This whore at my work sends nudes like the plague. If you got a nice dick it's all yours...

This whore at my work sends nudes like the plague. If you got a nice dick it's all yours. I'll post the digits with each photo I upload that I've seen first three digits 630


Second three. 730

she old and gross so no thanks.

Last 4 : 8203

She's about 50 I think. She brags about her fake titty's all the time. "Oh everyone in Hollywood has them" bitch you work in a factory.

Milf? More?

I have plenty more. She sucks cock for money here at work. She try to hide it tho. I gave our her # text her a pic of your dick or something. She's easy as fuck and yeah she's a milf

And you're complaing because .??? Just take advantage of her, make her blow you and fuck you on days that you're horny. Dump her, and call it a day.

>She sucks cock for money here at work.
It shouldn't be hard to fuck her for free if you're young. Just make sure to put a condom on and never take it off.

I'm not complaining, just sharing. I have more of her I'll share. Can't say much of why I'm posting cause of the white knights

tell me you've already hit that.

She sucked my dick that's it. I didn't pay up though and .. well you can guess the rest.

more? or how can contact her?

I posted her number. I'll type it here I guess though. Kept registering as spam
Six three zero seven three zero eight two zero three.

oh so she wants money... i mean not bad for that type of bod.

didnt pay? so shes an actual whore?

I think it’s fake.

Wouldn’t mind writing her tho

Yeah, she likes to act all high and mighty like a stuck up bitch. Like she's some queen who only gets touched by the best. The photos she said are "Art". She is very high confidence.


>She is very high confidence.
dead wrong
-a fundamentally fuckwitted observation-
hope you're joking

She got a Snapchat?

Post nudes

Shes hot for a 50 year old

the fuck are you talking about? if she's confident in herself or thinks highly of herself, that's still gonna be how to presents herself, and in presenting herself in such a way that she wants to get paid, she is showing confidence in her body and her worth. Could you be confident in the same way?

you are one dumb fuck
no woman like that has any confidence
it's as fake as your understanding of human behavior