Mother or daughter?

Mother or daughter?

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Mother by far. MOMMY IS A 10/10


>that fuckin milf

I'd take both, there isn't any rules saying I can't take both

Shoot man, we're in the 2010s. BOTH!

why not both?

Both at the same time

They're both smoking, but I'll take daughter. Mommy can watch while I fuck her if she likes.

Sister or sister?

The mom is plenty hot and looks like she knows how to fuck. 100% her.

guess their age

That fucking MILF

Right, by far.

47 and 20

Or? Nigga, I ain't no fag GIMME BOTH!

17 and 37.

Good choice

22 and 42

I would marry this bitch.

40 and 17

She's a tight one. What do you like about her? How would you like to use her body?


How about denika or her mother?

>guess their age
Why are we guessing? Do we win something if right? This is Sup Forums - how would we know if we were right?

Which one? Wwyd?



right is mother left is daughter

the mother by a long shot


Muh dick. Left. Bigger tits.


I wish. Don't have any, sorry

