America needs to apologize
America needs to apologize
baby... ruth?
Maybe the nips should have checked themselves before they rekt themselves.
But they can make up for it by checking these dubs.
Don't start shit you can't finish.
Correct. By the way, I found your dubs.
fucks sake, the last thread isent even dead yet...
No dice, but how about we give you five minutes alone with the precious instead?
why? looks like an average japanese man
Apologize for what? It seems happy enough.
You need to apologize for firebombing my family in Nanking first, you Jap niggers.
Are these threads popping up because of our new admin Hiroshima Nagasaki?
I sucker punched your girlfriend but then you beat the fucking shit out of me.
My bad, stole your dubs. Here they are.
Actually, they are here.
>be Japanese
>blow up the entire Pearl Harbour
>get buttannihilated when the US retaliates in equal measure
Fuck off proxy
Apologize for Pearl Habor first
Hiroshima was fare game Nagasaki was no real need for but shit happens
UNIT 731
Nips should be grateful we only sent 2, you're welcome.
Faggot, I found them
Filter "America needs to apologize"
nah im good
Got to have your own little safe space where you can convince yourself that you are always the good guys right?
No I won't do that
Apologizing for being right is something you only have to do with women.
Motherfucker we warned those gooks to GTFO.
Can't blame us they didn't.
I miss when South Park used to make funny episodes instead of pandering to what's "in" at the current moment.
I hear ya bro
Remember when the air used to smell better & the grass used to be greener & you could buy a whole basket of cocks for one straw penny
Yeah those were the days, now its all about the sport ball & candy corn
Meanwhile in an alternate universe
>The US government let millions of Americans and Soviets die, and left half of Japan to become a Communist prison state, when he knew the US actually had a miracle weapon that could have scared the Japanese into surrendering. America should apologize.
Apologize for Pearl Harbor first.
remember pearl harbor
is this one faggot who keeps spamming or a jewish conspiracy to drive a wedge between america and japan?
who is that semen demon
>is this one faggot who keeps spamming
yes, you see on other boards shitposts & spam & other garbage happen & people understand thats all it is
but on Sup Forums its "payed shills"
because Sup Forums is the special kid on the block
Shoulda nuked Tokyo too if there was anything left after the fire bombing.
The world needed to see what nuclear weapons could do and Russia needed to know who was in charge.
We will when they apologize for nanking and everything else they did
>Be Japan
>sneak attack america
>start getting btfo
>given a million opportunities to surrender
>refuse each time
>get buttmad when the kid gloves get taken off
No. They started it.
Germany nearly beat us to the bomb, and Japan would have used it too.
Why apologize for winning????
I found the missing dubs guys
Go back to your cuckshed so Mohammad can rape your wife while you watch and your unarmed police do nothing you worthless fucking bong. Your shitty country is a shitstain on the underpants of Europe. Maybe we'll nuke you next.
pathetic, check these though
Daily reminder that the US fabricated the Holocaust in order to justify their unnecessary German and Japanese civilian bombings near the end of the war.
Daily reminder the so called heroes of WWII caused the most women and children causalities.
They need to apologize for pearl harbor first.
How about they demand an apology from their shit government?
I think TWO bombs was unnecessary, and I don't support apologizing for the event by any means. Something had to be done, and the bombs weren't even as bad as what we were already doing to them with firebombing.
But you guys all like "LMAO FUCKIN JAPS DESERVED IT, USA! USA!" are disgusting and pathetic human beings. One day you will grow out of this infantile mentality and realize how moronic you sounded when saying this stuff.
So salty, for someone so for using that nuke on civilians again I wonder why you get so triggered by threads that highlight your past war crimes and atrocities?
War is cruelty. Oddly enough the microwaving of a few thousand gooks created peace for decades and saved millions from future generations because the world learned the power of nuclear weapons. Like some sick sacrifice
When are you guys going to apologize for your war crimes?
step aside
>japan attacks naval base
>yanks drop two nukes on civilian cities
>"retaliation in equal measure"
lmao at you stupid yanks
the japs did terrible things with the chinks etc.
but american stupidity is unmatched
>you Jap niggers.
100% sure OP is American.
why are you americans so retared?
Enjoy your migrants Kraus
>some bad nip kill a innocent people
>it's OK to burn them all!
fuck racist logic. kill yourself
How about they apologize for making anime and becoming the most feminine country in the world
That's you Canada
Quit losing your dubs, here borrow mine
Japan getting BTFO by a fucking leaf
Haha funi america dog
nice niggers
Yes, Obama should apologize, just as soon as whites apologize for slavery
>"What are you lookin' at, smoothskin?"
It was just a flesh wound.
>2 nukes later they still watch anime and eat raw fish
Fuck those fags.
>Rape of Nanking
dindu nuffin
>Bataan Death March
dindu nuffin
>Hiroshima and Nagasaki
we was irradiated n shieeettt need mo money fo dem war crimes
Why did Russia stop their land grab in East Europe?
Read the 3rd paragraph on that pic
Anime is made for Japanese,not for gaijns.
>most feminine country
we don't even allowed Canuck in here.
We even helped rebuild their cities yet aparently that isn't good enough.
oh these? ^^
Ayy lmao
America did more dmage with the firebombings.
Holy fuck I bet ill get quads
There were many things wrong with WW2.
Nuking the nips wasn't one of them.
Should have surrendered unconditionally right away. This is why you don't go around starting wars.
They should be thankful we helped them rebuild. We could have depopulated them save for a few specimens in cages at a zoo if we wanted.
Eewww, fucking nuke it again and let it die.
>They should be thankful we helped them rebuild.
when americans helped us?
We rebuild Japan by itself.
pic related.
This. Warned them, didn't surrender. Dropped a bomb. Didn't surrender. Warned them AGAIN, didn't surrender. Dropped another bomb, surrendered. They could have prevented it all by surrendering earlier.
Dumb fucking cuck. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were shipbuilding hubs, army garrisons, and manufacturing centers.
You of all people should understand what total war means.
After the Japanese apologize for the whole of WW2 aggression. They started everything and got butthurt when we stepped up and ended it.
Oh, and they still need to apologize for the Chinese incursion and the massacre of civilians.
Maybe with the millions of dollars we pumped into your economy after the war?
desu we got a little out of hand senpai
>civilian cities
good one jerry
You zipper heads didn't do shit. If you did, everything would still have been made out of wood
>the good guys won WWII
we paid 1 trillion yen for fucking gulf war.(fuck)
Your "we helped Japan with money"is fucking bullshit.
I simply don't care.
>Not knowing that the military and industrial targets in Hiroshima where in the East and South East outside the blast zone