>Joe Rogan clip of interview with Arian Foster

>14 surgeries
>likely CTE related issues incoming
>wishes he was never an NFaiLer
>shys away from post-career fame
>retrospectively, would have preferred to persue science or art
>believes said disciplines are the future of society
>...not pandering to the basest, animalistic, vicarious faggotry of rich, fat crackas and the chorus of inbreds who lurch behind them
>vows not to let his kid/s play NFL
>...nor combat / impact sports

Where were you when "America's Game" was on its death bed?

Other urls found in this thread:


why do you care lmao

This is the stupid fucker who thinks he could take a wolf in a fight.

Football is too physical in nature but other sports...

I'd do what he did in a heartbeat. Straight cash homie.

Just sounds bitter. If anything kills the NFL it will be moronic management. Goodell looks up to the task though

because the lowbrow "sport" -- of the dumbest fuck males careening into each other in homage of their animal roots -- is representational of burgervill as a whole:

a cesspit nation where everything is about "bigger", "harder" and DUMBER

>an anathema to the species
>any sign of its imminent expunction, is welcome

Joe Rogan's podcast is lit as fuck f@m



coming from a cheating linguine dick, that's just a plainly confusing stance to take, onaninni

More like the world GAYS

cry more, convict

Surely Rugby League is "fightball"?


>into gob

>Surely Rugby League is "fightball"?


There's a good chance your mother is Italian, not nice paisan


nice grasp of first-link Google (((history))) you have there, burger brains

...it's little wonder you're now in the throes of the same societal-ending mistakes of past decadent, dumb-fuck empires

>amaaaazing graaaaaaaaace...

>black guy with tens of millions of dollars complaining about anything ever
am i supposed to care lmao

>a wog

a tad more north-east, cock-nacho

>implying im going to read that shit

Go watch your grass ballet you poofter

>black guy with tens of millions of dollars complaining about anything ever

>could make orders of magnitude more from post-career endorsements, but refuses to on principle
>literally championing science and art
>proving his reformation by saving his kids from the same, brain-damaging fate

i know where you're coming from, but he doesn't have to say what he's saying -- he doesn't have to foment the controversy that will now surely simmer from his comments

>...also, not 100% nigger

You're memeing me




Would you ever let me come up and visit in the outback, maybe give me some meme tutorials? Honestly ill pay my way if you ket me stay

Pls respomd

If you're below 30 you can get a 1 year working holiday visa then just sign up to work on a cattle station for the true outback experience.


Arain Foster....

oh the guy that doesn't believe in god and says he can beat a wolf in a fight?

>now wishes he was NFaiLer

Nothing I love more than to see a smug atheist fail.

Projecting hard there m9

I actually agree with Arian on some of his viewpoints, but god damn, that nigger CANNOT articulate his positions at all.
"If it were up to me... society would be filled with.. uhh... scientists! Scientists.... and uhh... Scientists and ARTISTS, man!"
I'm not sure if it's because he's black or because he's football brain-damaged.

He's Ricky Williams lite. He's a hippynig

Kek let's be more like Australia

I hate niggers, but Foster is doing the right thing.

A little bit from column A and from column B, even though he "went to college", I doubt he absorbed much while there.

>when you get served a fuckhuge enchilada

Based AJ