of the founders of GROM special forces...

Im genuinely surprised how well she handled every question that was asked of her, pretty based.

I've always kinda noticed an ebb and flow of things in life. Maybe whites are about to flip out, cause I am here, I am flipping out lads.

One thing I've learnt is you don't finish the job until the job is finished. This time lads, it's gotta be finished.

Train, eat right, sleep right.

Her German was perfect as well. They really can't say shit.

>Assassinations, secret police, people dissapearing
Yes, its not unheard of. Sources?
I did find examples of NATO/USA Guantanamo Bay style prisons in Poland, only for the Muslims and NovoRussians though right?

But I thought you guys (Slavs/Eastern Europeans) have gotten the communists/Former KGB out.

Hey, that Polish plan that "fell out of the sky" over Russia with your government.
2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash

Is that what you're talking about?
I'm not sure what that means for Poland, if that was indeed a coup/assassination.

>But I thought you guys (Slavs/Eastern Europeans) have gotten the communists/Former KGB out.
Bhahahaha! That's the whole problem, NO, some of them just switched now from Moscow to Berlin/Washington(Tel-Aviv) and some are still loyal to Moscow by being saboteurs - especially in the 90-2000's.
Nah, I meant more internal shit, but this thing is fishy as fuck and the former government has sabotaged some shit on purpose to make the investigation almost impossible.

But yeah... Thins don't seem as they look since the 1989, the commies just made themselves secure and gave the international sharks free reign in Poland, fyi Rockefeller-Jaruzelski Pact.

Sounds like James Bond material stuff.
So, do you have some sources, blogs, books or youtube, to point us in the right direction about the underground stuff?
If they're going to silence East Europe about this stuff, might as well make noise?
All we have is Hollywood stereotypes here.

Nope, it was just a TV show in 1989, nothing really changed.

That Polish woman is based af

I thought that was Natalia. I got really sad.

Nothing in life lasts...


Yes, but in Polish.
This pic related.

When they pulled the "we gave you 12 billion" card.


Fucking rekt LMAO.

>fair weather friend
pick both

>that comic
What a twisted vision.

>hey have this money
>now you have to let yourself be buttfucked by mohamed
Would be a better way to put it.

the show is about journalists from different countries discussing european issues

from left to right: france, ??, moderator, austria, poland, germany

best part is always the last 15minutes where normal citizens can ask questions ... literally everyone calling is redpilled

the bigos knows

spotted the faggot

For me (Polish living in America, Texas) its either Iceland or Netherlands. Poland super cold all the time?

The view from a nearby trail pic related.

Why is he even on the show if he has nothing meaningful to add? Just a talking head.

he is a merkel fanboy

>Poland super cold all the time?
-30°C in the winter
+30°C in the summer

Why do I always see you cuckposting? Always, same flag, all cuck posts. Do you have a mental disorder?

>Polish officials on German TV discussing migration Crisis and Merkel:
I cant see any Pole in there

Co ty kurwa pierdolisz, -30 nie było w Polsce od 50 lat



>aggressively groped

As opposed to gentle groping like an errant elbow to the tit.

>MSM shilling against fugees
Have I missed the revolution?