Where can I print a plastic card? I have a picture of the card that I want to print and I need it for reasons

Where can I print a plastic card? I have a picture of the card that I want to print and I need it for reasons.

fucking arbitrary


I don't get it

NIGGA I GOT A CARD THAT NEEDS PRINTING. And it's gotta be plastic so it looks legit as fuuuck. Like a credit card type of material. Ima wipe my ass with it as a prank dude then my mans is gonna flip out and think I wiped my ass with his credit card. Or something like that.


just grab one of those fake ones they send in the mail

still lost me

This is good... yes...


I think kinkos does that


AYYYYE if this is true that will be perfect

or just use his actual fucking card? its plastic it will wash faggot.

It's not hard to understand YOU PLEEB

seems pretty hard, i mean "Plastic Card"???

Card printer.

Schools, Colleges, Bus Stations, ID places.

I'm not making a credit card cacheega nigga i L I E D

You think my college will let me use their if printer? I mean I guess I could sneak but, I don't wanna get caught

Steal it.


If you have a college ID and whatnot or dorm pass/RFID card, they can be copied/cloned.

All the people refusing to help you are fucking gay.

U mom gay

OP, I'm not stupid and can help but you have to explain why you need a card printer.

I think you are trying to infiltrate a wing of the campus or make a fake/duplicate ID with a different name.

Let me tell you that campus security will fuck you up with the cameras.

I'm just playing with you fam. Im just trynna make a card that I can use as an I'd to get booze because I'm 20 and I legally have to be 22 to get in where I live and I'm a raging alcoholic.

i kik , but I got a fag mask and shiiit thoooo

just ask someone older than you, you dense motherfucker

I am not dense. My skin is actually soft to the touch thank you very much...

>Scan the ID. Edit the DOB and Age
Yeah..... That will work.

Man, get an older gf or friend.
Or pay someone professional

Bro I'm asking Sup Forums how to print an ID card. Do you really think I have ANY friends?

Male a hacker IT friend

Bug the computer with a RAT and remote access the computer and print an ID or break in, with gear, kit, mask, hoodie, etc.

buy a card printer from aliexpress

I might just bug it with a USB and try to remotely access it... it will be a learning curb though. I only have very basic knowledge on h4ck1ng

Probably the most sane answer on this post lmao, But I'm broke as fuck

darknet markets

Get an Arduino Pro Micro.

> 2017
> not having a 3d printer

And install Arduino IDE

Does your college run Windows?

Lmao true true

Unlike you most of us are mere peasants on the economic hierarchy. I lack the financial resources to obtain said 3rd dementional printer

I'll look into that...

Put a meterpreter payload on that shit or skid out with Nanocore.
Put your ID in the template of the Card Printer and then edit the card.
Print. Clean your tracks.

However, this is a state ID. How will you replicate the lamination?

Fuck... idk.. I guess that's were I'm bamboozled. Cuz I have no frickin clue where I can get some official looking gov lamination...

You won't unless you are willing to wait a month.

Can you pass for 21?

I look kinda young for my age. Or I've been told. I could try to grow facial hair...

Find someone to buy the liquor

But whenever I try to talk to people to make comerads... I shake violently.. and start sweating...

Just be like this,

Hey, I am 20 and I want some liquor but can't get any. You are able to buy liquor Here's x amount of bucks, get x for me and something for yourself.

Heeey... that's pretty good. Thanks m8, but what if they suspect that I'm a cop or something trynna fug up his life

Read 48 Laws Of Power.

Go with him/her. Ask up front before deal if they drink. Get a bag of chips or something when you walk in while they buy liquor.

48 laws of power... I'll check into that. I'm assuming it's a book that helps people with social manipulation


Listen though. Offer something for them.

EXAMPLE: If you buy it for me, I'll give you money for a drink/drinks.

Or "what do you want in exchange for doing this?"

Never be like, remember when I did x for you. That never works.

We'll that will be helpful. I'll definitely look into that. I'm into that psychology shit


makes sense... reminding people of past deeds and trying to get something from them for it sounds like a easy way to piss someone off

Hit up some frat bros

It would guilt trip them

Well yeah, but depends on the person

Some people get gilt tripped easily. Others just think you did it for them just for favors

Eventually, they get fed up.


Frat bros lmao. I'll have to look that up

Fraternity chads

I know I would...

If you could swoon a female provost/professor, she could buy it.

Ah that sums it up lmao upperclassmen brethren

They always have liquor.

Just never go to a frat party and drink back to back and never join a frat.

You might die.

Lmao I probaly should court a local cougar for alcohol

Now we're talking

JESUS i just looked up what a frat party was. No thanks fuk no. I prefer not to go to Jain accused of rape