Any Sup Forumsacks living in Montreal that would like to meet up?
Sup Forumsack meetup
Other urls found in this thread:
>meeting up with a canadian
50% of everyone on this board can't get off their ass, how do you think they're going to walk they're fat asses to Montreal?
>meeting up at all
We should make a zeemap for pol/acks. The faggots have one why can't we?
I'll slap that beside Chongcoover and Hinduronto. Fuck it, through it Calgary as well, they try so hard with their wannabe hick BBQ style they end up having just as much Indians per captia as Hinduronto.
Problem I have with Montreal is.. it's French Black fucking idiots and the most insanely disgusting SJW tier shit i'v ever seen in my life.
Any utah faggots want to hang out and touch eachothers silly holes?
Fucking kek.
>exact reason we should never meet
>Sup Forumsacks
>meet up
Didn't end well the last time.
I live 15 minutes away from notre-dame st where that picture was taken and I still wouldn't want to go meet someone from Sup Forums. There's just no positive outcome from such a thing.
I made a map. I doubt this will be used, but if it will don't ever post your exact location or any contact details.
Pic related is how it would go down.
So sad :(
How do i mark my location?
oh yeah I'm German btw
I've always had a sinking suspicion the person who made this is "why do I keep coming here?".
It has the add marker thing in the additions tab
That doesn't show for me,i can only see the map
Why are Sup Forums meetups so autistic when amren conferences go fine?
What fucking addition tab?
I'll bring brownies.
Dont be a buzzkill
We can drink some zimas and wang dang doodle our sally dressmans if you know what I mean.
Ogden sucks
go here type in /Polacks in the search field
I'm in. Nazi orgy!
Which area, OP?
I'm from Côte des negres.
I'm such a friendless loser that I would meet up, but I live in Toronto. I wouldn't mind going to a pub with a Sup Forums-bro.
I'm not white so no. If set up traps near your meet up place tho
Atlanta is 1776 times better than fucking Montreal.
Sweet ill get the beer and the swastika shaped dildo
(protip 4 anuses can prolapse on that swastidildo)
Lachine here but I don't think I'd be interested
Oh there we go,marked my street desu come kidnap me
We had a Sup Forums meet up years ago in Toronto actually, back when some mens right activist woman was planned to speak at U of T and feminists made a page on facebook saying they were going to blockade it. There was 4 of us and 2 were Asian. Wasn't too bad. Some autist even made an hour long documentary about us.
somebody post the result of the gun meeting ..
Go to the right stuff forums pool party page.
Its basically a safe way for Sup Forumsacks to meet
Yeah, I remember that.
Best brownies I ever had tho; mixed feelings about it now
faggots the way this works is that you provide a throwaway email or other contact method for people to reach you.
>the internationale of nationalists
Sup Forums meetup, lol.
It would be pretty comfy desu.
How does this even work, there's no button to add a location or anything
I'm from Brazil man who the hell would contact me
>Sup Forums meet up
Hello SQ!
Antifa will be there waiting for you. ;) OP.
the meetup email is [email protected]
Damn I wish I could go
ska vi ha meetup?
I'm not meeting up with you fuckers.
All the Montreal anons on here have autism.
Mange-tu un gross graine!
I remember that "I try to act like Caesar" user from a few days ago
>sugar sandwich
the feels
Golly gee,so many of you live in my city and i didn't know
This is a very good idea but I cannot get it to work you fucking kike. Plz help
You see that bit where it says /polacks double click
Okay, but where do I add MY location?
I always wanted to be on unsolved murders! Count me the fuck in!
Hahaha yeah, i lost my fucking sides
Looks like I know where I'm going on vacation. Can you add apartment number? Would be awkward to search through a whole block for a Sup Forumsack.
ja, visst, vart bor du
>/k/ommando detected
I can't add my apartment number but i can make a retarded email account if you want to mail me for details
We can go have sushi and ride a boat it would be pretty romantic desu
Am I being trolled? Yeah, I see everyones location, how do I add MINE?
Read the thread leaf.
You have to click on the title /Polacks so that it shows
Go for it. We could have a toast to Bolsonaro and after practice some brazillian ju-jitsu if you catch my drift ;^)
Post your rbc client card number and pin
> tfw they are actually putting markers there.
Goyim. Instead of the EXACT location the correct way of doing this is that you must post your fake email adress/snapchat/steamadress/skype/kik etc. JIDF will not find out who you are or your location based on this map. I swearz.
Added myself
t. Karel Peeters
Id only murder you like a little bit not alot
I put mine on an uninhabited island some unspecified distance from where I live
SQ can go check it out if they want
I want my right wing death squads ready and operational
I looked up your city on google maps 'cause I'm interested in Brazil.
You live in a fucking paradise mate. Do you have a nice view?
Yeah,unfortunately i'm at work now so i can't take a picture,but i live in one of these buildings
Reporting for duty hot stuff
Modern architecture is fucking depressing, but the environment and the climate seem to make well up for that, so yeah, fucking nice town man.
Pic related is my home town. I don't live in these houses though, they are fucking expensive. And don't mind the sun either, it's mostly greyish around here
Hey if anyone wants to come hang out in my basement that would be swell!
Please bring your own lotion and basket.