YES YES YES! Help get our voices heard and support equality. Show the bigots at what love looks like

YES YES YES! Help get our voices heard and support equality. Show the bigots at what love looks like


nooobody cares

are you afraid of EQUALITY?

I voted no yesterday

*INB4 screaming banshee meltdown*

Naah, fuck fags

do you plan on getting gay married? then don't concern yourself with gay marriage.

It makes sense why people are against gay marriage again. People are tired of you leftists shoving PC culture down our throats.

With that said I still support gay marriage

Voted no
Sick of this shit in my face.

pfft you could use that logic for anything.
Do you plan on smoking weed?
Then what do you care if someone else does?
legaglise pot dammit!

For it's worth i voted yes, but god damn you smug self righteous cunts on the 'yes' side are hard to bare.

I vote yes so fags can be as miserable as the rest of us

also % of divorces in australia:
>hetero couples 100%
>gay couples 0%
checkmate atheists

voted no fuck faggots and fuck our shit government for spending 120m on this shit

i voted no
Don't want to give them more power to have or adopt children. Poor little fuckers never stood a chance

those are feminists not gay men

Well pot should obviously be legalised this isn’t the 30’s. And people on the yes and no side are just loud idiots, is it too much to ask for everyone to shut up over things that should be so easy!

No, because the state should offer no incentive for non-reproductive couples.
Fuck every other reason.

jokes on you those are gay feminists

why should it offer to reproductive ones? then we have a mass amount of idiots breeding because state pays... fuck them if you have a kid better know what are you doing, I'm not paying taxes to support mediocrity

id rather see a gay couple raise a kid well with a good education rather than some sandnigger in the suburbs spitting out 11 sandbabies that live off the dole their whole life

Vote No. I side with the family values, marriage is between a man and a woman. Period. Vote no, because you are free to be gay, you are free to be a pervert and eat poop, but you have no right to marriage. Doesn't matter what you want, why ruin family values with your ideas that pervert society to accept you? This is what is wrong with liberals today.

you are a moron


Why not?
Let them be as miserable as the rest of us.

How was anything I said Moronic? Tell me

Agreed. None of your bees wax

Oh, did I offend you because I don't believe in eating poop, sucking cock or fisting? How about scissoring? No? Well lets just rub our tits together that'll be nice maybe... What is that going to teach your adopted kids?

Wow, that shit is still going on?
You'd think Australia wouldn't be that retarded, but they aren't a free country I guess.

Yes - Shit Internet, Yes - Draconian Video Game Censorship, No - People Marrying Who They Want.

Bunch'a Nazi assholes.

I agree. I'm pro whatever people wanna do that dont harm others but they are unbereable to talk to. Left several organisations to avoid people like that

Stoner detected. Go back to your hive, you wont remember this tomorrow anyhow

Here are the polls so far. Clearly not everyone is on board with your SATANIC family values. Love Jesus and REPENT before its too late.


Only closeted cocksuckers care about what the gays are up to so fucking desperately.



Isnt that what this post is about? Or am I mistaken? Who says arse? Its ass. No r, no e, REEEEEEEEEE!





faggots should be put in camps

>Blow it in* your ass

Fix'd for ya.





you'd be first in the shower


Spider-Man Army for the win!!!

Equality is out
Has been for 15 years
You're through, shit nazi