so nowadays portugal that was considered subhuman(untermensch) by most eu countries has become the land of all the free, aryan people...since sweden and uk became islamic monarchies,the nordic people with their cucks and shills destroyed their countries
Portugal as an example became land of the free
considered sunhumans only by ignorant fools that know nothing about it
nice proxy
Christianity's last bastion in Western Europe.
yeah ! tell them pai!
What's the % of Arabs? It's not like you guys are some epic defenders of your borders and sovereignty, you just don't have any free shit to give away because you're broke.
Plus do the % of arabs matter when you are likely to be 20% Arab blood yourself? Just kidding but seriously what's the deal with Islam in Portugal?
And my blood, being half Portuguese.
Sorry, which Arabs?
As much as I'd love that to be true.
There are few muslims and all that, but the people who live here aren't all that white. I mean they're white, but not on the level you'd expect from a textbook aryan.
But they've always been that way. The Portuguese look exactly as the Romans described Iberians 2,000 years ago. If you want to call them white or non-white, that's your call, but if they're non-white it's not by virtue of admixture with foreign people.
>20% arab blood
Well meme'd my friend
But you should have learned by now that the occupation of Iberia was mostly political, with the gilbraltar straight serving as an excellent geographical barrier against north african settlers.
All they managed to do was leave a genetic heritage of 2-3% and secluded to the most southern territories of Iberia. Heritage, mind you, not even constituents of our population.
20% is like the canary islands or some shit.
this We still have 51% of the genetic heritage of 40'000 years ago head ass; More importantly, we've remained a cultural focal point for dozens of thousands of years.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some moor blood in me along with a great part of the population but I really hope there isn't, south of iberia was overrun with the bastards for a while. I have a few friends that have that permanent "Tan" skin that isn't dark enough to be considered muslim or black but still oddly dark, no idea what to call them so as far as everyone is concerned they're just normal portuguese.
Return of King Sebastião and unification of all the lusos when?
t.alberto barbosa
Legends say he's still waiting for his moment.
Hearty kek
>tfw this guy will come back to lead the last crusade against the muds
>.since sweden and uk became islamic monarchies
Good thread while it lasted but the shitposting has arrived
Same here. I'm quite swarthy. I want to do a DNA result. I'm curious.
Well, I've got none and my family can't be special. We were neither wealthy nor noble so if we have no Moorish blood than it seems to me that this is probably reflective of the average Portuguese.
Really, it's not that surprising between the expulsions/mourarias and the fact that the majority of Moors were Iberian converts anyways.
You better be right you fags. I hope this since my teacher told me the legends while I was a child.
Also, most overrated Portuguese King?
I personally vote for Dom Henrique
>muh Ceuta
>muh exploration
>muh escola de sagres
Casa de Avis is pretty shit tbqh. Bragança is the real deal.
>left: Portuguese politician
>right: Spanish politician
And that, Sup Forums, is all you need to know about Portugal
What has a mayor got to do with anything?
Do you think they are somehow connected to a Monarchy? . .. .I got news for you huey!
I've not met anyone that's told me they planned on staying in portugal from my generation. I wonder if we keep bleeding emmigrants like this if the portuguese will become the 21st centurie's gypsies
You'll still be competing with the Irish.
My family left ages ago, though. We still get a lot of Portuguese immigrants here but they're good workers and decent people so nobody has a problem with them.
Literal poo in loo.
That's what I meant when I said
3 in 10 portuguese people have that type of complexion and I have zero idea what it is or where it came from.
Oldest ally you have my sword against the muhammedan hordes.
>that fucking feel when your father is Portuguese but your mother is German and French
I'm 5'6" like my father but the men on my mothers side are all over 6 feet with blonde hair and blue eyes, even the women. When I go out with my cousins, people don't even think we're related.
Best humor show ever done by a portuguese man. i will just leave this here.
You won't. Half of Brazil wants to live there. All of Angola and Moçambique want too.
Nope, i live in Lisbon, there are muslims, indians, niggers and gypsies. Just like many other capitals in Europe, it is going to shit.
And desu the only thing keeping it at bay is that there is no gibs to be giben.
Not just a politician, the Prime Minister, that didnt even win by vote, just like what happened in your elections.
But don't fool yourself neighbor, if we go to shit, you are soon to follow.
i have relatives in portugal. they call me to go there all the time. dont get me wrong. i dont want to live there. its not like brazil is perfect. but portugal isnt a paradise on earth.
Four words:
Free EU circulation.
I completely agree that Portugal is not a paradise, I was there twice on vacation visiting relatives and some places the lack of modernization and poverty hits deep, especially on countryside.
But the climate and free roam through the EU is a nice bonus. I would live there to be honest. If you are not in neither Minas or São Paulo, then Portugal is definitely an upgrade.
Dom Henrique was a price not a king son.
>you just don't have any free shit to give away because you're broke.
he was a faggot, couldn't handle the pressure of leadership so run away
>pic related
isn't cherry picking great
btw nice monarchy you have faggot
one he wasn't a king,
two kill yourself you'd be speaking spanish if it weren't for us
>like many other capitals in Europe, it is going to shit
true as well
>go to Portugal to visit family
>all television shows feature interracial relationships
So many niggers and spics dating white girls while the men are not even in Portugal. Bye bye Portuguese race.
>Be me a portuguese guy in Norway
>Start walking on a sidewalk
>I notice 2 norwegian ladies are getting groped by a group of muslims while their boyfriends are watching
>I pick my rosary necklace and put it over my t-shirt
>I say:How about you step the fuck back from the ladies?''
>They look at me,and angrily charge at me
>I completely destroy them
>They grab their guns
>They point them at me
>I pick my Carracks black sword
>They shoot at my knee
>I fall on my knees
>This music starts
>I stand tall
>I say:''Deus Vult''
>I charge at them
>They keep shooting
>I slice them all,however,I get heavily injured and start losing blood at a fast rate
>A group of woman grab my hand and ask:''What's your name,and where do you come from,brave hero?''
>I say:''My name is João,and I come from Portugal,the last bastion of christianity in europe
>They ask:''What do you want to be known for?''
>I say:''Protecting the weak,serving my faithful catholic religion''
>They answer:''You shall die as a hero and rise as a saint.May your act of heroism motivate other and they did to us.''
>I look at the sky and say:''This is good,isn't it, mother?
>Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I say my last words:
t. Alberto Barbosa
Our king is white too
Touching. Almost cried. Not kidding.
I'm staying famalam
We're gonna turn this around brother
As long as we get these turban wearing dipshits off europe. Even if we don't get along I'm sure big brother Spain would go for a round of crusading
How about you, you leaving?
Where are you from?
fucking kek
>implying Spanish aren't shitskins
Proud of you guys
If we are shitskins, you are shitskins.
We have too much to lose if we decide to jump off board now. Sure there is some hardship, sure there is a lot of unnemployment and debt. All we need to do is keep working on saving this country and try to elect good, non-leftist parties to power.
We mostly need to be more nationalistic than ever now, work together with a goal in mind.
We also need to hold on to old values since they were the glue that hold nations together through hardship
The crusade idea seems ridiculous now, no chance of happening, but things change quickly. Who knows.
I wish more Brits would think the same as you.
It pisses me off to see them cry "Oh Please Trump - save us" . ..."We are doomed" . . .etc.
What you have said is spot on!
Why in Spain & Portugal the reaction to legacy parties and the establishment is even more leftist? Only place in Europe that this is happening (Maybe in Ireland too)
good question
People fall for the socialism meme. They think a little bit more socialism will launch them to walhalla.
And they also think big banks and corporations are the top notch of capitalism
inspiring, thank you
We're getting daily flights with refugees.
Yes, they come by plane.
The number of refugees has grown 10 times since last year.
Thanks E.U.
And we want to get over 10.000 of them.
You know, because they are all doctors and engineers and will pay our retirements and sheeeiiittt.
Cabrão do porco preto (Primeiro ministro monhé).
>But don't fool yourself neighbor, if we go to shit, you are soon to follow.
it will be the other way around. Spain will go to shit taking us along with it.
>Cabrão do porco preto (Primeiro ministro monhé).
We are poor countries just like Greece, and unlike other countries in Eastern Europe we don't have the ghost of communism haunting our past. If this global economic crisis/rapefugee crisis had happened at the height of the Spanish economic boom in the early 00s then I could easily see some right-wing populist rising to the top (and I'm sure some of you remember how popular España 2000 got around that era).
At the end of the day it's the same populism you see in France and UK only of a different flavour.
España 2000 was popular? Really?
>And we want to get over 10.000 of them.
>You know, because they are all doctors and engineers and will pay our retirements and sheeeiiittt.
In a crazy way it racism warped in liberal ideology. Of course they wont be doctors and engineers. Or nurses and technicians. Many will be expected to take up blue collar or menial jobs. Like feed the old and give them baths. But no one wants to say it. If anything this economic depression has been a good thing for other countries since a half a million portuguese apparently have left your country. It must be much higher by now.
It's also what the Syrians should've done. Fight for what they had instead of begging to other nations with crocodile tears.
It's just disgusting when you have to treat a "syrian" refugee fully dressed in brand clothing, with the latest smartphone better than one of your own people that due to something in their lives now live in the street, or a family that's been starving because disabilities or lack of conditions.
Europe has sidetracked priorities right now. Internal affairs and your own people come first and only when they're all taken care of, should you help another.
This thread is making me hungry, feed me some 'pastéis de nata' Manuel.
But there are no right wing parties in Portugal.
CDS is a fucking joke and PSD is the most disgusting pieces of shit I've ever seen. None of them are even conservative in the social department. None of them oppose refugees.
This country is fucked. We need a strong right-wing leader, fully dedicated to the nation and the portuguese people. Unfortunately this will never happen because of misguided Estado Novo trauma.
We still insist on shitting on what was, perhaps, one of the greatest and most dedicated leaders a nation has ever seen. This guy lived for his job. Unlike most dictators, he had no hidden piles of gold, no hidden palaces, he didn't have a luxurious car, he didn't live a magnanimous life.
It's sad, really.
I know man, Salazar was trully a virtuous man that lived for his country and he was also a great economist. Communists ruined everything, as usual.
If Salazar was alive today he'd have my full support. Fuck it, I'd even serve him under PIDE
I see this god damn wall every fucking day.