It's my 18th birthday. I can now officially post here. Been lurking for 3 years.
>gibbe birthday wishes
>I need approval from internet strangers
It's my 18th birthday. I can now officially post here. Been lurking for 3 years.
>gibbe birthday wishes
>I need approval from internet strangers
god damn your ugly
Kill yourself.
Happy birthday, you a big kid now.
That's not me.
I don't want to.
Thank you.
I was posting here when I was 13 nigger. Isn't most of Sup Forums underaged anyway. Then you graduate to Sup Forums when you're 18
We were born on the same day!
I would go there but I look too jewy, even though I'm catholic. Something tells me the stormfags wouldn't care either way
Happy birthday, friend.
Hey hey, yesterday was my 18th.
Good birthday dubs, friend.
You too.
One off quads.
mfw I realize there are now adults who don't remember 9/11
18 going on 65. Jesus you're the oldest looking kid in the world.
Your a newfag, and your ugly.
Not my picture.
Nice ad hominem, user
Why would you post your face there under any circumstances
I'm glad I was never this new.
That's not me
>these gosh darn millenials messing up my society
Sometimes being an oldfag isn't desirable