Why is everyone so mean here

Why is everyone so mean here

because atheism

Fuck off you attention seeking thundercunt

fuck you nigger cock

They're not, they're too nice, and 12.

Because fuck you
And fuck you
You guys are ok

No such thing as too nice, friend.

And fuck you too

Because we are loser beta cucks irl and can only talk shit behind a computer screen

And fuck you friend

Fuck this guy

You don't mean that. I forgive you.

It's like when Helga is mean to Arnold because she secretly has a crush on him.

Fat bitch

Sad thing is I'm really like this irl

when did Sup Forums turn so pc

Fuck you with a baseball bat wrapped in sandpaper
Fuck you and your fucking trips
You're all right


Fuck you so fucking much
Fuck you niggerfaggot

Nice Trips

It keeps getting worse, but a long time.
Le sjw redditors have arrived cause they want to spread the cancer.

Fucking thanks fucker

No fucking shit captain fucking obvious
Fuck you

Because people respect you here if you're edgy af. I've also heard that if you start cutting people with your edge, they are obligated to suck your dick

No problem, Nigger

ur eyebrow looks stupid

Fuck you respect is for faggots
This guy is right
That's fucking nigger to you fuckbag


That's mean.


Fuck you faggot I don't even know you and I fucking hate you
Just fucking one?
Fucking this.
Fucking do it

Is there a meme here I'm unaware of? Or is this thread filled with autism?

Fucking sweet moustache

Because who cares when you have an entire thread that randomly becomes people posting pictures of dogs shitting

Oh come on man everyone loves me. It's impossible to hate me.

Mean? Nobody here is mean fucking faggot.

Fuck you, Fernando, you wetback rapist

Fuck you late to the party fucking faggot

This made me laugh, thx Faggot user

What's the diference?

Fuck you im out of dogs have a fat nigger instead
Fuck you I hope you get a crippling drug addiction, lose your job, all hope, family, and any faggots who you call friends. I hope you die of aids alone in a cold alley in a puddle of your own piss knowing no one ever really loved you you waste of donor organs.
Fucking right
Youre a funny fucking guy

Fuck you very much
Memes are for fucking faggots

Here on dish rack we cans made good. D in partake

Fuck you and your inane babble
Fucking shitbox

Just came back to say fuck you again
Fuck you

why the hell do you have so many pictures of shitting dogs..

Because fuck you, that's why

Tits or get the fuck out.

We're just playing the dubs game. Most people are in on it. Others are too new

Being mean has many meanings, be specific newfag

Fucking this
Fuck you, no fucking games here you fucking nigger

Fuck you too