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ITT: We dump our best trumps!
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I'll dump a few that I have already.
Is that on Prince of BelAir?
This always makes me laugh.
Can someone post that john miller thing?
Top kek, missing person
I never saw the symmetry here before... It truly is meme magic...
TRUMP is best buds with Kim Jong Un
Trump in space.
This is an actual coloring book, btw
Needs more lazorz.
Trump is man's creator
Trump is immortalized
rare trump motivation
Trump is batman
Artist Rendering of the BEST wall seen in Trump headquarters.
Stretches from south texas to san diego, a super high speed rail capable of speeds approaching 200 mph. Will link powergrids between states, and act as a physical border, energy conduit, and rail for transport along the border.
Oh my God amazing dude
My fallout 4 character. I'm pretty proud of it.
This ones pretty funny.
Also anyone have the meme of Trump shaking hands with Putin after he reconquered Constantinople?
>Blink 1488 - Saddam's Song Music Video
>Blink 1488 - What's My Race Again? Music Video
>Drumpf Man
>Trump and Bernie Meet Face to Face
>Trump Cinnamon Toast Life-Guard
>Hillary Says America Has Never Stopped Being Great
>Donald Trump Sings "The Snake" with Karaoke
>Donald's Office
>Madman Literally Signs a Fucking Baby
>Jeb Punches Hole in Office Wall
>Jeb's Suicide (Jeb Miserables)
I-I-I'm not crying, I swear
you can stop spamming your shitty soundbite, faggot
What I love most about this isn't the humor, and it is funny, but rather the glimpse it gives us into the mind of the enemy.
Trump has them so frightened and wound up inside, he's drilled so deep into their psyche that they're actually having nightmares about him.
Seems afully sorry towards people he thinks are thieves and rapists
Calm down, senpai.
From the back of the room comes laughter. It grows and grows, until it fills the room.All eyes turn:
The Don. Well dressed in a professional crisp business suit with a confident smile walks into the room.
Trump: And I thought Jeb was low energy.
Jew Manipulator: Give me one reason why I shouldn't have my goy here pull your head off.
The Don pulls out a freshly deported mexican
Trump: How about a magic trick?
The Don slams the mexican into the table, leaving it upright
Trump: I'm gonna make this mexican disappear.
Jew nods. His nignog moves at the Don -who sidesteps-grips his head- slams it, face down, onto the table... and deports the mexican. Magic. The Don bows. Grins at Jew.
Trump: Ta-dah! It's, it's gone.
Trump: Oh, and by they way: My campaigning, It wasn't cheap. I ought to know, I bought it.
>Jew stands, furious. Paul stops him.
Paul: Sit. I want to hear proposition.
>The Don nods his thanks. Rises.
Don: Lets wind the clocks back a decade or two. These Illegals would never dare to cross the border. What happened? Your balls drop off? You see a guy like me…
Jew: --a goy--
>Laughs. Which the Don tries to ignore.
Trump: Look. Listen. I know why you choose to hold your little, ahem, "group therapy sessions" in broad daylight. I know why you're afraid to go out at night. The Mexicans. See, The Mexicans have shown America your true colors, unfortunately.
Trudeu? He's just the beginning. And as for the rat’s so called plan? The Mexicans have no jurisdiction. He'll find him and make him squeek! I know the squeekers when I see them and...
>The Don points at Cruz who scampers away…
Paul: What do you propose?
Trump: It's simple. We, uh, deport the Mexicans…
>Jeers. Laughter.
Bush: If it's so simple why haven't you done it already?4
Trump: Because no matter how skilled you are you cannot do it alone.
Paul: How would you keep them out?
Trump: A wall.
Paul: Your crazy.
Trump: I'm not. No I'm not. If we don't deal with this now, soon, uh, little Shlomo here won't be able to get a shekel for his grandma.
Jew: Enough from the goy!
>Jew gets up, moving at the Don, who casually opens his coat, revealing banter wired to his chest. Jew stops.
Trump: Ah ta ta ta ta. Let's not "blow" this out of proportion.
>Jew stares at the Don. Hard.
Jew: You think you can steal the election from us and just walk away?
Trump: Yeah.
Jew: I'm putting the word out. Half a shekel for this clown dead. A whole one alive so I can teach him some multiculturism first.
Trump: All right, so listen. Why don't you give me a call when you wanna take things a little more seriously. Here's my card.
>Trump puts a small loan of 1000000 dollars on the table and leaves
i want this to be real.
I can't believe that they called millennials crying about Trump 20 years in advance.
LOL enjoy your memes, trumptards. Just know that they will all be used against you when Drumpf loses in November.
Should I post my Trump pepes before hackey comes on?
Got the one with a glorious Hitler stache?
Don't think so but lemme check
I can always make it... power to the pepes
too many to check
I'll just post until 8 and we'll see what turns up
Also made a ton of Trump bumper stickers
he can state facts and be sorry for them also
captcha : airplane
Just made this
fix the crawler text man, it's horrible
Fix it yourself
you made it faggit, I'm giving constructive criticism
anyone have the original?