Shotato & green texts

shotato & green texts



















Are we posting dark skinned shotas?


>>When I was a shota od about ten, my two older cousins (13, 14) would visit from the midwest, they'd make me undress and lie on the bearskin rung in my dad's den and take polaroids of me. Then the younger one would suck me off and the older one had me suck him. This went on for three years, a coupe times a year.




Stop puttin shota in the title








but then the assholes win…









The spammers find it anyway.
They don't have a life.






besides, you know certain parties are just not able to admit they like this stuff, and therefore lash out.



Hold on making a new thread



hol i lub little white boi dick as much as bbc









Start posting shota on straight threads for now on.



































