Red Leader Standing By

Red Leader Standing By.

Red October Standing By.


Red Rooster standing by


Red Green standing by

Red Lipstick reporting in

Red Mazda 3 standing by

Red Nigger standing by

Panama Red standing by

red retard standing by

Red Skelton standing by!


Red blyat cyka, standing by.

plain red square standing by

Don't lie

Red Ring, standing by.

Fed Bieber Curly Fries

red priestess standing by

Red rum standing by.

All right, listen up lads. We've run up against a group of 88mm anti-tank guns along the next ridge. Zebra group in the Shermans will keep them busy, while Fox and Baker circle around and hit them hard in the rear. Good luck lads.

Red Legion standing by

Check mm

red dit standing by

Red standing by.

Red rectum standing by.

Red America, standing by.

Red rocket standing by

Red yeast rice Standing by!

Red velvet corndog, standing by



Red Dawn standing by

Red Hots standing by

Red Wedding standing by.

Well, actually not standing. More of a falling. And convulsing. And then bloody death.

Red Snapper standing by

Red Rangers standing by

red faggots standing by

Red Crayon standing by

Red Robin standing by


red herring standing by

Reading Football Club standing by