ITT Things that liberals ruined
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Western civilization
The shirts, right?
And the beards
being a non-faggoty gay man
Women ruined liberalism
Liberalism was like the only ideology where you didn't get cucked by the government to get your legs blown off at 20. Then feminism came along......
You're thinking of flannel. Yes, they ruined that as well.
Facial Hair, basically. Used to be a sign of royalty and civility, or savagery and honour based on how you wore it. Liberals fucking destroyed those notions.
Hobby electronics and the maker culture. Suddenly anyone with an arduino is an electrical engineer and it is predominantly hipster computer science trash posting themselves doing it.
patriotism as well
Only cucks buy into the "Royalty" meme
You're literally bending over to ONE family
I still remember that guy I saw in Montpellier with a beard reminding me of Nicolas the second and wearing Raybans ...
The word "problematic". I used to like that word
Hearing I look like a hipster when I wear a flannel and my boot camp glasses makes me want to punch a baby.
Fuck off Anarchist scum.
They have no real power, and are a symbol of Britain's wealth, culture and heritage. They're not our leaders, they're what we stand for.
Also, Harry's a badass and Philip is based.
How do you not get a half-freedom chub from this? Are you of the homosexual variety?
>PV2 Faggot quoting Dane Cook
this style
Gaming but not in the GamerGate way. Indie devs had the opportunity to make games that could outshine generica AAA trash but instead of making something innovative, most of them just make pixel shit. I blame the gamers though, they praise shit like Undertale when it's really just a step back in gaming.
You don't have to be an anarchist to be a cuck for royalty but hey just shove some words in my mouth if you feel like it
mike on the daily shoah said something really interesting about hipster white people ive been thinking a lot about.
he pointed out that these beard and suspenders hipsters who drink homemade beer and go to farmers markets for organic produce are actually in a way creating white only spaces in a way that organizations like the KKK and american neo nazi groups have failed to do.
its really funny because most of these people are liberals but still form common bonds around very traditionally white things, while adopting a 18th century white aesthetic
im sure most of these people are "totally open minded" according to themselves but go to any famers market on a sunday and tell me how many non-whites you see
its like they've found a way to project being non-racist while at the same time creating businesses and hobbies that only largely foster white comradery
their fascination with the old timey and vintage shit sort of indicates a desire to return to a simpler time, with record players and rotary dial phones. what they dont realize is they're really just promoting white culture.
but whatever im rambling, i just never thought of it like that before
wrap it up boys we are done here
>shore side
>I'm aware of every statement to come out of the objectively worst (male) comedian's mouth
>my nut hair doesn't have more salt than your water dog ads
Thanks for playing terminal lance.
I fucking hate that word.
Totally agree about Indie games. They're mostly trash
> If I don't carry an axe, people think I'm a "lumbersexual"..
I do chop down trees, I often wear flannel and i have a big oak beard. And city people think I am a hipster, the fuck
What style? That guy looks like a fucking faggot.
I always thought this pic was a caricature, not a true to life pictorial study
Friendliness and trust between total strangers.
of course you would have this saved.
Why is Sup Forums so fucking obsessed with cucks and black dick?
the "tie too long, tie clip too high" style
Public education
Higher education
Fantasy novels
Tabletop RPGs
Video games in general
Everyday interactions on a local level.
Look, it's pol's boy Gapin McAnus!
there is literally zero black dick in that gif
ITT alt-rightists fetishizing the same exact same shit that nu-males do
>le manly beard and flannel meme
Guys, we have to make flannel shirts great again
its literally shilling.
or did you forget that when moot removed post timers on Sup Forums it was inundated with black on white porn
I've heard people comment on how white and homogenous groups of hipsters and SJWs are but never has it been explained in this way. It's a great point.
Is being a hipster the true red pill?
i'm done fuck this planet fuck everything and everybody
its really how you wear it. if you wear it loose, with a nice plain pair of straight leg jeans and some white sneakers, you can look more 90's than hipster.
honestly just dont dress like a hipster and you wont look like one, even if you wear flannel
plus this:
Double sad now that that Brasilian guy has passed
no, its just that liberals are just as racist as the conservatives they like to project the label onto.
That's not the actual argument but ok.
The actual argument is that both sides tend to be equally vitriolic (usually in different ways) and closed minded when it comes to actually understanding the other sides' ideas. For example, each side often sets up straw men of the others' argument as pic related so gloriously shows.
As someone in the middle of it all it's really fucking frustrating watching people on the left and right duel it out, as they're so far from each others' actual premises that any arguments they might present are irrelevant to the conversation. In the end close to nothing of real worth is produced by debates as everyone hurls meaningless rhetoric and slurs at each other. People are more interested in fluffing up their egos vs reaching any real truth to the matter, as they refuse to accept ANY truth in the others' ideas. It's all so fucking pointless.
the right wing needs to co-opt the movement somehow. remove the politics a lot of these people have and it's actually a great thing. supporting white locally owned businesses, rejecting globalist shit like kikemart, and the DIY thing are actually great for white people to form a communal mindset
Only things left are actual literature and anime and manga.
>ITT Things that liberals ruined
orgys and faggotry
Fucking disgraceful. Sad what has become of White males. Unreal that they post this shit are are obsessed with nigger dick. Jews are even worse.
They ruined the word "literally", too.
Hello fellow anti SJW! I sure do agree with you! both sides are just as bad! especially those anti SJWs! those misogynistic shitlords!
lurk more faggot
Were you here for the porn spammers? In retrospect they pulled off something brilliant.
not an argument
Lesbians in all honesty. I remember when it was cool, now people just think I hate men and have a thing against babies.
Fuck lib cunts
and the new ghostbusters senpai.
yeah but nobody is actually falling for the new ghostbusters. It is guaranteed to bomb
post tits
All my friends
>It is guaranteed to bomb
and the fallout is going to be the greatest thing ever
I wear flannel all the time. It matches my camo.
a better question would be, what HAVEN'T they ruined?
im convinced this is the main reason trump is doing so well above everything else
he's bringing america back to a time when you didnt have to be on your toes about what you say constantly. when you could make a joke about how women are bad drivers or something and your girlfriend would pretend to be mad for a second but everyone knew it was all in good fun.
liberals have literally destroyed the concept of fun almost entirely
This is why I go to this site... your alt-right retarded tears sustain me.
They have tried and failed to ruin our Lord and saviour
>Women get paid to fuck niggers as a job
>"Oh my god, white men are doomed!"
They;d literally shit in each other's mouths if the paycheck were fat enough, they are the high school whores you remember who decided to make a career doing the only thing they were ever good at: sucking dick.
I don't know if anyone has the image, but one of the "Blacked" actresses went on twitter and said she regretted becoming a pornstar and doing shoots and she was struggling emotionally because of it. This is true of all pornstars, none of them are into what they do and I'd imagine after years of doing something where you are only valued for your ability to take dick it'd eventually ruin you emotionally.
the best part is when you try to leave and it's too late. you'll start seeing Sup Forums shit confirmed everywhere in reality. trust me, i was like you once.
I think we all know where that was going buddo
I shaved my awesome beard because of hipster fuckers like that....I am clean shaven with short faded hair
I cannot find a single one to disagree on
Why live
Which one do you guys think is hottest?
have you watched the video?
they call the cops and they niggers get arrested
beards were always fag tier
Premise: SJWs and anti-SJWs are similar.
Argument: Because they don't understand each others' premises but like to pretend they do. This results in unproductive bickering and the loss of potential in reaching meaningful conclusions about important events.
Now stop spamming NAN you duce
is that why they are pushing this other girl (one in the middle) so hard now?
was it jillian jansen or allie rae who did the bitching?
right because her eyes
the middle looks like a mongoloid
Maker culture?
The one in the red shirt
This. And what gets me is they have so little imagination. Like they either make a 3d printer or just make something you can buy for cheap anyway.
Whenever I see someone with an undercut it's usually way too long on top and shaved too high up.
Pic related, done right.
>tfw used an arduino for my EE senior design project
alternatively, those who work in IT or do coding are not engineers as they are unqualified to even take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, which determines who and who isn't an engineer.
I play guitar and sing and believe me that we disappoint liberals erry night because we present countries as THINGS THAT OUGHT TO FUCKING EXIST
I don't remember, I don't even watch porn anymore. Like I said, I'd imagine all porn actresses feel like the girl, whoever it was, that took to twitter mentally breaking down. It is all probably just a matter of time until they all feel like pieces of meat, if they don't to start off with. How many times can you have some guy fuck you in the ass and have your "fans" talk about how they wanted to fuck you in the ass before your self worth deteriorated to basically nothing?
omg haha look, a jew!
That's not really an undercut, its just a low fade
I was homeless for a bit. I wasn't a dirty hobo just unkept, but I had so many hipsters tell my they liked "my style".
what havent they ruined?
Agreed! Anti-SJWs are the cancer of this board, as well as ALL white people.
jewish porn directors btfo, never to recover!
Doesn't look like a fade to me. It's the same as Hitler.