I am a rapefugee from afghanistan AMA

I am a rapefugee from afghanistan AMA

Burn in hell.

The Netherlands are currently sending back some Afghanistan refugees since some provinces are considered safe, reclassified as safe.

Eat shit mudskin.

Kind regards,

We are taking Europe over
U mad cuck ?

I played this thread months ago and in opposite to you I was believable you fat faggot
saged and reported

How many euro women did you rape on your journey?

Any answer less than all of them will be a lie.

Too bad that I'm real

Just 2 seriously

What do you hope to accomplish in life? Do you have ambition?
Are you planning on assimilating into the German culture or are you lookin for Afghan-lite?

Stop feeding him newphams


you're not my dad

I just want to have a good life srs. I'd like to do a honest job working to support my family nothing special. Yes I'd assimilate

I considered that, but also consider my duty to let the bait get the better of me.

What a great country we still are, still not past the tipping point I tell you. Germany however, if that new AFD party nukes Merkel in the next election we could be up for some fun. Same goes for the Pegida movement, too bad they're amateurs but the sentiment seems promising.

Post a picture of yourself or you are fake.

Are you on welfare?

What are you going to do when Europeans start slaughtering mudslimes in the street?

Not sure. It's literally open season on German kids and Afd is below 20%. I've grown to hate Germans over these last months

kys reddit


No i am not

Why were let in in the fist place? There is still a NATO presence in Afghanistan . Detroit isn't safe, can we ship our niggers to the EU?

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Be careful faggot, eventually someone will wake up and stick a knife in your throat while you're too busy chasing schoolgirl skirts

Why do you do this Hans

Go to another cuck country


Then welcome home.

People like you are not the problem. The rabid sharia lawyers bent on a worldwide muslim totalitarianism are.

Same can be said of mexicans here in AZ. Those that come to work and make a truly better life are a treasure. Sadly, they are matched in number by those willing to rape the system for personal gain. The system doesn't discriminate, at least here it doesn't. If you dare question the motives of anyone coming across the border, you're labeled racist and immediately discounted.

It's a self deprecating idea, that we must accept and support all that come, thereby creating it's own animosity.

I heard that because afgaynistan is a safe country, only gays get granted asylum in germoney. Does that imply you are homosex, user?

Afraid mudshit?

no one believes you faggot. afghanis are all inbred retards that couldn't find their own asshole let alone a website.

I came here 18 years ago because of the taliban

So Afghanistan?

Love trump he is the only hope for you cuck white people srs

You're literally the stupidest person on this board

Thank you and i think the same way.

Lmao the inbred muzzie calling anyone else stupid, hilarious. You will be shot in the street like a dog mudshit

Nope just not religious that's why.

Mudslimes are the ultimate cucks lmao



I was also 15 once

I always sleep with one open eye
Well i came as a refugee years ago and actually am german now so I don't know
I'm spontaneous

>butthurt afghani detected


Do you think Islamists are trying to take over Europe? Know any personally?

I am 25
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Even if not shitpost

>Kill yourself

Yes and not personally but i know that some people where i live are very radical would deport/10

But muh feelings