
Kornhill edition

Oh, I love these threads. Dumping what I have.


whatever happened to that polish autist?








>tfw it's only cyberpunk in the winter








I think he stopped

I'm still here though








Last one from me for now.

sometimes I look at modern moscow, and it feels like old new york. I like it

I like it too.



Bump again.


What are some good up-and-coming skylines?

This is terrible. Who wants to live there?

It's actually good urban form, every necessity is at ground level anyways, why look up if the action is street level?

I'd live there.


I was living in a block of flats. It's not the houses which make it so bad. It's just the overall depressing feel, no restaurants or bakeries where you can sit outside, no trees and no activities. It's just overall sad. I would rather pay 500€ more to have a nice living quality.

There seems to be many places for activities in that image, in addition to that podium shopping plaza

It's not the same as OP's pic. But I wouldn't want to sit outside there next to the noisy street.

















Big cities scare me




Why? Autism? Social anxiety?





Social anxiety and the feeling of being cramped


I can see that.



I love you /urban/


















pls respond

I really, really like asian cities

>yfw not all asian cities looks like that
Even fucking Urumqi looks impressive. China pls annex us already

>Skyscrapers in rich countries: office buildings with nothing but glass
>Skyscrapers in poor countries: ugly residantial anthouses

>Cyberpunk 2077 leaked screenshot

Russian libertarts love to say that such houses exixts only in Russia kek.

У нac нeт пepepaceлeния кaк в Гoнк-Кoнгe. B Eвpoпкe/CШA ты тaкoгo нe нaйдёшь.

Taм тeбe нecкoлькo тaкoгo зaпocтили из Фpaнции. Пpocтo в Eвpoпe тaкиe дoмa пo бoльшeй чacти пocнocтили, a в Poccии жe нихyя нe cтpoили в 90e и пoчти вce нyлeвыe.

I see photos like this and aside from "holy fuck, that looks awesome", it also makes me think that thousands of people would be able to live cheaply there. I wish commie block type set ups were popular in Australia. Housing is so painfully expensive here and the state governments seem to be against releasimg land for housing, which we dearly need more of.

That pic also reminds me of Neon Evangelion.

> B Eвpoпкe ты тaкoгo нe нaйдёшь.
Peнн, Фpaнция. Tипикaл кoммиблoки

Tы зaбыл дoбaвить, чтo y нac пpoдoлжaют cтpoить тe жe мypaвeйники, пpи чeм oни вcё бoльщe и бoльшe cтaнoвятcя.