Big step forward for Libertarian Austin Petersen

>BREAKING: Glenn Beck Endorses Austin Petersen

>Presidential Libertarian candidate, Austin Petersen appeared on Glenn Beck‘s show today, scoring major points with the host and his viewers.

>The show will be aired in its entirety later today on The Blaze, but according to a status update on Austin Petersen’s Facebook page, Glenn Beck has already given Petersen a glowing endorsement.

>Just after noon today, the post thanked Beck for his support.

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Peterson's a fucking dweeb that offers no advantage over Johnson.

>endorsing a nobody

Johnson is a left Libertarian who wants to force Nazis to bake Gay Jewish wedding cakes, vice versa.

Petersen is a right Libertarian with better policy.

Like Rand, he's great on everything except immigration.

I'm sure that's what a libertarian candidate really wants, an endorsement from Glenn Beck.

He's great on your mom!!

Glenn Beck endorsement. Useless. Glenn Beck also endorsed Laying Ted, a Canadian.

Johnson had his shot and the result was

2012 me says to vote for Austin Petersen, especially now that Glenn Beck endorsed him.

2016 me says to vote for Donald Trump, even though in my state it is near certain that whoever the Republican candidate is he or she will be voted for.

You changed me Sup Forums, most of me anyways. Do I care about liberty more than memes? Is this Awoovment really going to make America great again?

This Awoovement has split the Republicuck party and has guaranteed a Shillary victory.

Our only hope is to get the Libertarian Party enough votes that they become a major player and get on national debate stages in the future.

Republicans can never win another election.

what happened to this guy?

You should all vote for Austin. He has a really big dick, swims in a pyramid pile of pussy, and, most importantly, he has class, motherfucker.

Watch the second episode of Louder with Crowder that Austin Petersen was on.

The guy spends the whole thing defending open borders. He says that his dream is for a truck from Mexico and a truck from the USA to cross the border at the same speed without slowing down at all.

Fuck this pseudo-kike, fuck cult leader Glenn Beck, fuck the Libertarian ideology and fuck the Libertarian party.

Nationalism and populism is the only way forward for the white race. Libertarianism is the anti-thesis of that. It is inherently an anti-white philosophy. Now that America finally has a viable Nationalist candidate, are you really not going to seize the opportunity? The rest of the world is watching you America, if Trump is elected, the ripples across Europe and the rest of the anglosphere will be monumental. The world NEEDS Trump to win.

>the "I want Hillary elected candidate"
This is not the year where you send a message to the other parties by voting third party.

Isn't Garry Johnson the Libertarian nominee?


>This Awoovement has split the Republicuck party and has guaranteed a Shillary victory.
The Republican party has come back together. 87% of Republicans have said they will vote for Trump compared to ~80% of Democrats who say they will vote Hillary.

Meanwhile the Democratic party is destroying itself. Just look at what happened in Nevada.


wasnt cheeto man supposed to kill himself after cruz dropped out?

>a truck from Mexico and a truck from the USA to cross the border at the same speed without slowing down at all.
Doesn't that just mean that we have invaded Mexico and it is the 51st state?

If Mexico became the 51st state, it would have over 200 delegates in general elections and they would always vote democrat.

Well Johnson is pretty much guaranteed the nomination again, so it really doesn't matter at this point.

>neocons voting libertarian

I don't understand

I too used to lean more libertarian. Then I realized that liberty is impossible without the right demographics.

Wait, what about the priesthood?

Back on coke and booze

I wouldn't be so sure. His support is evaporating while Petersen is on a rapid rise.

>This is not the year where you send a message to the other parties by voting third party.
That's exactly the year it is, because the republican nominee is an intellectually challenged New York liberal reality TV personality

That comes later

They're protesting because they are so butt hurt about Trump and they think that Libertarians hate him too.

I still hang on to the Libertarian label, but I know we aren't voting our way to liberty, and blacks and mexicans don't care about liberty when there are gibsmedats.

It really isn't, unless you want Hillary.

There would be a large sucking sound of our tax dollars heading south.

Kek Glenn Beck just chose another loser. Sad!

>Libertarians think they're going to steal from Trump when all they're going to get is disaffected Bernouts.
Loser Libertarian party thinks open borders are good for our country -- sad! Strong borders and trade will Make America Great Again!


>crazy man endorses Literally Who?

Before you can open the borders, you need to dismantle welfare. THEN you can make the borders lax. Security check, disease check, done. NO WELFARE FOR YOU.

>THEN you can make the borders lax. Security check, disease check, done. NO WELFARE FOR YOU.
Yeah then they vote welfare back in and dismantle white culture.

Kill yourself, race traitor.