Lmao I'm fucking tired of sending pics to guys who tell me I'm a trap or a pedo or I'm fake or bait...

Lmao I'm fucking tired of sending pics to guys who tell me I'm a trap or a pedo or I'm fake or bait. Like boi how many girls you know with g sized tits? Some bullshit. I don't need anyone else to validate me.

great bait

pretty much

if that's of any help, I think you got great tits
a lot of girls I fucked didn't have tits nearly as nice as yours. So chill for a sec and appreciate that :) also post more pls

You are a strong independent woman and don't need no man to validate you. They miss out on the queen of the boobs


overstating it though, it's shit

Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I replied to your post because you're a femanon, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

gr8 b8 m8


I mean hey, I'd stick my dick in that.


Fuck if faggot. We all know the second she rejects you you'll call her a dumb slut

Tits and timestamp or kys "femanon"

Are those Gs? I guess it's hard to tell from the pic.

If you are gonna b8, at least post a girl was g sized tits. Those are just a D at best nigga.

Look just settle this for fucks sake. Pussy and time stamp. You have 5 mins.
Full tits with time stamp. Tic toc

are those tits? kind of hard to tell from the pic

no they arent most likely to be c

Guys yout can't spell masturb8 without the b8

You need to validate yourself tho, and you know what it means.

tits with timestamp or gtfo

Fuck off


I like how you absolute faggots dont sage for the offchance it is a girl, pathetic

Brian would never. =] Brian respects women and they are cool. =D

Being this new

And y'all thought they weren't g's miss me with that bs

timestamp you fuckin bitch

Areally you ok? You have no nipples or ariolas. I'm a doctor trust me

bait, not bait, tits, no tits, I don't care. The fact is the bitch in the picture needs to do sit ups and squats, along with eating a proper diet, balancing calories to get lean. Otherwise you just look like lazy piece of shit to me. You lazy piece of shit. It really doesn't matter if you are or aren't, you look like it.


Feminist detected. Evacuate.


U can send pics to me to vent about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Those aren't fucking Gs get the fuck out of here bish

Dubs don't lie op.. get out there and do some workouts

Why is everyone on 4 chan such a dick. Stop wasting your time trying to "prove that I'm not a girl" you gotta problem then you can fuck off

Lol fucking barely single D. You're on fucking crack if you even think these are Es lolllllolololo ll

the more u harp on about being a girl the less i think you are one

Fuck off you fucking nigger.
Not my fault I've barely been on here recently as it has gotten so fucking shit due to you little 12 year old shits which makes me unable to tell b8 pictures from real ones

>maybe if i lay down they'll look big enough to be Gs
>why don't you guys believe me >:(((((

They look average whats your fucking point?
Do something worth praising instead of simply having body parts you worthless cunt.

See, that's the thing. No one is doubting you're a girl.
But without a timestamp, who even knows if you're real. If you wish to regain your image as a woman on the internet (because you're just some neckbeard posting some chick's pictures otherwise), throw a timestamp. You can write that shit on paper.

lmao people think you're a girl, everyone knows all girls are fake till proven otherwise

gaining some weight huh

this looks shopped
I can tell from the pixels

Come back OP

>miss me with that
Male,female,it doesn't matter. You type like a stupid fucking nigger

>manly hands

Looks good to me.