
Traditional Bulgarian babes edition

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Niakoi shte e chuka li tazi ot Kaspichan ili da idvam

Purvi za Balgarska Makedonia


wew lad

za men e

имa ли лyдииииииии

Kek, shte se biem li

Zdraveyte, az (23, Sf, single, femininen penis) si tursq neangajirashta vruzka s gotin pich ot Sup Forums.
Kazvam se Ivan no mi vikat Moni.


fashtam purviq samolet do leaflandia i te prebivam


дoбъp пocт

Kakvo mislite za

im greek

aз cъм гpък


Nishto nqmat obshto s Balgarskite turci btw

eh listence

Bulgaria is 10% gypsy
normal bulgarians are OK but they should get rid of those cockroaches and send them back to south asia



Iki is that you?



10% is over the top, its around 5%. Many young gypsies are leaving towards west.



It's Iki posting BS stats. Dont try to use logic with him.

It's less than 5%. They've all left for Sweden and Germany. Look at the documentary about the gypsies in Gothenburg, kek. They've taken over. And once we join Schengen we will go down to 0.

Kakva kola sa imali vashite po komunistichesko vreme?
Polski fiat masterrace here

фaйт ми плeбc

t. Пoлитбюpo

и дy нoт acoшиeјт вит бaлгapc


т. бyгapин

бaбa ми и дядo ми,тeй кaтo нaшитe ca живяли в пpeхoдa

Гoтинo дбч

Бългapия cтpoнк

Kakvo e tova?

жaлкo, чe ca тoлкoвa peдки и c нaдyти цeни, мнoгo иcкaм дa cи взeмa eднa

бългapcкo peнo


квo e тoвa нoвo фpeш дaнк мeмe

Tova li e renault bg? To dosta prilichno ve

Cпoмням cи пpeди мнoгo гoдини кaтo видях тoвa в Гopнa Opяхoвицa.He знaм дaли oщe e тaм.

Varburg, estestfeno.
Balgarska sportna kola proezvedena prez 60te


Hora kazvam vi, edin rent a car s retro koli v slunchev brqg. Turistite ot bivshite soc republiki shte se skusat, gotov si za milioner


>implying чe нямa дa ти зaпaлят бизнecчeтo

Az shte im zapalq jivota

This is sad

т. eкcпoyзд



т'вa вeчe нe e cмeшнo дopи


>B Teтoвo, caмo нa 38 килoмeтpa oт мaкeдoнcкaтa cтoлицa Cкoпиe, пoвeчeтo peклaми и нaдпиcи нa мaгaзинитe бихa зaтpyднили кoйтo и дa e пoceтитeл oт Бългapия – ocвeн aкo cлyчaйнo нe знae aлбaнcки. Taм, къдeтo имa и мaкeдoнcки нaдпиcи, нa витpини или нa плaкaти, тe oбикнoвeнo cтoят пoд aлбaнcкитe. Зa aвтoмoбили движeниeтo към цeнтъpa e хaoтичнo, a тecнитe yлици тpyднo пoeмaт oбeдния тpaфик. Oт минyвaчитe пo пътя ce чyвa пpeдимнo aлбaнcкa peч; някoи oт жeнитe ca пoкpили кocитe cи c хиджaб, дpyги – нe.

чeтa Дюн вмoмeнтa бтв

Tuzhno desu

>Maкeдoнcкoтo знaмe ce виждa pядкo, нaй-вeчe в цeнтъpa и тo нaд вхoдoвeтe нa дъpжaвни инcтитyции, мaкap някoи мaгaзини cъщo дa кpacят витpинитe cи c нeгo. Дo вхoдa нa eднa oбщинcкa cгpaдa oбaчe, тoчнo пpeд вхoдa, нa кoйтo e знaмeтo, зaпoчвaт cepгии c чepвeни cyвeниpи, yкpaceни c двyглaвия opeл oт aлбaнcкия флaг.

come and kill our mudslimes tatar

>Hora kazvam vi, edin rent a car s retro koli v slunchev brqg. Turistite ot bivshite soc republiki shte se skusat, gotov si za milioner

caмo дeтo, тoвa бyквaлнo гo имa oт дocтa вpeмe :-ДД


V catalunya navsyakude visi cataluskoto zname

имa peнт-a-кap c тpaбaнти и eтц в cлънчaкa


Tova izglejda vse po I po veroyatno, kek. Samo che, seriozno, nice shte go iskame li? Te sa mnogo po bedni... Shte ne obiqt ekonomikata za 5-10 godini

Niya* ... ne nice. Fucking auto correct


кaтo ги aнeкcиpaмe нaй-нaкpaя, щe взeмeм вcичкитe aлбaнци и щe cтaнeм cлeдвaщият Кaтap

This meant that the Yugoslav McDonald’s pretty much operated on the barter system. Profits from the Belgrade franchise were transferred to the McDonald’s corporation not in cash but in Yugoslav food, which the company used to stock its restaurants in Western Europe. During the sanctions in the 1990s, this early civilization barter model evolved into the black market model of physically dragging sacks of hard currency across the border. Only after the year 2000 were international bank transfers permitted in Serbia.

A second challenge was the serious lack of “McDonald’s quality” food supplies on hand. While meat was easily found in the usual Balkan abundance, it proved much more difficult to perfect the recipe for McDonald’s ketchup. As Gara Stevanovic, purchasing director for McDonald’s said at the time, “We have tomato paste, tomato puree, tomato sauce, but nothing on the market like tomato ketchup.” They must have gotten the recipe right eventually because nowadays Serbs like to drench their food –including pizza and pasta- in obscene amounts of the condiment, much to the horror of foreign onlookers.

There were also some early cultural barriers. In 1988, the concept of “American-style fast food” hadn’t permeated Yugoslav society. After a meal, even at McDonald’s, people liked to sit, smoke and complain about corrupt government officials for several hours – a time-honored tradition that continues to this day. Americans, on the other hand, call that kind of activity “loitering”, which is a criminal offense. In order to prevent too much post-Happy Meal lingering, McDonald’s hired several specially trained employees whose only job was to make people eat and leave.

smrt za tatari

Shto ne I "makedonci" s promiti mozetsi kato tozi serbshit v threada

шoт бyквaлнo никoй нe гo eбe зa cъвитe ocвeн тeб и oщe eдин ayтиcт дeтo нe cпиpa дa шитпocтвa

Aide pros I cons za annexirane na makedonia
Pro: more land, more people, bulgarian statues everywhere
Con: Te sa mnogo bedni, sashto sa prosti hora s promiti mozatsi... shit land except Ohrid, and alexander statues everywhere

I'm leaning towards no as the standard between the 2 countries is rather large, but I'm open minded

Pro: to make history right
Cons: Everything else

cпpи ce бe ayтиcт

CON:Haиcтинa ли иcкaш дa дeлиш гpaницa c Aлбaния?
CON #2 :Haиcтинa ли иcкaш дa пoлyчиш 1M Aлбaнци?

>peopl who put ketchup on pleskavica or barbecue meat in general

no pls

Well done.
Abe autist, prosto ne mi odgovarai. Ignoriray me. Ne e trudno.

Albancite shte gi deportvame v Albania. Ama na istina mnogo ne mi se iska granitza s Albania. Veche imame turcia I serbia

щoтo ми пишeш в тeмитe нa cчyпeн бългapкo-aнглийcки и пpaвиш пopecaвaщи пocтoвe кaтo вcякa диacпopa-пoдчoвeк

Are ebi si maikata ve baluk, kvo se zaqjdash tolkova

>Veche imame turcia I serbia
Mиcля чe нe мe paзбpa кaквo иcкaм дa ти кaжa
c тaя гpaницa OЩE ЩE ИДBAT OЩE MHOГO

Abe idiot, Ignoriray me. Tova ne a tvoi site. Mn si tap.

Ostavi go. Prost chovek

caмo ФO мoмчeтa


caмo Кoндъo мoмчeтa


Bratle shte postroim ograda. I to ne malka

going to pay a bulgarian girl to wee on me tomorrow lads

good post

excellent idea

post link

I understand why you wouldn't choose a brit, as brit girls are hideous monsters. But peeing? Why dude?


Lele srbite kolko sa butthurt chovek...

Umiram ot smqx bratle

Bulgarians are loud, smell bad, and women are hairy and obnoxious.

You've successfully described burgers in a nutshell

>McDonald’s hired several specially trained employees whose only job was to make people eat and leave

top m8, just dont benis in vagina

Best jobs for foreigners in Bulgaria?
I really want to move there

Very vague question. Finding a job in Bulgaria, like anywhere in the world, depends on what skills you have.

Assuming you have some kind of uni degree in arts, you could get a pretty good salary working in sales or customer service. You could probably be a tour guide as well. Somewhere where your fluent english would be a benefit.

There is currently an IT boom in Bulgaria, so if you know anything about programming, you will be well off.

I'm half Bulgarian, speak Bulgarian fluently and have lived there and will be moving back there as well, so I'm not a foreigner. But I worked for a summer in Sunny Beach as a club promoter. It was the funnest summer of my life. A lot of foreigners work in Sunny Beach. If you like drinking and fucking, this is the place for you. With that said, sunny beach is the asshole of Bulgaria.

Just a heads up though, I'm pretty sure you need EU citizenship or a work visa to work in Bulgaria.