Vintage jerkoff material thread

Vintage jerkoff material thread.

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Good work OP. I lost my folder of this I think/

I wish I knew the story on these.



Isn't this illegal.

This is the girls with the green fingerpaint. They are 15, you dumb fuck.

Newfag xd

Body paint = not nude.

Tthey're all in their thirties now so it's okay.

thats hot, post more

Are you fucking retarded?

This is fucking illegal, you fucking pedo.



fucking newfag

Simple story I'm sure - slumber party gone naughty. What I'd love is some ID of these girls. Some user knows them!!!

> This is fucking illegal, you fucking pedo.

These pictures are publicly hosted on several websites. And have been for about 20 years.

Fuck off newfag.

Still illegal content


No nice threads without at least one autist.

Shut the fuck up, pedo.

This shit is gross



autist detected


who took the picctures?

It's legal content, but contrary to b/ rules. For illegal CP, in most states, the pic must either show genitals in a "lewd and lascivious " manner, or depict a specifically "prohibited sex act"

At this point I'd think it would be more likely that one of these girls is the mom of an user.

Probably someones slut mom.

lil lul

Keep believing that.

One question, how old are the girls in the photos?

Very True. But I'd still love to find them/her.

OP here, that is all the good stuff that I have. Although with some reverse image searching, I'm sure you could find some more.

somebody drop a discord

Yea, we found the bigger chested girl once. No way I remember. So many pimples in her early pics.

I will see and raise you.


Just 'google' search what's written on their backs here:
all in one word.

AMANDA WENK. anyone have any pics? she fueled my faps for many adolescent years

How old are they?

Go on...

Which one, specifically?

challenge met

Too old.

About 32-35, if you tracked them all down today.

Oh wow, thats a classic


Challenge isn't met by showing less, you fucking retard.

Reporting this thread.

These girls are under 18


wow, didnĀ“t knew those exist

Announcing reports is against the rules.

you're right i had all 3 tho

which pic? any would do. they're not exactly easy to find anymore these days. pretty sure she flipped her shit when she learned just how popular she was and took legal action against many of the sites lul
>also her

21 obviously

yes indeed it is. you should do your Sup Forums duty user

Announcing that reports are against the rules is against the rules.

High quality humor user

Announcing that reports are against the rules is against the rules is against the rules

I still fap to her sometimes.

the humor is lost when your statement is false.

oldfag is old.

I miss old Sup Forums

Only jerked off to this guy once

>great days

This shit is older than the internet. If it's illegal make sure to report it, because apparently nobody else has.
>ya dingus

the humor is lost, when the humor is lost because of og statements.

Oh, Topanga...

the nostrils get me going every fucking time.

Oh the nostalgia.

>no anal

Definitely vintage

Fucking prove it annon. You have no fucking clue how old those girls are. They just LOOK young. They could be 18+, or they could be under age and YOU HAVE NO FUCKING WAY TO TELL! So stop being a collosal faggot and shut the fuck up.



>desiring anal
This has always screamed closeted homosexuality to me.

Goddamn, I miss Sup Forums.

Before /moot/ sold it. Back when CP was a delicacy, not an affront.

need moar

>be Amanda Wenk
>have giant tits
>take tons of pictures of yourself in bikinis and tight tops, with the focus on the picture on your tits
>put them all over the internet
>get legitimately upset when you discover thousands of men like your giant tits, and masturbate to them

what a dipshit

everything screams homosexuality at me, that how the homos roll.

Nah, just tired of faggots whining in every thread that something is illegal.

how do you get this committed to your anger when you know he's right?

You know you're borderline psychopath right? Like, you know murdering is wrong, but somehow in your head you get angry and justify it...


Shame she vanished from the public eye

Jana Mrazkova. All day, every day. When I found her hardcore sets, I beat off 3 times a day for a week. Good memories.

Oh, well that's cool then. More butts for you.

hey guys, I really need to jerk off, had a rough day. Do a bro a favor and post some hq material.

you're tired of someone pointing out the truth that you for some reason pretend not to believe? Please get help man.

>not desiring anal
This has always screamed closeted homosexuality to me

the feels, my Sup Forumsrother

>Requiem for 2007

It's been handled.

Butt user, that's backwards. I mean if you like putting your peepee in a poopoo that's totally okay. Just kind of gay.

every man who experience an prostate orgasm want to get fucked in the ass, no matter how straight he thinks he is. Even rambo would want to get fucked doggy style.

She's actually pretty ugly but I fapped to her several times as a kid/teen.