Coming here drains all enjoyment out of music
this board is like a bastard child of Sup Forums, "ironic" facebook, and /leftypol/ instead of a decent music board
These hoes think they classy
Well that's the class am skipin
Sup Forums might be in a constant state of shitposting but sometimes I manage to find a diamond in the rough and that is why I come back
real tweet
but Sup Forums being a shit show manages to differentiate itself from other boring ass music forums
I don't think this place has ever been good
its fun to talk to the resident libshits and hipsters
is there a place like rym but with better design, less cancerous fanbase, no ratings and a fair share of memes
stop with the stupid lauren shit? like you better when you talked about music
>tfw you realize your enjoyment of music nested atop flimsy association stilts whittled by your own selective memory and submerged in the unreliable acid dyes for color and all it takes is a single well struck 'pleb' to hew it into the dirt
i've spent too much time on here but there's usually pretty good music here.
unfortunately a lot of it now is just soundcloud meme rap, top 40, whatever fantano pushes, /r9k/ virgins jerking off to waifus, Sup Forumsfags trying to argue with people, serious threads about ac/dc and guns n roses and shit like that which never would have been tolerated years ago. idk why i still bother with Sup Forums the memes arent' even that good anymore and it's not the same tastemaker ahead of the game kind of thing it once was. it's the same albums talked about years later and the same threads repeated. talk about some new interesting shit you've been listening to not the fucking money store or swans or pet sounds for the 124915912962th time
i've been here for 7 years and as i go through life and school and everything i dont think this board is worth my time like it once was. it's not the same community or the same quality.
You're being too optimistic, the old Sup Forums wasn't that great either.
great blog post
feel free to fuck off shits
you bring nothing useful here
you goys and /lit/ are always fun
trump will resign ;)
yeah nostalgia glasses
it's the same shit you just like it better when you first discover it
get the fuck out faggots
it really doesn't faggot, you just need to move on
it's hard to accept it, but you need to go away from this
i'll continue to shitpost and to enjoy music
what other places are there online to talk about music? im getting tired of having to find "diamonds in the rough" like said
hey you
yeah you
if you legitimately believe the shit espoused on this site especially in the politics or video games board you are digging yourself into a pit of self-hatred and no-love-deep-web that will take years to come out of
no one will care for you