What is your opinion on milfs? I personally think they should be burned alive or stoned to death for not knowing their place as a wife and mother who is not allowed to show her body to anyone except her husband. everytime i say something like that, i get :fuck off Ahmed , but if more people in the west were like that metaphorical guy, your women would not behave like walking cumdumpsters.
What is your opinion on milfs...
>fuck off Ahmed
>fuck off Ahmed
>fuck off Ahmed
>fuck off Ahmed
>fuck off Ahmed
The muslims may be wrong on all areas but if theres' one thing they did right it's this. Oppress women. They're too stupid to handle any kind of power and there's too many beta males who orbit them. They don't deserve rights.
The world was a better place before the push to left-wing society. Women were pure, They got married to good men. Now they're all whores, They ride the cock carousel for 10 years and then look for a beta provider to leech off of.
Muslims did it better than current left-wing America that's for sure.
>fuck off Ahmed
>fuck off Ahmed
>fuck off ahmed.
fuck off Ahmed.
also, sauce pls.
>fuck off Ahmed
>fuck off Ahmed
You are right. Only a cuckold allows a mother of his children to dress like a whore and be a tease. Because that˙s exactly what those women are. And she sure as hell is not wearing that for you.
Once a woman dates someone she should stop dressing like a whore .
>fuck off Ahmed
>fuck off Ahmed
you do realize what MILF means right? "Mother I'd Like To Fuck". people have called older women MILFS even though they dont have kids. Its a subjective matter at that point.
As long as they arent married and arent bad moms then its not that bad. But then again who would bring a stranger to keep in the same house with your kids at night. Fuck that shit.
Im 50/50 I guess.
>fuck off Ahmed
Uh, all the Muslims, or Sand niggers as I like to call them, can get off this board.
>fuck off ahmed
i brate trebat cu izvor
Guys! Guys look at me!!
I can say ,,"Fuck off Ahmed"..like a mindless fucking idiot!!
Look how fucking original I am!!!
Fuck Off Ahmed's gay lover
fuck off Pedro
Their pussy is worn out and are covered in cellulite. They cannot compete with girls 18-23 in any way shape or form
fuck off Jamal
i know what it means but my point was that women are not capable of controlling their sexuality so it should be repressed, not all women, but most of them. they wouldnt be called milfs if they didn't provoke them with their slutty clothes and behaviour.
All these beta cucks. This board claims to be red pilled, yet none of you seem to realize that women are just as much second class citizens as niggers and muzzies.
Go pick some cotton Tyrone
izvor je svijet danasnji oko tebe. osvrni se malo, sve kurva do kurve, razoreni brakovi jer zene nemogu kontrolirat svoju seksualnost
Except he is right tho.
Western women are whores. And I'm not even a Pedro, Ahmed, orbiter, or even a cuck. They have had everything given to them to the point of spoil.
If anything I have experience with women unlike most of you who defend these whores out of some misplaced white knight complex.
Seriously. Grow a spine a set of balls.
But plenty of 18-23 yr old girls have roastie vagina and cellulite, user.....
(You) for your effort of replying to all of them.
Janet Mason, koristi Sup Forums X skriptu, olakšava život na istom
Obrati se lokalnom židovu koji ju je tako naučio u poslednjih 30tak godina, kroz tone "oslobadjajućih" filmova, serija, pornića, knjiga, reklama, i mnogo toga drugog.
Yea lazy yolo girls. For 99% of women 18-23 is their peak. They will never get any hotter than they are at that age
now i finally realized pol. you are everything but redpilled. you worship whores and can't live without vagina. if you want to save your dignity or what's left of it, run away form women, or find yourself a good moral one. just avoid my country lol
>fuck off Ahmed
ma izvor na sliku ;-)
zahvaljujem, na mobu sam inace bi reverse search
upravo to i govorim, ali koliko slab zenski um mora bit da padne pod tu maipulaciju. mozemo mi krivit zidove oni i jesu uzrok skoro sveg zla, ali mi smo ti koji padamo pod njihovu rijec
>fuck off Ahmed
o shit waddup
>lusting after over-ripened fruit that cannot bare you healthy offspring
>wanting to fuck a woman more ran through than a NYC marathon
>having sex with women your mother's age or older
Been there, done that. Don't fall for the meme. Older women have decades more practice ball busting and controlling men than their daughters. They're awful in bed and closed-minded. They know what they like and don't deviate outside of their bubble. It's fun if you're desperate. Fucking one of my mom's friends was a mistake I made when I was stupid enough to buy into it...in college.
At 32 I tend to exclusively seek minors on backpage being exploited by their pimps for sexual gratification.
Most slutty milfs are single mothers, there is no husband. These mothers often treat their sons as surrogate husbands for emotional intimacy, while they go on the prowl for men for sexual intimacy. This is known as emotional incest.
>Emotional incest involves an unhealthy relationship between parent and child in which the child serves as a sort of emotional “spouse” to the parent. This can be mother/daughter, father/daughter, mother/son, or father/son. Here are a couple definitions, some using the term “covert incest” and others using the term “emotional incest.”
>Covert incest occurs when a child plays the role of a surrogate husband or wife to a lonely, needy parent. The parent’s need for companionship is met through the child. The child is bound to the parent by excessive feelings of responsibility for the welfare of the parent. The demand for loyalty to the lonely, needy parent overwhelms the child and becomes the major organizing experience in the child’s development.
>Covert emotional incest begins when a person perceives and responds to a family member as a replacement or substitute for a partner.
>This form of incest is described as a relationship where a parent turns a child into a partner or confidante that is inappropriate to the child’s age and life experience. Or to put it another way, when a child is manipulated into the role of a surrogate wife or husband by a needy parent. While some refer to this as covert incest, others refer to it as emotional incest.
These men are raised to submit to the whims of their mother and ensure her happiness, thus it is not surprising they grow up to be cucks who submit to women who take interest in them, this is a result of systematic child abuse.
your autism gave me post