You rage you lose

Facebook edition


Nice stat. Who's asshole did they plunge into to get that one?

>mfw Spain conquer 90% of America.

britain invaded every single country in the world
except for 22

It's fucking true though.

Our leaders bomb the third world and then tell the people to move to Europe.

Libya and Syria are the best modern examples we have of this. We fucking bomb them, create loads of angry Muslims, who we then literally ship over to Europe.

It's one thing for our politicians to bomb other countries. That is bad in itself. But to then say to all of the people (remember, Merkel literally invited ALL of them to Europe) that they can go to Europe is just insanity.

Muslims raped every girl in Britain except for 22.

>Argentina invaded by britain
You try and lose twice m8. Failing in a invasion doesn't count as a invasion.

>Muslims raped every girl in Britain except for any older than 22.
Fixed that for you.


>citizens of Britain
>somehow responsible for the actions of their politicians
>they deserve to have their children raped because their politicians invaded somebody
>leftist logic

The truth in this is that the wars in the middle esst occurred to chqnge the racial mix in the west

When did Britain invaded France ? Up to the 100 years war ,most of France pledged allegiance to the British crown. That's hardly an invasion
>Modern internationalist leaders
They're traitors. Destabilisation of the Middle east is terrible but certainly not done for the benefits of the citizens. They're sellout.
Just look at NATO.


Oh gee, a modern submarine sank a ww2 era cruiser.

Large parts of western France used to be part of England after the Norman Conquest.

You have to go back

>invading unoccupied and unclaimed territory

It's not the fault of the British that the savages didn't have a written language with which to construct a legal system to enforce ownership claims.

You tried twice and failed both
We only tried once and failed


>send 1 or 2 ships to the said territory

Thats misleading. It uses current borders of countries to make it seems more impressive. "Oh the bongs invaded crimea? Lets just shade the entire modern russia" "oh, the bongs marched on Beijing and burned down a palace in the 19th century?" Guess thats means we colour in the whole of modern day china"

Always come back home. I swear there's nothing like home sweet home.


>Still not 98%

this is correct though. the eternal anglo already knows an invasion of some shithole is a meal ticket to the west for all its residents yet they can't stop

Yeah, we know it ain't much, but it REALLY pisses them off

kk muslims

I wouldn't complain if America was actually defeated and occupied by an enemy nation. I mean, I'd be out there shooting people, but I can at least respect the fact that a war was fought over the land.

What's going on now is subversion with governments betraying their own citizens. People have every right to be angry.

Damn. Impressive.

We truly did learn from the best.

Why are those Argentines not black?

This is cultural appropriation you shit lord


> Posts a pic with less than 22 countries not highlighted.

>believes US government for the first time is betraying its own citizens
>not realizing it's just rich elites cucking poor people, oldest story in time

what you're seeing in the US is the re-start of class warfare. was a big flare up of it in the 1920s when there was a huge gap between rich elites and the rest of the population. that kind of tampered down after the depression and revolutions in Europe caused the elites to realize that if they pushed poor people too far, the plebs would revolt and kill the elites. looks like Americans have forgotten ...

Do you take home some animals when you visit the zoo?

I had a mexican co-worker say something like this before. "I'll go back to mexico if you go back to Europe."

Yeah niggers I'll go back to Europe but I'm going to take my
>the clothing you wear
>your cell phone

Sorry for invading you guys. Sorry for all the wonderful things Europeans have given out.

What Europeans gave to the savages of the world is akin to aliens coming down to Europe and giving us time travel and faster than light space travel.

The audacity of these niggers never ceases to amaze me. Like a badly spoiled child.

98% of subhumans behave like animals

then complain when their country gets invaded

Thats a map of people we've been at war with, not invaded. Fucking idiot.

thanks mega Satan, i am now a trump missile