Is there anything more abhorrent and morally repugnant than conservatives cheering a potential terrorist attack because they think it would help their boy Trump?
Is there anything more abhorrent and morally repugnant than conservatives cheering a potential terrorist attack because...
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Point them out to me. I will keep track of their personal information so that the government can help.
It was all over this board yesterday.
Liberals cheering an actual terrorist attack because the victims drew mean cartoons about Islam.
The attacks are inevitable at this point, go back to #notallmuslims, faggot.
Yes, gay negro males.
>Liberals cheering an actual terrorist attack because the victims drew mean cartoons about Islam
"Liberals" never did that.
Trump doesnt need it he's going to win anyway
Liberals standing on the bodies of dead children to push the removal of rights from the American people
If you want to make a difference, you'll have to be able to explain it clearly.