Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Is there a correlation between MBTI and IQ?
How about between MBTI and political ideology/beliefs?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Is there a correlation between MBTI and IQ?
How about between MBTI and political ideology/beliefs?
Mine is this.
Red pill me on the ISFJ, the Defender. Am I Sup Forums approved? I sound effeminate and a borderline social justice warrior, even though I am not the latter.
ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)
Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.
Brian Tracy
>do you approve of me, g-guys?
found a red flag right there
Intjs are known to be more intelligent than average and we don't have time for pointless shit for the sake of tradition. So we're either libertarian, an-cap, or trying to take over the world.
all the observants "S" are literally the plebs of humanity, what they create never last long, all the damage they do is fixable
All the "NF's" are the ones who fuck the world and the "NT's" the ones who save it
there you go son, a resume of Human Hystory
also try guessing my MBTI
Your personality isn't related to your political views.
You stand up and protect what you believe in, that's all.
The same way a INTP or ENTJ can be a degenerate communist, can also be a redpilled person.
Are ISTP's based?
i got commander. bretty accurate
ISTJ autismo masterrace, get fucked
John Wayne, Ron Paul, not bad senpai. You could be INFP.
Lol if you're not intp
We INTP/Js gotta stick together
Where are the serious discussions at?
INTJ or INTP. I'm pragmatically a libertarian, but if given the wish by a wizard I'd live in a fascist ultra nationalist world government exclusively white hellbent on transhumanism and space colonization.
That's the realist shit of all time right there.
Not an argument.
here u go mate
find my comment bae
>Not taking the opportunity to use meme tabs
If there is a correlation between the Personality Types and IQ, anyone who Feels more than they Thinks is in the lower half of the bell curve.
>ISTJ autismo masterrace
more like the grand beta autistics
INTJs are the masterace proof to that is that we are the only ones who can handle ENTPs women
if only INTJs and ENTJs were allow to rule, this will be a very diferent world
INTP here as well. Sup Forums seems to be a hive for us
Its Ok i guess
enfp fag here.
All extroverts need to hang.
>"we don't have time for pointless shit"
>while shitposting about your IQ and personality type
>on the neonazi corner of an anime discussion forum
These tests are such bullshit, I've taken them once or twice a year for the past 20 years and they results have been different every time. Sure, personality can change, but these measure fleeting moods and circumstances that could change in a matter of days.
Hard to do in real life.
Few and far between.
INTP is the true autist personality
your kind are the specially degenerated fucks that have been ruining this world
>Che Guevara
>Fidel Castro
>Prophet Muhammad
>all the SJW leadership
pls kill yourself
10 years*
Filthy scum!
>...what politicians are made of
>user is around 60 - 70% cancer
Honestly surprised that everyone on pol isn't INTJ. I am and I really don't understand what difference it makes compared to the others. Someone enlighten me?
>It's a Sup Forums makes pseudoscience thread episode.
J's take a hit in creativity and metaphysical analysis. They are more productive and strategic, but studies show the xNxP types overwhelming constitute the "gifted" students in academia and life.
Friendly reminder.
INFP, did this test already. We are the patricians, you will bow.
I guess?
Meyers-Brigg is pseudoscientific nonsense.
>Is there a correlation between MBTI and IQ?
Sort of.
Introverts score higher than Extraverts
Intuitives score higher than Sensors
Thinkers score higher than Feelers
Perceivers score higher than Judgers.
INTP's have the personality traits that select for the highest IQ.
who INWS-H here?
Lol I'm an Engineer
You can be successful too guys
1. write down goals you want to have
2. Audit the amount of time you spend each week towards those goals
3. If you're not spending a lot of time manage what you're doing!
4. Stop being a fucking faggot and blaming others for your downfall that's how fucking women act you are men. Men have and will continue to build society you can take anything being thrown at you like previous men did before you.
i'm so sick of these threads.
I got ISTP.
>tfw literally master race
>tfw life is good and life is ez
feels fucking great man
Debater here too, but it is also known as the visionary.
No, you browse Sup Forums. You're a loser.
>personality typology is a pseudoscience
Go back to Or better yet, fuck off to Reddit
coked up ISTP here
fucking master race, i feel like beating up some INTP nerds and INFP faggots
I'm introverted so people never guess how assertive I am.
If you aren't high tier or above you should kill yourself.
Thank you. May as well be arguing about star signs if you ask me.
Btw Libra master race right here. The other star signs aren't really white. Scorpio are niggers, Aquarius are autistic, and all earth signs are kikes.
It actually would be better, yeah.
INTJ create the idea, ENTJ leads the other personality types to fulfil the idea, INTPs fix potential flaws and ENTP fends off idiots who think otherwise.
Although ENTJ and INTJ can practically fulfil each others role if reversed, since the test itself asks if the subject likes going to social conventions, etc. while it doesn't ask "Do you like to lead people?" and "You enjoy listening to the faggot next to you, rambling about his failed relationships and miserable life?"
Everyone's response to their personality type:
>oh, I got XXXX
>this great historical figure also got XXXX
>we're so alike! i'm just like him xD
Sage goes in all fields.
Sorry I don't believe in horoscopes
INTP here. i'll take you on fag. any time, any place. Ya bastard
ayy niggers
Nonsense I'm the best INTP there ever was
>my inference is based upon x
>x is based upon y
>y is based upon my score
>my score is based upon pseudoscience
>pseudoscience is based upon my inference
It is a vicious cycle my friend. Or viscous, depending on temperature...
You're probably a genderfluid otherkin.
>96% thinking, 4% feeling
I'm a fucking robot
Yeah I suppose so!
Heinrich Himmler was a ISFJ. I'm practically a Nazi. xD Gas the kikes. Race war now. Amirite?
Haha, I got INFP.
Worst tier represent.
my brother from a polish mother
Also, am I the only one who lies to people just so I can benefit from them?
Pretty flattering, but I wouldn't be so arrogant to call myself a leader. My political beliefs are fluctuating, depends what works, but I'm basically a moderate with an occasional authoritarian and reactionary streak.
Sorry, but i think sensor types are the glue of society, we can't afford too many special snowflakes.
INTP here. How do I join the shitposting master race?
Most common one is the INTJ and Nietzsche comparison.
Or the INTP "I'm smart but lazy" types. "Einstein was an INTP and he was so un-organised just like me!!"
fuck off INTJ's
I think that's a sign of sociopathy, user.
No, it's a common trait among the lesser races.
I'm not arguing that the INTPs are the most intelligent members of humanity, I'm just saying that they should be under INTJ/ENTJ command, INTPs and ENTPs in leaderships should not go further than member of gabinets or councils
you need to gather other peoples opinions, take stock of them and review them before coming to the conclusion that they are idiots and you are right
But I only 'manipulate' the idiots which aren't going to do anything with their life and might at least benefit me, I don't manipulate people who are normal. So I'm not a sociopath, r-right?
Funny that you say that. I got INTJ today, but a few months ago I was an INTP. What does it mean?
INTJ, as always. Have been taking this test repeatedly for five years and it's always the same damn thing.
>talks like a euphoric
oh hey worst tier intj
absolutely based
ISTPs are so amazing. we're awesome
Anyone wanna be my gf
not much thinking
30% isn't bad.
Yeah prob true generally. I would accept that. I'm trying to meme online still at the same time all this is unfolding anyway.
Throwing a fit when your mother doesn't buy you a lollipop is not manipulation.
2 out of 5 Campaigner
2 out of 5 Debater
1 out of 5 Mediator
this is depending on mood
am I a degenerate?
Reminder that if you're a introvert, you're automatically a Beta by default.
130-ish IQ.
Interestingly, ENTPs are also some of the more likely to vote "independent". This also seems to hold for INTPs and INTJs (NT is the "intellectuals" group), suggesting that the NT might play a role?
Also called the "thinkers", NT-types also appears, as far as I have noticed, tend towards existentialism or rationalism.
I thought there weren't that many blacks in Canada?
>No God Emperor Tier
Bow to me peasants
>feeling 90%
You might as well hug a tree, hippie scum.
ENTP-T represent.
You're wrong, and hopefully after I tell you why you'll smarten the fuck up.
Red pill me on enfp guys
What's assertive / turbulent ?