>we hate the government >obama might take away federal funding we suddenly want
>people need to feel safe >we don't care about the safety of transgenders who might be assaulted and beaten for going in to the bathrooms of their birth sex, wearing clothes that suit their identity
>think of the children who are weaker and need protection >muh social darwinism and capitalism
>we need to respect people's privacy and comfort zones >we have to stop people with certain genitalia so we have to know what everyone's genitalia is
>some girl might see a penis in the shower >we don't care if a boy sees boobs and vagina
right wingers, you have no argument. laws don't stop criminals, it isn't a loophole, disgusting degenerate pedos will be disgusting degenerate pedos regardless of laws. you can't say this is a special case that needs different reasoning than the 2nd amendment
liberals are right of center laissez faire capitalists who use identity politics to divide people along lines of alienated labor.
liberals are not leftists.
Lincoln Lee
>look at how I just spent 20 minutes eviscerating every strawman I can think of >RETHUGLICANS BTFO neck yourself op
Evan Kelly
>laws don't stop criminals
my argument for the 2nd amendment is that it's a right
go fuck yourself
>we hate the government
I hate the "leftist" government you dumb cuck not government in general
>we don't care about the safety of transgenders
Honestly I would sleep more soundly if they were all deported to the Middle East where they belong
>muh social darwinism
That's a meme created by jewish historian Richard Hofstader with no basis in fact
>>we have to stop people with certain genitalia
Are you really arguing "for" pedophilia?
Oh wait you're a leftist of course you are
>some girl might see a penis in the shower
>what a biological differences between the sexes
>not until you put all the niggers in jail
then crime magically goes down
Dylan Hall
>no true leftist fallacy
every time
Sebastian Diaz
so you can't address the inherent contradictions of republicans?
i'm glad you said something though. i should have asked what libertarians opinions are.
Levi Miller
>2nd amendment yes, it's a right. i'm not disputing that, idiot.
>i want right wing government so... you're a monarchist?
Tyler Thomas
Why has this become an issue in the past 3 months?
All of the sudden you get this big push by the media to shed light on this 'issue' that only affects a few.
How many trans individuals are out there? Even the gays/lesbian only make up a fraction of the American population. It's is estimated that 3.8% of the United states population is LGBT and of that 1.7 are gay or gay and 1.8 are bisexual. That only leaves .3% of the population that identifies as the other alphabet soup letters. That's on 956,700 and probably not all of them are trans.
Literally who cares?
Eli Perry
>arguing for pedophilia
dude, just because a kid sees a naked body doesn't mean sex will automatically happen. like if someone's kid watches a show about some tribe in the rainforest and sees some naked people in the jungle, they are not going to be scarred for life.
Charles Martin
what's your point? leftists support the right to bear arms. right of center capitalist "free trade" liberals do not.
Jace Jenkins
So according to you every single republican, nay the majority of republicans give a shit about trannys going into bathrooms different from their biological sex? Do you have any data to back up your Assumption?
Evan Ross
so if they're a minority, why makes them different from the 1%?
how is it that right wingers think we should bow to the minority ruling class that robs the citizenry with corporate subsidies and bailout but they get flame butthurt at the thought of having to adjust for trans?
Cameron Garcia
If this walked into the women's room literally no one would care.
This is such a non-issue. I'm beginning to think this is just some made up issue to distract us from what's really happening.
Christian Harris
i think it's a distraction too, and fox news conservatives are eating that shit up. conservatives are gorging themselves and enraged over it.
Angel Lewis
Evan Sanchez
Yeah, what was stopping passable trans people from going to the bathrooms before? Literally nothing. I'm not saying we should outright ban them from bathrooms or make it into law, i stand with Trump:
>"There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble, and the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic punishment that they're taking. So I would say that's probably the best way."
Literally making a mountain out of an ant hill.
Nathan Sanchez
literally why would you bump a thread that has no purpose other than you parading around your own poorly constructed assumptions and their accompanying straw-men?
Grayson Johnson
>le nazis were leftist maymay >I call everything I don't like fascism but it's still left wing
kill yourself
>It's just adult nudity it doesn't matter XD
kill yourself
Leftists "used" to support the right to bear arms, but now they don't for numerous reasons
It's almost as if *gasp* policies and ideology change over time!!!!
Anthony Nguyen
so do you have an argument that makes sense on why people who identify differently should be forced in to one bathroom or the other?
Cameron Howard
>the economic strife
that's people/states voluntarily choosing not to do business with north carolina.
Lincoln Edwards
My argument is that I don't care. Your argument was fallacious from the start. try again
Ok let me correct myself I never had an argument because I don't need one. Your argument is a nonstarter. try again
Matthew Wood
still fallacy of dismissal if you can't refute the central premise that there isn't any reasoning behind discriminating and telling people what bathroom to use.
Grayson Bailey
So the current most popular republican candidate is pro tranny getting into whatever bathroom they want. You aren't really helping prove your assumption, but aleast you're trying.
William Reyes
there is no need to refute a non argument m8 you never proved or even attempted to prove your assumption you based it entirely on your own feelings.
Isaac Torres
>supporting the republican nominee is the same as agreeing with him on everything
John Roberts
no, my argument was based on YOUR feelings, not mine. that's why i said you don't have an actual argument. and you don't.
Jackson Green
so do you have any other data to back your assumption of all or a majority of republicans opposing trannys in bathrooms >no, my argument was based on YOUR feelings congratulations you now understand that you not only based your argument on things you can't know or prove, and admitted to your entire argument being based on a faulty assumption.
Jayden Watson
it's a fact that the people opposed to it are right wingers. that's what makes them right wingers. I used the phrase "right wingers" in the OP.
i still don't know what the libertarian opinion is though
>faulty assumption you just made a strawman argument about what you say is a strawman argument.
do you have a logical reason to discriminate against people and tell them which bathroom to use regardless of their identity?
Leo Walker
If they weren't leftist then your whole line of """""""reasoning""""" that everything right wing is monarchism falls apart.
Tyler Scott
if they not leftist, that means they would be right wing. you're making a strawman argument.
nazis were right wing.
koala bears are not actual bears just because the word "bear" is in the name.
Jacob Sanchez
>you just made a strawman argument about what you say is a strawman argument. I don't think you even know what you're talking about at this point friendo. You could always go to a community college and ask for help understanding concepts such as this. >do you have a logical reason to discriminate against people and tell them which bathroom to use regardless of their identity? The onus is on you to prove that your original assumption that all or a majority of "right wingers" disagree with trannys using non biological bathrooms, and the myriad of other assumption you made, and then you can complete your argument that they contradict each other. So enjoy quantifying your argument m8 you were doomed from the start because you just decided to spew as much as you could without even trying to quantify them.
Jackson Ward
>The onus is on you to prove that your original assumption that all or a majority of "right wingers" disagree with trannys using non biological bathrooms
there is no left wing backlash from transgenders using the bathroom they identify with. i cannot prove to you with evidence for something that which does not exist
Liam Gomez
>laws don't stop criminals Said no one ever.
Michael Adams
>Why has this become an issue in the past 3 months?
It was simply a coincidence.
Hudson Wright
you just said all right wing ideology is "monarchism" you dumb fuck
That makes the nazis left wing by default
Isaiah Cooper
do you believe in gun free zones or something?
Jack Lopez
I don't give a shit about trannies using their preferred bathroom, nor do I care about predators inevitably taking advantage of the law. My problem is with the federal government enacting SJW laws and forcing states to comply. This is the kind of shit that led to the Civil War. That's why I'm against this shit.
Dylan Thomas
nazis are right wing. they were allied with a monarch appointed fascist dictator
>all right wing ideology is "monarchism"
how is it not? the logical conclusion of capitalism is corporate personhood
>there is no left wing backlash from transgenders using the bathroom they identify with. irrelevant that's like saying that something doesn't taste like grape jelly so it must be peanut butter. >I cannot prove to you with evidence for something that which does not exist And so now you realize where you fucked up. I'll let you think for awhile how you could have better made the argument without resorting to non demonstrable generalizations.
Joshua Morris
allying with a monarchy doesn't make you a monarchy
the US allying with the USSR in WW2 didn't turn the US into a communist country.
holy fuck you are too dumb to live.
Anthony Howard
i also pointed out that the 3rd reich could not have logistically functioned without IBM, a u.s. corporation
nice strawman by lie of omission
Wyatt Moore
non demonstrable generalizations were made in the OP, where I stated the arguments of those who are against transgenders using bathrooms they identify with. try again
Austin Diaz
that's a good point.
now why are people who want less government suddenly worried about federal funding?
Alexander Cruz
>non demonstrable generalizations were made in the OP Now now friendo their is no need to get angry. Think really hard how you could have made those not generalizations. It's really easy. Just think
Ayden Stewart
are you against transgenders using the bathroom they identify with?
if not, you are speaking for others. if so, answer the question.
Liam Carter
Ok friend I know when you came over from deviant art you though something like "haha I'll just make thread owning all those republidums" Unfortunately for you Sup Forums has a minimum quality of posting in an op if you want to have an actually thread arguing about a topic instead of a mere shitposting thread. You need to try harder.
Alexander Campbell
Isaiah Fisher
i downloaded those pics in a thread on Sup Forums years ago. i did not get them from deviantat
Tyler Barnes
the sliding is hard. someone upset?
Christian Foster
You have to go back
Asher Cruz
what, back to the future?
Robert Fisher
Justin Morgan
the butthurt is real
Zachary Reyes
Really? The trans meme came from the Liberal Media and they seem to be the ones obsessed with it.
Cooper Taylor
trans have existed long before television and the internet
Luke Miller
this thread is shit and im too tired to read and comprehend your bullshit
mcfucking kill yourselves
Easton Sanchez
fallacy of dismissal
Jeremiah Hill
you're not as smart as you think you are you're just another stupid ameriturd lol i bet you were in one of those silly debate clubs you pretentious piece of shit
Jaxson Hill
i volunteered only a guest for a forensics team once, and it was only so the "home team" could have enough participants to even qualify in the debates they were hosting
Alexander Murphy
thats nice honey
Dominic Brown
Self-identification means nothing.
Lincoln Williams
Based as Fuck Dubs checkem
Juan Hall
then segregated bathrooms mean nothing
Jonathan Anderson
beat you to it
Charles Green
now you're just scatter shooting random bullshit irrelevant to political ideology.
I recommend you kill yourself
Liam Long
>checking your own dubs disgusting
Jackson Mitchell
I personally think it is all a bunch of horse shit, but if it is going to stay this way, make a third bathroom for all people who want to identify as a fucking helicopter.
Then, Men or Women or Helicopters are all able to go into the third bathroom for inter-societal degeneracy.
Leave the other two bathrooms the fucking way they were intended to be used and get the fuck over it already.
Jeremiah Adams
learn the difference between cherry picking and empirical evidence.